


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


1. 系 [xì]2. 系 [jì]系 [xì]有联属关系的:~统。~列。~数。水~。世~。高等学校中按学科分的教学单位:中文~。化学~。关联:干~。关~。联结,栓:~缚。~绊。~马。维~。名誉所~。牵挂:~恋。~念。是:确~实情。把人或东……



汉语拼音:shàng xì






  1. 犹言上世。

    晋 傅玄 《元日朝会赋》:“仰 二皇 之文象,咏帝德乎上系,攷 夏后 之遗训,综 殷 周 之典制。”



  1. It had a wire leader and a medium- sized hook and he baited it with one of the sardines.


  2. Frances was all dolled up in a very short checked cotton dress with a flounce around the skirt and a matching hair ribbon.


  3. At the meeting, the dean of the department left a little professor Gao's proposal, He said there were larger questions to solve.


  4. 30Afterwards his brother came out, on whose hand was the scarlet thread: and she called him Zara.


  5. So he tied a cowbell to her ankle, so he could hear at night if she tried to get out of bed.


  6. She wore a red ribbon in her hair, and was the only one of the white company who could boast of such a pronounced adornment.


  7. This time she found a little bottle on it and tied round the neck of the bottle was a paper label.


  8. A few Louis Vuitton scarves with its signature print were fastened around the ostrich's long neck.


  9. If his family had forgiven him, they were to put up a white ribbon in the big apple tree which stood near the tracks.


  1. 伸肌上系带

    Superior retinaculum of extensor muscles.

  2. 腓骨肌上系带

    Superior retinaculum of peroneal muscles.

  3. 在老橡树上系黄丝带

    Tie yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree

  4. 狗项圈上系着一条布。

    There was a piece of cloth tied to the dog's collar.

  5. 在老橡树上系条黄丝带

    Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree

  6. 女孩脖子上系着新围巾。

    The girl wrapped a new scarf around her neck.

  7. 绳子上系着一个小木偶,

    there was a little wooden puppet attached to the rope.

  8. 并且在庇护之臂上系上丝带

    And tie a ribbon on those sheltering arms

  9. 箱子上系有我得名字标签。

    My name tag is attached to my baggage.

  10. 箱子上系有我的名字标签。

    My name tag is attached to my baggage.

  11. 在老橡树上系上一根黄丝带

    Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round Then Ole Oak Tree

  12. 她在包裹上系了两个标签。

    She tied two labels onto the parcel.

  13. 花朵上系满了银制的风铃。

    Silver bells were tied to the flowers.

  14. 他坐在台阶上系靴子的鞋带。

    He sat on the steps, and laced up his boots.

  15. 车的前盖上系着白绸带。

    which had white ribbons on the bonnet.

  16. 他们正在把礼物往圣诞树上系。

    They are tying the presents to the Christmas tree.

  17. 马可尼在风筝上系了几根天线。

    Marconi tied several antennas to kites.

  18. 盘上系扎白色和粉红色缎带。

    Dish going up is to into white and pink lace.

  19. 他们在她脖子上系了一个活扣。

    They tied a noose round her neck.

  20. 她穿着格子连衣裙,头上系着丝带。

    She wore a checkered jumper and had ribbons in her hair.

  21. 船甲板上系挂缆绳的坚实的桩子。

    A strong post on the deck of a ship around which mooring lines can be attached.

  22. 我的女儿头发上系了一条丝带。

    My daughter wears a ribbon in her hair.

  23. 为什么不在猫的脖子上系上铃呢

    Why not tie a bell around the cat's neck

  24. 山羊的脖子上系着一个小铃铛。

    Goat tied around his neck a little bell.

  25. 她的头发上系着两根蓝色丝带。

    She was wearing two blue silk ribbons in her hair.

  26. 唐老鸭在脚上系了一条丝带。

    Donald ties a ribbon around his foot.

  27. 就在老橡树上系一条黄丝带吧

    Oh tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree

  28. 他拿出银链,在她脖子上系紧。

    He took the silver chain and fastened it around her neck.

  29. 他拿出银链,在她脖子上系紧。

    He took the silver chain and fastened it around her neck.

  30. 一种结实的脚背上系脚带的矮鞋

    A sturdy, low shoe that laces over the instep.

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