







汉语拼音:tuó luó






  1. 即陀螺。

    清 翟灏 《通俗编·俳优》:“《景物略》:‘陀罗者,木製,实而无柄。绕以鞭之,绳卓于地,急掣其鞭则转,顶光旋旋,影如不动也。’﹝按﹞ 宋 时儿戏物有千千,见《武林旧事》。《道古堂集·妆域诗序》云:妆域者,形圆圜如璧。径四寸,以象牙为之,当背中央凸处置铁鍼,仅及寸,界以局,手旋之,使鍼卓立,轮转如飞,復以袖拂,则久久不能停,踰局者有罚。相传为前代宫人角胜之戏,如 宋 人所谓千千也。此皆陀罗之类。”《儿女英雄传》第四十回:“一进门儿,把眼前的这点儿差使她陀罗儿似的当了个风雨不透。”参见“ 陀螺 ”。



  1. The word Tantra refers specifically to a series of esoteric Hindu books that describe certain sexual rituals, disciplines, and meditations.


  2. A dakini (Sanskrit: "sky dancer" ) is a Tantric priestess of ancient India who "carried the souls of the dead to the sky" .


  3. However, the prayers for riches continue, and Indra is thanked for winning wealth in horses, cattle, and gold by his chariot.


  4. One day, the King of the Devas, Indra was riding his elephant when he came upon a sage.


  5. For instance, a situation in which you feel sexually frustrated is not viewed negatively in Tantra, but as a teaching.


  6. to find out for ourselves, and not go according to what Marx, the Shastras, the Bhagavad Gita, or any of them says.


  7. MASTER: "Well, Ram, I told Trailokya that the yatra performance should not be omitted again. Was I right in saying that? " .


  8. Upon hearing his curse, we fell at his feet and begged forgiveness, for we had acted merely as Indra's servants.


  9. In Tantra, when the male and female polarities merge, a new dimension becomes available-the sense of the sacred.


  1. 以因陀罗在喧哗的战斗。

    To Indra in the tumult of battle.

  2. 因陀罗看见了刹帝利妇人。

    Indra saw the woman, a Sekhri.

  3. 谁也没办法,直到因陀罗降生。

    No one could do anything about this until Indra was born.

  4. 既非吠陀经,也非坦陀罗,也非六派哲学。

    Neither through Veda nor through Tantra nor the six darsanas.

  5. 因陀罗吠陀中的一个主神, 掌管雷雨

    A principal Vedic deity associated with rain and thunder.

  6. 因陀罗和美丽的因陀拉尼管理着他们的天堂。

    Indra and the beautiful Indrani presided over their paradise.

  7. 在吠陀时代, 因陀罗是众神的统治者。

    In Vedic times, Indra was the supreme ruler of the gods.

  8. 因陀罗最显赫的功勋是他和维他的战斗。

    Indra's most notable exploit was his battle with Vritra.

  9. 像陀罗,毗瑟挐据说是已经屈服的大毒蛇。

    Like Indra, Vishnu is said to have subdued serpents.

  10. 于是,因陀罗也降临了,并且以一匹马作为牺牲。

    So, Indra arrived, and performed the sacrifice of the horse.

  11. 因陀罗收下了花环,但把它放置在大象的前额上。

    Indra took the garland, but placed it on the forehead of his elephant.

  12. 一天, 天神之王因陀罗乘着一头大象来到一位圣人之上。

    One day, the King of the Devas, Indra was riding his elephant when he came upon a sage.

  13. 一天,天神之王因陀罗乘着一头大象来到一位圣人上面。

    One day, the King of the Devas, Indra was riding his elephant when he came upon a sage.

  14. 为了防止这一点,因陀罗便派我们去到哥达瓦里河岸。

    To prevent this, Indra sent us to the bank of the Godavari.

  15. 在婆罗门时期及其之后,因陀罗逐渐失去了许多原来的荣光。

    In Brahamanic and later times, Indra slowly lost much of his grandeur.

  16. 夜间有婆罗门学者须跋陀罗去见佛,阿难陀想挡住他。

    At night, a scholar of Brahman went to see the Buddha, but was stopped by Ananda, a disciple of the Buddha.


  1. 问:陀罗尼拼音怎么拼?陀罗尼的读音是什么?陀罗尼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陀罗尼的读音是Tuóluóní,陀罗尼翻译成英文是 Darani

  2. 问:陀罗果雪胆拼音怎么拼?陀罗果雪胆的读音是什么?陀罗果雪胆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陀罗果雪胆的读音是tuóluóguǒ xuědǎn,陀罗果雪胆翻译成英文是 Hemsleya trubinata

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