






1. 观 [guān]2. 观 [guàn]观 [guān]看,察看:~看。~止(赞叹所看到的事物极端完美,无以复加)。~风(a.暗中察看动静,以定行止;b.观察民间风俗习惯,生活状态)。~阵。~赏。~察。~感。参~。看到的景象或样子:~瞻……



汉语拼音:yǔ zhòu guān






  1. 即世界观。人们对世界的总的根本的看法。

    毛泽东 《矛盾论》一:“在人类的认识史中,从来就有关于宇宙发展法则的两种见解,一种是形而上学的见解,一种是辩证法的见解,形成了互相对立的两种宇宙观。”



  1. The theory was one of history's most imaginative and dramatic revisions of our concepts about the universe.


  2. Yet, limited by its own nature, the application of the cosmology of qi is not unlimited in terms of manners and range.


  3. Each one of them shares with me a different view of the universe.


  4. The cosmology central to religious Hinduism is one in which the godhead is understood to be "dreaming" each of us.


  5. The firm basis for the combination of these two different qualities of revolutionary logic was his world view and view of life.


  6. Through their impassioned dialogue they uncover the cosmology behind the much misunderstood cultural phenomenon: the Pacific "cargo-cult" .


  7. As a tool for human's cognizance, the drawing is a sign system connected with the perfect cosmology and axiology of human society.


  8. Now this cosmic knowledge-based view may -- and I think ought to -- make us feel very special.


  9. It was connected therein with a background of microcosmic-macrocosmic thinking.


  1. 太极宇宙观

    cosmogony of Taiji.

  2. 自然宇宙观

    natural world outlook.

  3. 全息宇宙观

    hologram universe view.

  4. 有机宇宙观

    organtic world outlook.

  5. 正确的宇宙观

    the correct conception of the universe

  6. 宇宙观的不同。

    There is the difference in world outlook.

  7. 辩证法的宇宙观

    the dialectical world outlook

  8. 印第安宇宙观

    American Indian cosmology

  9. 和谐的哲学宇宙观

    harmonious philosophical world view

  10. 以上帝为中心的宇宙观

    a theocentric cosmology.

  11. 现代宇宙观的演变及趋势

    Developmental tendency of the modern views upon the universe.

  12. 以地球为中心的宇宙观。

    A geocentric view of the universe

  13. 宇宙观与繁复的象征体系。

    Cosmology and Complex Symbolic Systems.

  14. 宇宙观是文化的核心问题。

    World outlooks are the core of cultures.

  15. 创世神话与自然宇宙观的建构

    The Mythology of Creation and Structure of Nature and Universe.

  16. 浅析司马迁八书中体现的宇宙观

    Simple Analysis on the Universe View in Sima Qian's Eight Shus.

  17. 蒙古族萨满教宇宙观与草原生态

    Revelation of the View of Universe in Shamanism to the Recovering and Reconstructing of Prairie Ecology

  18. 这与微观宇宙宏观宇宙观的背景相关。

    It was connected therein with a background of microcosmicmacrocosmic thinking.

  19. 这里他说的是两种不同的宇宙观。

    Here he was referring to two different world outlooks.

  20. 我对它没有感觉,这不是我选择 的宇宙观

    It doesn't resonate with me. It's not how I chose to view the universe at a small scale.

  21. 这与微观宇宙宏观宇宙观得背景相关。

    It was connected therein with a background of microcosmicmacrocosmic thinking.

  22. 天人合一代表着我们祖先的宇宙观。

    The unity of heaven and humanity represents our ancestors'cosmology.

  23. 易纬宇宙观与汉代儒道合流趋向

    View of the Cosmos of Yi Wei and the Confluent Tendencies of Confucianism and Taoism in the Han Dynasty

  24. 以利户的宇宙观与今日的宇宙观有何异同?

    What are the similarity and difference between the cosmology of Elihu and current view?

  25. 本文介绍了尼夫赫人的宇宙观和传统习俗。

    This article introduces the world view, Samanism and the traditional custom of NiFuHe people.

  26. 这个组织是安排在打昏, 根据佛教宇宙观。

    This group was laid out and arranged in accordance with Buddhist cosmology.

  27. 我们应该在实践中不断改造自己的宇宙观。

    Through practice, we should make continuous adjustments to our world view.

  28. 我们应该在实践中不断改造自己的宇宙观。

    Through practice, we should make continuous adjustments to our world view .

  29. 爱因斯坦的相对论完全改变了人们的宇宙观。

    Einstein's Theory of Relativity has completely changed the conception of universe.

  30. 他们中的每个人都和我分享不同的宇宙观。

    Each one of them shares with me a different view of the universe.


  1. 问:宇宙观拼音怎么拼?宇宙观的读音是什么?宇宙观翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宇宙观的读音是yǔzhòuguān,宇宙观翻译成英文是 outlook; world view

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