











汉语拼音:pò fǔ chén zhōu








  • 【解释】:比喻下决心不顾一切地干到底。
  • 【出自】:《史记·项羽本纪》:“项羽乃悉引兵渡河,皆沉船,破釜甑,烧庐舍,持三日粮,以示士卒必死,无一还心。”
  • 【示例】:只要我们有~的决心,就能克服学习上的各种困难。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、状语;形容做事的决心很大


  1. Although you may not always like to hear negative feedback, whatever you do, don't burn your bridges.


  2. Since Mary's father would not give his consent to her marriage to the man, she decided to burn her bridges and eloped with him.


  3. Many wonder if the president has now decided to go down with the ship.


  4. Andy is intelligent , energetic and is ready to burn his boat.


  5. "We have crossed the Rubicon, " said the Polish prime minister, Donald Tusk, as the deal was done.


  6. Maybe being laid off was a blessing in disguise. Maybe, it is time for you to conquer your fears and go for broke.


  7. Now the president has won the first of those matches with an audacious checkmate snatched from a seemingly hopeless position.


  8. Influential senior managers are in their last jobs, with no desire or incentive to rock the boat.


  9. We decided to burn our boats to stick it out.


  1. 破釜沉舟。

    Burn your bridges.

  2. 他破釜沉舟。

    He has burnt his boats behind him.

  3. 我们破釜沉舟。

    We burned our boat and bet all the house on one hand.

  4. 我们破釜沉舟。

    We burned our boat and bet all the house on one hand.

  5. 要前进, 必须破釜沉舟。

    To move forward, you have to burn your bridges.

  6. 要前进,必须破釜沉舟。

    To move forward, you have to burn your bridges.

  7. 他破釜沉舟,决心做到底。

    He burned his boats and was ready to do it to the end.

  8. 为了胜利你需要破釜沉舟。

    You need to burn your boats, in order to win.

  9. 是的, 我只得破釜沉舟了。

    Yes, I just had to burn my boats behind me.

  10. 他们破釜沉舟地战斗以求生存。

    They fought desperately for their lives.

  11. 准备采取坚决的行动, 破釜沉舟。

    Draw the sword and throw away the scabbard.

  12. 今天我们要破釜沉舟,背水一战了。

    Today we cross the Rubicon. There is no going back.

  13. 我决定破釜沉舟, 把公司卖掉。

    I decided to burn my bridges and sell the company.

  14. 我们已经破釜沉舟, 下决心奋战到底。

    We have burnt our boats and decided to fight to the end.

  15. 她与他结婚系破釜沉舟之举。

    She burned her bridges when she married him.

  16. 有一种勇气,叫破釜沉舟,背水一战。

    There is a kind of perseverance, called Kua.

  17. 她聪明热情,且随时准备破釜沉舟。

    She is intelligent, ardent and ready to burn her boats.

  18. 破釜沉舟消除返回或撤退的可能性

    To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat.

  19. 有见地!小弟就是有鉴于此, 这次破釜沉舟。

    Sure! Because of that I tried to risk for the last time.

  20. 破釜沉舟,就是选择一条不可回头的道路。

    To burn one's bridges is to commit oneself to an irreversible course.

  21. 安迪聪明热情, 且随时准备破釜沉舟干到底。

    Andy is intelligent , energetic and is ready to burn his boat.

  22. 他们的参战使他们破釜沉舟永远弃绝孤立主义。

    Their entry into the war made them cross the Rubicon and abandon isolationism forever.

  23. 这个城被破釜沉舟的敌人围困了九年多。

    For more than nine years the city was surrounded by determined foes.

  24. 这个城被破釜沉舟得敌人围困了九年多。

    For more than nine years the city was surrounded by determined foes.

  25. 我们不久前讲到凯瑟琳已决心破釜沉舟。

    We left her just now declaring that she would burn her ships behind her.

  26. 许多人在想,这位总统是否已经决定破釜沉舟。

    Many wonder if the president has now decided to go down with the ship.

  27. 英文不好的学生只好破釜沉舟, 硬着头皮把英文搞好。

    Students have no choice But to mug up on it if they want to progress further.

  28. 现在我们已经破釜沉舟了,除了按前进外,别无选择。

    Now we've burned our bridges behind us and we option but to forward with the project.

  29. 现在我们已经破釜沉舟了,除了按计划前进外,别无选择。

    Now we've burned our bridges behind us and we have no option but to go forward with the project.

  30. 如果你要罢工, 就得破釜沉舟, 因为他们不会再雇用你了。

    Lf you walk out on your job now you'll be burning your boats with them because they won't employ you again.


  1. 问:破釜沉舟拼音怎么拼?破釜沉舟的读音是什么?破釜沉舟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破釜沉舟的读音是pòfǔchénzhōu,破釜沉舟翻译成英文是 burn one’s bridges



“破釜沉舟”是个多义词,它可以指破釜沉舟(游戏技能), 破釜沉舟(汉语词语), 破釜沉舟(2012年美国电视剧), 破釜沉舟(卫翰韬导演的电视剧)。

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