







汉语拼音:xián yuè






  1. EACH that we lose takes part of us ; A crescent still abides , Which like the moon , some turbid night, Is summoned by the tides .

  2. A day or two before each summertime quarter-moon phase, 30-40 minutes after sunset, the females expel glowing mucus and some eggs.

  3. Visible on the upper right are the crescent Moon and the bright planet Venus.

  4. neap tide Tides occurring at first and third moon quarters, where the range between high tide and low tide is smallest.

  5. Numerical Calculation of Thermosyphon Boiling Heat Transfer in Lunate Channel

  6. Study on enhanced heat transfer of lunate channel in solar energy air-conditioning system


  1. 弦月正透镜

    meniscus lens, positive.

  2. 弦月负透镜

    meniscus lens, negative.

  3. 下弦月至新月间之时间

    last quarter

  4. 上弦月初现日公平决斗

    Pitfight at the quarter moon!

  5. 弦月形热虹吸提升管

    lunate thermosiphon elevation tube

  6. 弦月型热虹吸提升管

    Lunate thermosiphon elevation tube

  7. 在上层檐口之上是弦月窗。

    Above the upper cornice are situated the lunettes.

  8. 一轮下弦月正在小山上升起。

    An old moon was coming up over the hills.

  9. 今晚下弦月在金牛座的前方闪耀。

    Tonight, the waxing gibbous moon shines in front of the constellation Taurus the Bull.

  10. 在上弦月附近那颗眨眼睛的就是木星。

    Jupiter is that blazing point of light near tonight's waxing moon.

  11. 发生在上弦月和下弦月的涨落最小的潮。

    A less than average tide occurring at the first and third quarters of the moon.

  12. 另外的上弦月发出的光芒在与背对地球那边。

    Another lighted quarter of the moon as brightly in the direction opposite Earth!

  13. 空气弦月徵候在本文中的27个病人可以发现14例。

    An airmeniscus sign in the chest radiograph was found in 14 of the 27 patients.

  14. 火星与上弦月合相,命主会被人为是傻瓜。

    The Moon full of Light in Conjunction with Mars, makes the Native to be counted a fool.

  15. 空气弦月徵候在本文中得27个病人可以发现14例。

    An airmeniscus sign in the chest radiograph was found in 14 of the 27 patients.

  16. 上弦月在午夜来临之前,在贝城睡去之后,便沉入西边。

    The moon sinks down to the west before the midnight sets in, as Be falls asleep.

  17. 天黑得很快,偏巧这天又是下弦月,月亮不会很快升起。

    As the night was fast falling, the moon, being past the full, would not rise early.

  18. 天黑得很快,偏巧今天又是下弦月,月亮不会很早升起。

    As the night was fast falling the moon the full, would not rise early.

  19. 在那里你会找到上弦月和一颗在它下方不远的明星。

    That's where you'll find the waxing gibbous moon with a bright star some distance below it.

  20. 那一句话, 那个为三钱银子而难过的女孩, 不是上弦月主。

    That words, that is three money silvers but sad girl isn't first quarter moon lord.

  21. 那是个令人愉快的夏日傍晚, 紫色的天空挂着一轮半弦月。

    It a pleasant summer evening and a perfect half moon was rising in the purple sky.

  22. 那一句话,那个为三钱银子而难过得女孩,不是上弦月主。

    That words, that is three money silvers but sad girl isn't first quarter moon lord.


  1. 问:弦月形拼音怎么拼?弦月形的读音是什么?弦月形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弦月形的读音是,弦月形翻译成英文是 mososeries

  2. 问:弦月窗拼音怎么拼?弦月窗的读音是什么?弦月窗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弦月窗的读音是,弦月窗翻译成英文是 lunette

  3. 问:弦月藻拼音怎么拼?弦月藻的读音是什么?弦月藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弦月藻的读音是xiányuèzǎo,弦月藻翻译成英文是 Menoidium pellucidium

  4. 问:弦月藻属拼音怎么拼?弦月藻属的读音是什么?弦月藻属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弦月藻属的读音是xiányuèzǎo shǔ,弦月藻属翻译成英文是 Menoidium

  5. 问:弦月形透镜拼音怎么拼?弦月形透镜的读音是什么?弦月形透镜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弦月形透镜的读音是xián yuè xíng tòu jìng,弦月形透镜翻译成英文是 meniscus lens

  6. 问:弦月纹蛱蝶拼音怎么拼?弦月纹蛱蝶的读音是什么?弦月纹蛱蝶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弦月纹蛱蝶的读音是xiányuèwénjiádié,弦月纹蛱蝶翻译成英文是 Pearl Crescent; Phyciodes tharos

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