


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 争 [zhēng]争 [zhēng]力求获得,互不相让:~夺。竞~。~长论短。力求实现:~取。~气。~胜。方言,差,欠:总数还~多少?怎么,如何(多见于诗、词、曲):~不。~知。~奈。……





汉语拼音:bù zhēng qì








  1. 不争意气。

    元 无名氏 《争报恩》第二折:“我可也不殢酒,不贪财;我不争气,不放歹,那妮子閒言长语,我只做耳边风,那里也将他来睬!睬!”

  2. 不自振作向上。

    《水浒传》第二四回:“都是你不争气,教外人来欺负我。”《红楼梦》第八十回:“不争气的孽障,狗也比你体面些。” 金近 《骗子骗自己》:“原来是自己那个不争气的儿子。”



  1. "Look Ah Seng, why don't you shape up? " said the CO, who was something of a softie.

  2. The mother is the like this labor, but actually such do not make every effort to succeed, only knew that hits the game.

  3. However, I fail to live up to it, performance is so poor . . . I really do not want to let them be so disappointed, so sad, it tears.

  4. Talking of his disappointing son, the old father flew into a rage.

  5. Your mother is so affable, but his son does not live up to your temples premature gray, you have worked hard.

  6. fail to live up to my tears again streaming down, is happy tears, is moved tears.

  7. But I'm not smart, I don't even dare to call you by name.

  8. Talking of their disappointing son, he is now a danger to his neighboring residents.

  9. Ross: That that's ridiculous! I don't feel guilty for her failures!


  1. 我已经知道那些个不争气的车子。

    I already knew about the lousy cars.

  2. 但我不争气, 我甚至不敢叫你的名字。

    But I'm not smart, I don't even dare to call you by name.

  3. 我这腿不争气,最后一圈跑不动了。

    My legs failed me and I wasn't able to run the last lap.

  4. 贫穷并不可耻, 穷而不争气才可耻。

    Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace.

  5. 对于自己不争气的人我不打算浪费我的时间。

    I'm not going to waste my time on people who refuse to help themselves.

  6. 你不用担心我会抛弃你, 除非你自己不争气。

    You need not be afraid of my deserting you, unless you give me cause.

  7. 可是我却偏偏这么不争气,还给你写邮件。

    Nevertheless I am paltry giving up making a good showing, yet to write you this mail.

  8. 实在是太荒谬了!她不争气和我有什么关系!

    Ross That thats ridiculous! I dont feel guilty for her failures!

  9. 说起他的那个不争气的儿子, 老父亲勃然大怒。

    Talking of his disappointing son, the old father flew into a rage.

  10. 说起他得那个不争气得儿子,老父亲勃然大怒。

    Talking of his disappointing son, the old father flew into a rage.

  11. 美国人站在一旁发干急,深恨其儿子们不争气。

    The Americans are looking on in impotent fury because their brats have failed them.

  12. 在我们离开的那一天, 我那不争气的眼泪禁不住流了下来。

    I couldn't control my tears on the day when we left.

  13. 我慢慢转身回去工作, 但泪水不争气地从我眼中流出。

    I turned around slowly to get back to work, a little embarrassed for the tears in my eyes.

  14. 说起他们那个不争气的儿子呀, 他如今成了邻居们的灾星了。

    Talking of their disappointing son, he is now a danger to his neighboring residents.

  15. 近二百年来,我们国家和民族多灾多难,自己又不争气。

    In the past two hundred years, our country suffered a great deal and our people failed to pull themselves together.

  16. 我也是个不争气的, 过不了几日, 便心软地把他哄回来。

    I was not good, after a few days, he softened his back.

  17. 这时, 我那不争气的泪水落了下来, 滴在了小红的手上。

    At this time, fail to live up my tears fall down, drop in a little red hands.

  18. 我真上不争气, 靠着你, 眼泪就流下来了, 弄湿了你的衣服。

    I'm not against you, and tears fell down, wet your clothes.

  19. 如果他自己争气点, 也就不会死了。

    If he was a better boxer, he'd still be alive.

  20. 教授们常说我们女人不太认真, 要为自己争气。

    Professors told us women that we were not serious enough and we had to prove ourselves.

  21. 妈妈时常告诉我们要争气,不要让本家那些人瞧不起。

    Mom always tells us to do our best not to let those who look down on the same clan.


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