


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng zào






  1. 爵位名。

    秦 制定爵位二十级,第二级为“上造”。后世亦有承袭 秦 制者。《商君书·境内》:“故爵公士也,就为上造也;故爵上造,就为簪褭。”《汉书·食货志上》:“於是 文帝 从 错 之言,令民入粟边,六百石爵上造。” 颜师古 注:“上造,第二等爵也。” 唐 卢照邻 《对蜀父老问》:“子爵不登上造,位不至中涓,藜羹不厌,短褐不全,庸非贫贱乎?”



  1. Even so, creating the circuit patterns on such a large surface was a very complex operation.


  2. Nu Wa create a lot of people on earth, the heart happy, a sense of loneliness swept away.


  3. Planning building in weak soil, creates high-level, multi- storey building in hard strata of the mismatches abound, and wasted funds.


  4. They didn't build a temple on a beach, the temple was built on a rocky outcrop in the sea near the beach.


  5. Periodically, great teachers come amongst us to help us in this evolutionary path. They may create another branch on the tree.


  6. South of Baghdad, two Iraq Iraqi businessmen built a gasoline station in a the town of Tunis .


  7. Woodworking and astronomy teachers worked together on a class that built a telescope.


  8. The surgeon then creates an opening (colostomy) on the abdomen wall through which solid waste in the colon is excreted.


  9. Really? I wonder how they built a temple on the sand of a beach?


  1. 我们在河上造了一座桥。

    We built a bridge across the river.

  2. 一只小鸟在废弃的拖拉机上造了一个巢。

    A bird has made its nest in that disused tractor.

  3. 真得吗?他们难道在沙滩上造了一座庙?

    Really? I wonder how they built a temple on the sand of a beach?

  4. 真的吗?他们难道在沙滩上造了一座庙?

    Really? I wonder how they built a temple on the sand of a beach?

  5. 结肠造口术在结肠上造出一个人工排泄口得外科手术。

    Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening from the colon.

  6. 结肠造口术在结肠上造出一个人工排泄口的外科手术。

    Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening from the colon.

  7. 合同条件之一是我们不在这片土地上造房子。

    One of the conditions in the contract is that we don't build on the land.

  8. 耻骨上膀胱造口术

    suprapubic cystostomy

  9. 经皮耻骨上膀胱造瘘肾镜超声弹道碎石治疗膀胱结石

    Percutaneous Suprapubic Cystotomy Lithotripsy by Nephroscope in Combining Ultrasound and Lithoclast in Treatment of Bladder Calculi

  10. 围垦钱塘江滩涂是人类造地史上的一个奇迹。

    Reclaiming land from Qiantang River is a wonder in the human history of land reclamation.

  11. 牛奶再生蛋白质纤维的性能及在非织造产品上的开发应用

    Milk Regenerate Protein Fiber Characteristics and Its Application and Development in Nonwovens

  12. 他们在那船上造伪钞?

    Bogus currency aboard that ship?

  13. 世界上以芬兰所造的纸为最佳。

    Finland makes the best paper in the world.

  14. 小刺猬在小河边上造了一幢小房子。

    A little porcupine made a house by the side of the river.

  15. 他们会在树上造出另一根树枝。

    They may create another branch on the tree.

  16. 事实上,大块头可不造钢琴哦。

    Actually, bigass stopped making pianos.

  17. 他们在她的造势活动上花了一大堆钱。

    They spent a lot of money on her buildup.

  18. 放在坐便器上的网, 用以造出结石

    Net to drape under the toilet seat, to catch your stones

  19. 放在坐便器上得网,用以造出结石

    Net to drape under the toilet seat, to catch your stones.

  20. 造在黏土上的建筑物一旦土壤干化就很容易被损坏。

    Buildings founded on clay are the most likely to be damaged when the soil dries out.

  21. 也许世界上好多公司都能造得出类似的东西。

    Perhaps a dozen companies around the world can make something similar.

  22. 查询拜访展现, 对某些人来讲, 退休往往会造有意理上的病痛。

    Investigation has revealed that retirement tends to cause psychological troubles for some people.

  23. 约翰看起来似是个笨拙的球员, 事实上他是个可造之材。

    John looks awkward for a ball player, but he is a roughdiamond.

  24. 用一块木板的边压在下面的一块木板上,船就这样造出来。

    The boat is built by lapping the edge of one board over the board underneath.

  25. 约翰看起来似乎是个笨拙的球员, 事实上他是个可造之材。

    John looks awkward for a ball player, but he is a rough diamond.

  26. 这公司太过保守以至于在它的广告上没办法尽情大举造势。

    The company was too conservative to indulge in ballyhoo in its advertising.

  27. 这些家伙造出了世界上音量最大的车载音响。

    These guys make the loudest car stereo in the world.

  28. 不要把你的时间浪费在读那些胡编乱造的廉价小说上。

    Don't squander your time in reading those dime novels.

  29. 更糟糕的是, 照门的形状不是被造在同一平面上。

    To make matters worse, the rear sight apertures are not machined to be on the same plane.

  30. 这条街上造满了房子。

    The street was solidly built up.

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