







汉语拼音:sī sī









  1. 形容纤细之物。犹言一丝一丝。

    唐 司空图 《灯花》诗之一:“ 蜀 柳丝丝羃画楼,窗尘满镜不梳头。” 宋 苏轼 《三月二十日开园》诗之三:“鬱鬱苍髯真道友,丝丝红蕚是乡人。” 明 文徵明 《素发》诗:“素髮丝丝不满梳,衰容览镜已非吾。” 闻一多 《红烛·李白之死》:“月儿初还在池下丝丝柳影后窥看,像沐罢的美人在玻璃窗口晾发一般。”

  2. 形容细微的感觉。犹一些、一点。

    宋 苏轼 《江上值雪效欧阳体》诗:“江空野阔落不见,入户但觉轻丝丝。” 刘半农 《静》诗:“他俩已经麻木,不再觉得两边肋胁下一丝丝的噏着痛了。”

  3. 象声词。

    茅盾 《子夜》七:“车子已经开进他家的大门,车轮在柏油路上丝丝地撒娇。” 管桦 《二十八宿》:“油灯丝丝地烧着,灯光里飘动着抽烟的烟雾。”



  1. I, for your presence felt happy, just hope can do; Every time I think of you, in the heart is surging filar silk soft xi.


  2. Huge triangular snakeheads are suspended in his eyes; the tongue of the snake spit out his mouth slightest core almost touched his nose top.


  3. My window is cracked, just a bit, and the air plays on my forehead like a cold whisper.


  4. The air there is no bright stars, it may have been a black air devoured, the trace of moonlight seems to distribute sadness of life.


  5. Liu Qing walk alone, looks hazy days revealed little pale beam. He bowed his head again, what do not want to think about.


  6. The result is a deliciously clever book, full of dark insight and even a touch of hope. Mr Ross dedicates the book to his wife, after all.


  7. The sun was very clear in the sky, and there was a cool breeze from the sea.


  8. As time will rain and regret and lonely, such as in the sky, the wind began to resist unable to choose.


  9. There was one glimmer of hope however, although it contracted, capital expenditure remained in positive territory.


  1. 滴滴清透, 丝丝娇柔

    Clear drops with delicately and sweet taste

  2. 小雨丝丝拉拉地下了几天。

    It has been drizzling off and on for days.

  3. 细雨一丝丝,就是我的泪珠。

    The light drizzle is my teardrops.

  4. 细雨一丝丝,就是我得泪珠。

    The light drizzle is my teardrops.

  5. 树叶儿在丝丝微风中颤动。

    The tree leaves quiver in the slightest breeze.

  6. 丝丝的夹杂着种想哭的冲动。

    Cecil's mixed with species of the impulse to cry.

  7. 爸爸得头发里夹着丝丝白发。

    There are streaks of grey in Dad's hair.

  8. 林野中传来了丝丝笛声

    A constant fluting is coming from the forest

  9. 纯天然荔汁, 滴滴清透, 丝丝娇柔。

    Pure natural lichee juice, clear drops with charming and sweet taste.

  10. 天蝎继承了天秤丝丝暧昧的多情。

    Scorpene inherited the scale of the Silk ambiguous Duoqing.

  11. 余韵又丝丝咸香或是牡蛎的香味。

    Finishes on a slightly bizarre salty oyster flavour.

  12. 我的寂寞快乐夹杂了丝丝涩涩的味道。

    I mixed up with the lonely pleasure of taste fishes.

  13. 除了心痛,我已无法感受一丝丝温暖

    What cold, in spite of achings.

  14. 丽莎叹了口气, 声音中带着丝丝痛惜。

    Lisa let out a sigh that was filled with pain and regret.

  15. 当手擦他而过, 我感觉丝丝的冷。

    I felt the coldness and know what loneliness was like.

  16. 藉由一声丝丝作声得嘘声, 事物开始移动。

    With a sibilant hiss, the Things began to move.

  17. 藉由一声丝丝作声的嘘声,事物开始移动。

    With a sibilant hiss, the Things began to move.

  18. 欢笑悄悄地跑了, 誓言是那丝丝的花瓣

    Laughs went away quietly, oath was withered petals.

  19. 香味充满成熟的浆果香味, 并带有丝丝香草的气息。

    Aroma Big ripe berry fruit aromas with hints of herbs and vanilla.

  20. 天然蚕丝,丝丝娇柔,天然蛋白质,给您舒适与健康。

    Delicate and soft nature silk gives you comfort, and nature protein gives you health.

  21. 紫红色,有成熟水果的香气,带着丝丝植物气味。

    Violet redRed and black ripe fruits with vegetal smell.

  22. 祢只能在我心里勾起那当初一丝丝得涟漪。

    Mine can only be reminded that when I was a ripple of fishes.

  23. 丰富而成熟的果香中透出丝丝烤橡木的香气。

    Big ripe aromas with hints of toasted.

  24. 李子的味道十分出众,并在舌间留有丝丝的薄荷味。

    Bright plum, cassis and fine minty touches.

  25. 散发着菠萝和蜜瓜的香气,感觉蜂蜜的丝丝甜味。

    It offers pineapple and honeydew melon aroma, feels like the sweetness of honey.

  26. 在严冬的风寒、冷酷中,我感受到了丝丝春天的气息。

    In the winter's cold, cold, I felt the slightest breath of spring.

  27. 夏季热忱地迎来了秋的脚步,丝丝凉意是秋的风格。

    Summer warmly welcomed autumn's footsteps, the slightest of cooling is the autumn style.

  28. 本报讯夏末的桃花源,风光旖旎,透着丝丝凉爽。

    Report from our correspondent late summer, the peach garden boasts beautiful scenery, appearing filar silk cool.

  29. 丝丝的皱纹与岁月的痕迹,无情地刻划在他的额上。

    When the merciless marks of age etched lines on his forehead.

  30. 这样的热情, 能一丝丝潜入内心, 竟然让人有些贪恋。

    This kind of passion, can trace into inner, unexpectedly let people, some love.


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