







汉语拼音:tòng huǐ






  1. 深切地悔恨。

    明 王守仁 《传习录》卷下:“及官留都,復取 朱子 之书而检求之,然后知其晚岁固已大悟旧説之非,痛悔极艾,至以为自誑誑人之罪不可胜赎。” 郭沫若 《集外·我对于国防文学的意见》:“但当了汉奸也并不自由,或甚至过的是地狱生活,心里也老实在痛悔,甚至日夜以泪洗面。” 巴金 《灭亡》第十四章:“但是她一旦离开了他,特别在夜深人静的时候,他便感觉到剧烈的良心上的痛悔。”



  1. We must be sorry enough to ask God's forgiveness for the things we have done wrong.

  2. He felt like a sinner overcome with remorse and decided to turn over a new leaf.

  3. He will not, at this point, concede any serious regrets, although he clearly harbours some.

  4. "I wish by God that America will regret bitterly that she provoked me and others to combat her with pen and sword, " he declared.

  5. I regret to give up, as if my declaration, refused to accept any camouflage.

  6. Some of those charged with enforcing the blockade have come to regret their participation.

  7. God washes clean those who, no matter their past sins, return to him with a contrite heart.

  8. Filled with remorse, he carried Beddgelert to the oak tree in the garden and buried him.

  9. Deceived myself, I did very miserably deceive you - and it will be a painful reflection to me for ever.


  1. 我感到万分痛悔。

    I repent me full sore.

  2. 痛悔的自白, 心情。

    A remorseful confession, mood

  3. 她突然感到痛悔不已。

    She felt sudden pangs of regret.

  4. 问怎麽能发真心痛悔?

    How can we excite ourselves to true contrition.

  5. 问下等痛悔有什麽效验?

    What is the effect of imperfect contrition.

  6. 他痛悔自己的邪恶行为。

    He repented of his wickedness.

  7. 深沉的悲哀, 痛悔, 辛酸的回忆

    poignant sorrow, regret, memories

  8. 他经常痛悔自己过去的罪恶。

    He often deplores his past sins.

  9. 归向神始于忧伤痛悔的心。

    The way back to God begins with a broken heart.

  10. 忧伤痛悔的心, 你必不轻看。

    A broken and contrite heart, you will not despise.

  11. 所以你应当发奋热心,痛悔改过!

    Such as I love, I rebuke and chastise. Be zealous therefore, and do penance.

  12. 因为伤害了她我感到痛悔不已。

    I had been filled with remorse over hurting her.

  13. 他们会为自己的所作所为痛悔终生。

    They will bitterly regret what they have done for ever more.

  14. 我能用什么言语或心情来痛悔?

    What kind of words or emotions should I repent with?

  15. 耶和华靠近伤心的人, 拯救灵性痛悔的人。

    The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

  16. 上帝要的是为罪而忧伤痛悔的心。

    Give God a broken and repentant heart.

  17. 问为妥当修和,下等痛悔也够了麽?

    Is imperfect contrition sufficient for a good Confession.

  18. 你最痛悔自己身上什么特质全神贯注于自己。

    What is the trait you most deplore in yourself Selfabsorption.

  19. 这是一个破碎痛悔的心里发出来的呼声。

    The voice of a broken, contrite heart.

  20. 因为神所悦纳的祭, 乃是忧伤痛悔的心。

    The sacrifices He accepts are broken and contrite hearts.

  21. 因此,第一步是向神表示痛悔,和祈求祂的赦免。

    The first step then is to show our sorrow for sin and to ask for forgiveness.

  22. 一些当时遵命执行封锁的军人已开始痛悔当时的参与。

    Some of those charged with enforcing the blockade have come to regret their participation.

  23. 耶稣, 祈求者的恩主, 求赐我痛悔己罪。

    Jesus, Giver to those who ask, give me sorrow for my sins!

  24. 我放弃了痛悔,好象我的宣言,拒绝接受任何伪装。

    I regret to give up, as if my declaration, refused to accept any camouflage.

  25. 她用为她葬礼预备的香膏来膏耶稣以表示痛悔。

    She showed her remorse by anointing Jesus with her own burial perfume.

  26. 他感到像一个痛悔过去的罪人,决心重新做人。

    He felt like a sinner overcome with remorse and decided to turn over a new leaf.

  27. 他们依上帝的意思忧愁,是真实地为他们的罪痛悔。

    Their godly sorrow, a genuine remorse for their sins.

  28. 代价!代价!你知道吗?你们的孩子也会痛悔莫及!

    Pay! Pay! You understand? And your children will have to pay with bitter tears!

  29. 他站在那里,显得悲伤痛悔,对每个字都表示同意。

    There he stood, looking sad and remorseful, agreeing with every word.

  30. 人必须兼有痛悔,信心和爱心,才能领受上天所赐的智慧。

    It is contrition and faith and love that enable the soul to receive wisdom from heaven.


  1. 问:痛悔拼音怎么拼?痛悔的读音是什么?痛悔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痛悔的读音是tònghuǐ,痛悔翻译成英文是 to regret deeply; to rue

  2. 问:痛悔的拼音怎么拼?痛悔的的读音是什么?痛悔的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痛悔的的读音是,痛悔的翻译成英文是 contrite

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