


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……


居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……







汉语拼音:mìng lǐ zhù dìng






  • 【解释】:旧时迷信说法,命运早已决定安排好了。亦作“命中注定”。


  1. Her parents, deciding that this was a fated love, gave their permission for a wedding.


  2. A large number of the frail black-clad figures on the ships were tailors destined for the sweatshops so numerous in Victorian Sydney.


  3. The only thing was to accept the inevitable.


  4. He always had a feeling that he was predestined to leading his country to freedom.


  5. Hollywood is the ultimate destination for those destined to become stars.


  6. He felt that he was predestined to lead his country to freedom.


  7. Get married and have children, are destined to do in life, not to plan.


  8. if you are bound to die , dick , i ' ll die too.


  9. Unless it's meant to be. |Right?


  1. 命里注定。

    by fate ordained.

  2. 命里注定参见

    by fate ordained.See Synonyms at dictate.

  3. 她命里注定出名。

    It was her destiny to become famous.

  4. 命里注定, 有什么办法。

    That's the way the ball bounce.

  5. 我命里注定和你有缘,

    I relate to you naturally

  6. 他们命里注定永远不能再相见。

    Fate had ordained that they would never meet again.

  7. 好莱坞是命里注定的明星们最终的去向。

    Hollywood is the ultimate destination for those destined to become stars.

  8. 如果你命里注定要死,狄克,我也死。

    If you are bound to die, Dick, I'll die too.

  9. 他的父母认为这是命里注定的婚姻, 同意他们结婚。

    Her parents, deciding that this was a fated love, gave their permission for a wedding.

  10. 他总感觉到命里注定他要领导自己的国家走向自由。

    He always had a feeling that he was predestined to leading his country to freedom.

  11. 唯一的办法只有自认命里注定。

    The only thing was to accept the inevitable.

  12. 看起来他命里注定要过穷日子。

    it seemed that he was predestined to live a poor life.

  13. 这个无依无靠的婴儿命里注定不该死。

    Fate was kind to the helpless baby.

  14. 他感到他命里注定要领导他的国家去获得自由。

    He felt that he was predestined to lead his country to freedom.

  15. 得州精神的统一小布什的成功并非命里注定, 有志者事竞成。

    A unity of Texas spirit None of his success had been preordained. Bush made it happen.

  16. 命里做吊死鬼。做不了落水鬼

    He that is born to be hanged shall never he drowned

  17. 命里有时终须有。命里无时莫强求。

    Sometimes in life will have to be there, life force in no time Mo.

  18. 不回忆过去, 不展望未来, 一切全听候命里的安排!

    Not recall before and not look forward to future. Obey the destiny!

  19. 何不反其道而行命里有时终须有, 命里无时莫强求

    M Why dont you invert it want what you have and care not for what you dont have

  20. 在如此浪漫的氛围里,注定你要买一束玫瑰。

    You are supposed to buy a rose in such pink atmosphere.

  21. 尽管有眼前的成功,可在今后的十几年里,他注定会破产。

    Despite his technical successes,over the next decade he was doomed to fail financially.

  22. 命该,命中注定。

    It falls to sb. 's lot.

  23. 宿命注定有难的性质

    The quality of being doomed to disaster.

  24. 问94神在第一条诫命里命令什么?

    Question 92. What doth God enjoin in the first commandment.

  25. 汤姆在病重的3天里真是命若游丝。

    For three days Tom was so sick that this his life hung by a hair.

  26. 汤姆在病重得3天里真是命若游丝。

    For three days Tom was so sick that this his life hung by a hair.

  27. 一些鸟儿是注定无法关在樊笼里的。

    Some birds aren't meant to be caged.

  28. 曾在犹他州的一个山洞里救过我的命。

    Saved my life up in a cave in utah.

  29. 我所注定的宿命。

    The predestination that I destine.

  30. 电影里的宿命毕竟不是真实。

    Serendipity means an unavoidable accident.

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