







汉语拼音:jìng hòu







  1. 安静地、耐心地等候。

    《红楼梦》第九回:“此时 宝玉 独站在院外,屏声静候。”《老残游记》第十回:“阁下静候数年便会知悉。” 老舍 《四世同堂》七一:“他不愿再去跑腿,而要静候圣旨来到。”



  1. Inter are the favourites. But Milan and Juventus are there, ready to step in if Inter make a false move.


  2. At the back entrance on 35th Street, awaiting trash haulers, were bags of garments that appear to have never been worn.


  3. Their eyes and nasal openings are on top of their heads, allowing them to lay in wait for prey while remaining nearly completely submerged.


  4. My sincere best wishes for you and looking for your reply.


  5. Being able to look up at the once sky passingly if delight waiting for a flower to come untied .


  6. We look forward to hearing you soon and establishing a pleasant business relationship with you.


  7. He never makes the least remark.


  8. Pending Garber's arrival in September, the president will oversee all academic functions, delegating specific responsibilities as needed.


  9. She had just arrived in Canton, where she stayed in a government guesthouse and awaited her encounter with Madame Mao.


  1. 静候佳音。

    I am awaiting the news of your success.

  2. 请静候我们的回复。

    So please wait for our reply.

  3. 我们静候您的佳音。

    We wait your good news quietly.

  4. 好吧,我静候佳音

    Okay. Well, I. . . I. . . I'd like to be considered.

  5. 往事如烟正静候你。

    Old sparky waiting for you.

  6. 往事如烟正静候你。

    Old sparky waiting for you.

  7. 我静候你成功的佳音。

    I am awaiting the news of your success.

  8. 那我们就静候您的答复。

    We should be looking forward to hearing from you.

  9. 静候他的暴死,是这样的吗?

    Waiting for him to drop dead, was it ?

  10. 我就在门口, 静候您吩咐。

    I'm going to be right outside if you need anything.

  11. 没叫您前请在此静候。

    Please be seated until your name is called.

  12. 一大群人耐心地静候着。

    A patient throngwas waiting in silence.

  13. 我们在静候他们进一步的消息。

    We shall wait to hear further from them.

  14. 你觉得我们就静候其变吗?

    So you don't think we should do anything?

  15. 死亡在那里静候着我的灵魂

    Death lying waiting for my soul

  16. 静候深秋,想听一曲梧桐乐章。

    Waiting for the autumn, want a parasol.

  17. 除了静候雨停之外别无办法。

    There is nothing to do except wait until the rain stops.

  18. 有过一阵惊心动魄的静候辰光。

    A terrible moment of expectation and silence ensued.

  19. 有过一阵惊心动魄得静候辰光。

    A terrible moment of expectation and silence ensued.

  20. 耽误您时间了,我会静候佳音。

    Thank you for your time. I will looking forward to hearing form you.

  21. 希望我们有合作机会,并静候佳音。

    I hope that we can cooperate happily.

  22. 但我的船长还在静候着我的沉寂。

    Yet quietly my captain awaits my silence.

  23. 他们只是静候时机 等着教训别人。

    They simply wait for the chance to teach a lesson of their own.

  24. 让我们静候一个伟大时刻的到来。

    Waiting for a great time.

  25. 我们只要静候时机, 等风吹果落。

    We only need to wait for the wind which will make it fall.

  26. 但同时,我们只是静候铁耙子的到来。

    and wait for the pitchforks.

  27. 部署既毕, 全城静候主教执行任务。

    The installation over, the town waited to see its bishop at work.

  28. 此外,他们是在旅馆静候时被捕的。

    Moreover they were arrested while quietly waiting in their hotel.

  29. 人群恭恭敬敬地静候那个伟人讲话。

    The crowd waited in respectful silence for the great man to speak.

  30. 之后,每个人都在静候午夜的来临。

    Then everyone waits for midnight.


  1. 问:静候拼音怎么拼?静候的读音是什么?静候翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静候的读音是jìnghòu,静候翻译成英文是 to quietly wait

  2. 问:静候处理此案拼音怎么拼?静候处理此案的读音是什么?静候处理此案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静候处理此案的读音是jìng hòu chǔ lǐ cǐ àn,静候处理此案翻译成英文是 rest the case




【注音】:jìng hòu




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