







汉语拼音:hán xuān








  1. 冷暖。

    汉 荀悦 《申鉴·俗嫌》:“故喜怒哀乐,思虑必得其中,所以养神也;寒暄虚盈,消息必得其中,所以养体也。” 明 刘基 《初夏即景》诗:“前日大热释我裘,昨日一雨凉如秋。寒暄倐忽反覆手,冰炭着躰何由瘳。”

  2. 犹冬夏。指岁月。

    南朝 陈 徐陵 《为贞阳侯答王太尉书》:“自皇家祸乱,亟积寒暄,九州万国之人、蟠木流沙之地,莫不行号卧泣,想望休平。” 唐 李商隐 《为贺拔员外上李相公启》:“葭灰檀火,屡变于寒暄。”《旧唐书·张濬传》:“经歷寒暄,耗费百万。” 明 李东阳 《重游西涯次韵方石》:“流水平堤柳绕垣,重来又隔几寒暄。”

  3. 谓问候起居寒暖。

    《汉武帝内传》:“﹝ 王母 ﹞下车登牀,帝跪拜,问寒暄毕,立。因呼帝共坐。” 唐 裴铏 《传奇·裴航》:“后更不復见,但使 裊烟 达寒暄而已。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·狐谐》:“忽有数人来,狐从容与语,备极寒暄。” 郭小川 《西出阳关》诗:“不用介绍呀,不用寒暄,听见呼吸声就知道你过去在哪团。”



  1. other one aspect of the matter of actual electrify word unmanned conversation, one greets also is ego extemporaneous performance.

  2. With the greetings for a moment, Cheng Yakun was really boring, was ready to go back, but he suddenly saw taking fruit Han cold moon.

  3. The ritual of a greeting between two people should be an uncomplicated, stress-free expression of acknowledging one another, should it not?

  4. But after few cups of wine they began to talk. He could not help but to ask the man about his ex wife and their marriage.

  5. After pleasantries, I spoke to friends of his small office: You wait a little while and for me to make a phone call.

  6. We get into the door, the boss is just in. At a glance, Ya'nan is familiar with him.

  7. Finally, KB came back up to the loft, chilled for a bit and then went home to see his family.

  8. There was no time for me to chit-chat with Mr. Rat, however, because we were due at the briefing.

  9. she did not stand still for any further greeting.


  1. 他们互相作了寒暄。

    The first compliments were passed between them.

  2. 我不善于与人寒暄。

    I'm no good at making small talk.

  3. 我看到朋友互相寒暄,

    I see friends shaking hands

  4. 我们相互寒暄了几句。

    We exchanged a few civilities.

  5. 嗯,寒暄够了,我在洛杉矶。

    Well, enough small talk. I'm in Los angeles.

  6. 在开始做生意之前寒暄一番。

    Exchanged pleasantries before getting down to business.

  7. 表示寒暄应酬的话就是寒暄语。

    Phatic communion is the expression of phatic words.

  8. 寒暄笑谈之後, 我们开始做正事。

    After some pleasant talk, we got down to business.

  9. 他们很从容地握手,互相寒暄。

    They shook hands in an unhurried fashion and exchanged courtesies.

  10. 他们很从容地握手,互相寒暄。

    They shook hands in an unhurried fashion and exchanged courtesies.

  11. 他们寒暄了几句就转入正题。

    After exchanging a few words of greetings they got down to business.

  12. 日语寒暄语的相关特征认识

    The Characteristics of Japanese Greetings

  13. 而美国人很少用寒暄的语言。

    While americans are rarely used greetings language.

  14. 跟人寒暄,假装婚礼让我很开心

    Making small talk pretending this makes me happy.

  15. 除了寒暄之外,要谈的东西很多。

    There's so much to talk about besides small talk.

  16. 寒暄几句之后,他们谈起了正事。

    After a few civilities, they got down to business.

  17. 领导人互相寒暄一番,然後开始谈判。

    After an exchange of pleasantries, the leaders started their negotiations.

  18. 领导人互相寒暄一番,然后开始谈判。

    After an exchange of pleasantry,the leader start their negotiation.

  19. 所以她当时可就没站住进一步寒暄。

    However, she did not stand still for any further greeting.

  20. 表兄妹间得寒暄也会令人多心。

    Even cousinly amenities were subject to suspicion.

  21. 表兄妹间的寒暄也会令人多心。

    Even cousinly amenities were subject to suspicion.

  22. 你讨厌寒暄,我也想知道我错过了什么

    You hate small talk. And I'm really interested in what I missed.

  23. 我的密友和家人不需要跟我客套寒暄。

    My close friends and family needed no ceremonious preliminaries.

  24. 挨个和各位领导热烈的寒暄,递名片。

    Dear leaders, one by one, and warm pleasantries, the number of name cards.

  25. 对这种寒暄应该回答说没有什么需要了。

    The correct answer to the query is nothing.

  26. 为了使见面时的寒暄不至于显得过于简慢。

    To keep the greeting from seeming too short.

  27. 谈寒暄语在日语语言行为中的制约

    Restrictions on phatic words in linguistic activities in japanese ok

  28. 他们寒暄了须臾,也没说什么,就告辞了。

    They exchanged greetings for a while and parted with each other without saying anything more.

  29. 别人手上的寒暄起来,并直行的杀人。

    Others dispense with the pleasantries all together and go straight for the kill.

  30. 我多么想和你,挥手寒暄,和你坐着聊聊天。

    How I want to greet with you, and sit down, chatting.


  1. 问:寒暄拼音怎么拼?寒暄的读音是什么?寒暄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒暄的读音是hánxuān,寒暄翻译成英文是 engage in small talk

  2. 问:寒暄的拼音怎么拼?寒暄的的读音是什么?寒暄的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒暄的的读音是hán xuān de,寒暄的翻译成英文是 phatic

  3. 问:寒暄交谈拼音怎么拼?寒暄交谈的读音是什么?寒暄交谈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒暄交谈的读音是hán xuān jiāo tán,寒暄交谈翻译成英文是 phatic communion




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