




1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……



汉语拼音:sì háng










  1. 指仁、义、礼、智四种德行。

    马王堆 汉 墓帛书甲本《老子》卷后古佚书:“仁、义、礼、智之所由生也。四行之所和,和则同,同则善。”

  2. 指孝、忠、信、悌四种德行。

    《吕氏春秋·正名》:“ 尹文 曰:‘今有人於此,事亲则孝,事君则忠,交友则信,居乡则悌。有此四行者,可谓士乎?’”按,“居乡则悌”,《孔丛子·公孙龙》引作“处乡则顺”。

  3. 指妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功四种德行。亦称四德。

    《后汉书·列女传·曹世叔妻》:“女有四行,一曰妇德,二曰妇言,三曰妇容,四曰妇功。”参见“ 四德 ”。

  4. 即四科。

    汉 代以德行举士的四条标准。《汉书·何武传》:“光禄勋举四行,迁为 鄠 令。” 颜师古 注:“ 元帝 永光 元年詔举质朴、敦厚、逊让、有行义各一人。时詔书又令光禄岁以此科第郎从官,故 武 以此四行得举之也。”《后汉书·吴祐传》:“ 祐 以光禄四行迁 胶东侯 相。” 李贤 注引 应劭 《汉官仪》:“四行:敦厚、质朴、逊让、节俭也。”参见“ 四科 ”。

  5. 佛教语。指菩提、福德、智慧、羯磨。

    《魏书·释老志》:“ 罗什法师 可谓神出五才,志入四行者也。” 唐 李邕 《岳麓寺碑》:“四行乐而不取,三贤登而更迁。”

  6. 谓讲究排场。

    元 赵明道 《紫花儿·名姬》曲:“忒旖旎,忒风流,忒四行,堪写在 宣和 图上。”



  1. with respect to continuous stationery, it is often four line spaces below the perforation line.


  2. As my thoughts on that subject began to be marshalled and spoken, I may have been formally influenced by Gray's pentameter quatrains.


  3. From that time on, he would now and then ask me to complete a quatrain by adding a couplet of my own to one given by him.


  4. Villanelle: An intricate verse form of French origin, consisting of several three-line stanzas and a concluding four-line stanza.


  5. Ballad meter is usually iambic. The number of unstressed syllables in each line may vary. The second and fourth lines rhyme.


  6. Running the same application with a memory tool results in a report of an array-bounds violation on the fourth line.


  7. Leave at least four blank lines for your signature, then type your name and title.


  8. A humorous verse, usually consisting of two unmatched rhyming couplets, about a person whose name generally serves as one of the rhymes.


  9. The portion of this code that deals with Quick turns out to be only about four lines!


  1. 二入四行。

    The Two Entries and the Four Practices.

  2. 四行排齐封装?

    quad inline

  3. 四行诗四行的诗节或诗歌

    A stanza or poem of four lines.

  4. 您的签名超过建议的四行。

    Your signature exceeds the recommended four lines.

  5. 抑扬格五音步的四行诗节

    Rubaiyat stanza

  6. 文本将换行, 但不能多于四行。

    The text will wrap but cannot be more than four lines.

  7. 在最后一幕里我有四行台词。

    In the last act, I had four lines.

  8. 这首歌的主歌有四行歌词, 副歌有两行。

    The verse has four lines and the chorus has two.

  9. 你知道谁意识到你给我的四行诗?

    Do you know who was aware of the quatrain you gave me?

  10. 怎么找,被人翻箱倒柜搜索到四行诗。

    But how? Someone could have rummaged in my things and found the quatrain.

  11. 从四行诗看英语格律诗形式的翻译

    On English Metrical Poetry and Its Form Translation with Reference to Quatrain

  12. 在最后一幕中,我只有四行台词要念。

    In the last act I had only four lines to speak.

  13. 上面镶着宝石四行,第一行是红宝石,红璧玺,红玉

    And they set in it four rows of stones the first row was a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle this was the first row.

  14. 阿尔凯奥斯四行诗由四音步诗行节律写成的诗

    Verse composed in strophes of four tetrametric lines.

  15. 是的,她有所耳闻,但她并不知道四行诗的明确内涵。

    Yes, she had heard of them, but she doesn't know the precise contents of the quatrain.

  16. 阿乐凯奥斯希腊诗人, 以首创阿尔凯奥斯四行诗而享有盛誉

    Greek poet who reputedly invented Alcaic verse.

  17. 他的第一本四行诗书出版于1555年,直到现在依然非常畅销

    He wrote his first book of Quatrains, four line predictions, in 1555 and books are still being rolled out today.

  18. 上述引号里的四行诗用来强调对戴安娜王妃的死亡预言。

    The above quote is used to highlight the foretelling of the death of Princess Diana. Heres how that questionable leap of logic is made

  19. 对于多页文书来说,通常在穿孔页缝以下空四行的位置。

    with respect to continuous stationery, it is often four line spaces below the perforation line.

  20. 现在该表为两列四行, 它将用作窗体控件得容器。

    You now have a table of two columns and four rows, which can be the container for your form controls.

  21. 现在该表为两列四行,它将用作窗体控件的容器。

    You now have a table of two columns and four rows, which can be the container for your form controls.

  22. 第二,我发现你所看到的四行诗是我父亲预言的不完整版。

    Second, I now know that the quatrain you saw is a shortened version of the prophecy my father wrote.

  23. “乔治·布什乃总统,陶然乐于家中坐,独为莫须有之事,把各士兵送战场。”是一首四行打油诗。

    The president is George W. Bush, who is happy to sit on his tush, while sending his armies to fight, for anything he thinks is right is a clerihew.


  1. 问:四行诗拼音怎么拼?四行诗的读音是什么?四行诗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四行诗的读音是,四行诗翻译成英文是 quatrain

  2. 问:四行程引擎拼音怎么拼?四行程引擎的读音是什么?四行程引擎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四行程引擎的读音是sì xíng chéng yǐn qíng,四行程引擎翻译成英文是 four stroke cycle

  3. 问:四行排齐封装拼音怎么拼?四行排齐封装的读音是什么?四行排齐封装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四行排齐封装的读音是sì háng pái qí fēng zhuāng,四行排齐封装翻译成英文是 quad in line

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