







汉语拼音:děng hòu







  1. 等待。

    前蜀 花蕊夫人 《宫词》之十四:“脩仪承宠住龙池,扫地焚香日午时,等候大家来院里,看教鸚鵡念新诗。”《京本通俗小说·拗相公》:“桑麻失利,只得畜猪养鸡,等候吏胥里保来徵役钱。”《古今小说·明悟禅师赶五戒》:“学士今番跋涉忒大,贫僧不得相随,只在 东京 等候。” 清 百一居士 《壶天录》卷下:“日间随行,碍人耳目,晚间请在 塔湾 等候。” 杨朔 《雪花飘在满洲》:“他住在 天津 英 租界,等候一天,买到一张怡和洋行开往 上海 的轮船票,从租界码头上了船。”



  1. At that, as if it had been the signal he waited for, Newland Archer got up slowly and walked back alone to his hotel.

  2. Waiters and restaurateurs are forever tipping off the press so that when Cheung tries to leave a restaurant, a phalanx is waiting for her.

  3. God is the waiting Father, waiting for His children to take time to be with Him and to talk over their life with Him.

  4. In July her cystic fibrosis progressed to the point where doctors put her on a waiting list for a double-lung transplant.

  5. You smiled and talked to me of noting and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.

  6. Barney said the company still intends to make a public offering, most likely on the Nasdaq, but is waiting for the right opportunity.

  7. If I wished to surprise him, it was evident this was the spot to lie in wait for him.

  8. As I stepped out the door with my arms opened wide, I was greeted by members of the press there to capture the moment.

  9. Outside the wall , at the part of the grounds farthest from the public road, were a horse and a light wagon, waiting .


  1. 等候早班。

    and waited for the morning shift.

  2. 等候佳音。

    We await your further news with interest.

  3. 等候到深夜

    To wait up for sb.

  4. 在机场等候

    wait at the airport

  5. 用信心等候。

    Wait in faith.

  6. 无经等候泊位

    free turn.

  7. 请挂上等候。

    Please hang up and wait.

  8. 等候直升机撤退。

    Await the helicopter for evacuation.

  9. 排队等候公共汽车。

    Queue up for a bus

  10. 等候我的命令

    W ait for my order!

  11. 我将等候指示。

    I shall await instructions.

  12. 等候辰星出现

    Waiting for the Stars to Come out.

  13. 他正等候机会。

    He's waiting his opportunity.

  14. 等候某人/ 某物

    to wait for somebody/ something

  15. 排队等候发面包。

    Waiting line for bread.

  16. 埋伏着等候某人

    to lie in ambush (for somebody)

  17. 请在休息室等候。

    Please wait in the lobby.

  18. 兔子在等候乌龟。

    The rabbit is waiting for the turtle.

  19. 我正在等候回信。

    Im waiting for an answer to my letter.

  20. 注意等候。警惕。提防

    Keep a good watch for

  21. 排队等候太烦人。

    It would be too tiresome to wait in the queue.

  22. 我等候信号灯变换。

    I wait for the light to change.

  23. 正在等候庄家开局。

    Waiting for dealer to start game.

  24. 他们等候渡船返回。

    They waited for the ferry to return.

  25. 正等候她的新郎

    Who waits for her Groom

  26. 我要等候多久呢?

    How long will I have to wait ?

  27. 多蒙他好心等候。

    It was kind of him to wait.

  28. 我们排队等候公共汽车。

    We queued up for the bus.

  29. 星期六的排队等候

    Waiting in Line on Saturday

  30. 在机场候机厅等候

    waiting in the airport lounge.


  1. 问:等候拼音怎么拼?等候的读音是什么?等候翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等候的读音是děnghòu,等候翻译成英文是 expect

  2. 问:等候室拼音怎么拼?等候室的读音是什么?等候室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等候室的读音是děnghòu shì,等候室翻译成英文是 Waiting Room / Lounge

  3. 问:等候回拨拼音怎么拼?等候回拨的读音是什么?等候回拨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等候回拨的读音是děng hòu huí bō,等候回拨翻译成英文是 waiting for callback

  4. 问:等候理论拼音怎么拼?等候理论的读音是什么?等候理论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等候理论的读音是,等候理论翻译成英文是 Queueing theory

  5. 问:等候修复时间拼音怎么拼?等候修复时间的读音是什么?等候修复时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等候修复时间的读音是děng hòu xiū fù shí jiān,等候修复时间翻译成英文是 awaiting repair time

  6. 问:等候处避难空间拼音怎么拼?等候处避难空间的读音是什么?等候处避难空间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等候处避难空间的读音是děng hòu chù bì nàn kōng jiān,等候处避难空间翻译成英文是 waiting space

  7. 问:等候英女皇发落拼音怎么拼?等候英女皇发落的读音是什么?等候英女皇发落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等候英女皇发落的读音是,等候英女皇发落翻译成英文是 At Her Majesty's pleasure

  8. 问:等候本司令部军纪处分拼音怎么拼?等候本司令部军纪处分的读音是什么?等候本司令部军纪处分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等候本司令部军纪处分的读音是děng hòu běn sī lìng bù jūn jì chǔ fèn,等候本司令部军纪处分翻译成英文是 Awaiting Disciplinary Action this Command...





【拼音】děng hòu



【基本解释】[Wait;Await] 等待引证解释指等待,等。前蜀 花蕊夫人 《宫词》之十四:“脩仪承宠住龙池,扫地焚香日午时,等候大家来院里,看教鹦鹉念新诗。”《东周列国志》第七回:“齐、鲁二侯,已先在近城二十里下寨等候。三君相见叙礼,让齐侯居中,鲁侯居右,郑伯居左。”《京本通俗小说·拗相公》:“桑麻失利,只得畜猪养鸡,等候吏胥里保来徵役钱。”

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