









汉语拼音:mǔ dān tíng






  1. "Peony Pavilion" delicate and beautiful without losing the language of nature, is a fine Chinese opera literature.


  2. Mr. Zhang says his adaptation of "The Peony Pavilion" retains the lyrics and highly stylized gestures of traditional Chinese opera.


  3. In the process of reading The Peony Pavilion, "love" is always an effective approach.


  4. Peony Pavilion "is a very sophisticated language arts beautiful. "


  5. Mr. Bai xianyong "youth" in recent years, the peony pavilion is the one of the traditional drama.


  6. Besides, another two well-known novels - Peony Pavilion and The Plum in the Golden Vase were also excellent works in that period.


  7. Zai Mei Bian, the first track, was inspired by the Kun Opera The Peony Pavilion, a masterpiece by Yuan Dynasty dramatist Tang Xianzu.


  8. The original opera is considered a masterpiece of classical Chinese theater.


  9. Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.


  1. 牡丹亭的魅力

    The Charm of The Peony Pavilion.

  2. 牡丹亭中的澳门故事

    The Story of Macao

  3. 浅析牡丹亭的戏剧冲突

    Simple Explanation to the Dramatic Conflict of Peony Pavilion

  4. 试论牡丹亭的悲剧实质

    The Tragic Essence of Mudan Pavilion

  5. 论牡丹亭对情的塑形

    Molding of Love in The Peony Pavilion

  6. 牡丹亭两译本的文化分析

    Cultural Analysis of Two English Versions of the Peony Pavilion

  7. 清代艺人对牡丹亭的改编

    The Revisions of The Peony Pavilion during the Qing Dynasty by the actors

  8. 众所周知, 牡丹亭的主旨是写情。

    As is known to all, the keynote of the Peony Pavilion is love.

  9. 忽然有人在牡丹亭畔, 长吁短叹。

    Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.

  10. 忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔,长吁短叹。

    Suddenly a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.

  11. 论牡丹亭对民间文学素材的处理

    On How to Handle the Folk Literature Materials in Peony Pavilion

  12. 西厢记牡丹亭女性意识之解读

    Interpretation to Feminine Awareness of The Romance of West Chamber and Peony Pavilion

  13. 昨天看了牡丹亭得寻梦, 还是哭了。

    Yesterday I watched The Peony Pavilion. Again I wapt.

  14. 昨天看了牡丹亭的寻梦, 还是哭了。

    Yesterday I watched The Peony Pavilion. Again I wapt.

  15. 他忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔长吁短叹。

    Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.

  16. 二人在牡丹亭度过了无比快活的时光。

    They have a great time in the peony pavilion.

  17. 从戏剧结构看牡丹亭杜宝形象的复杂性

    The Complexity of Du Bao's Image in Peony Pavilion from the Perspective of Dramatic Structure

  18. 牡丹亭伯奇译本与汪译本中隐喻的对比研究

    A Comparative Study on the Metaphor Translation of Birch's and Wang's Versions of the Peony Pavilion

  19. 皇家粮仓版牡丹亭以复归昆曲肇始状态的理念。

    The Imperial Granary edition The Peony Pavilion offers a concept of returning to the original state of Kunqu opera.

  20. 一组牡丹亭的瓷偶,非常春宫,但也并未褪尽衣衫。

    I was attracted by the porcelain doll of Peony Pavilion.

  21. 旁边另一位买家,把剩下那张牡丹亭也买走了,呵呵。

    Next to another buyer, the rest going to have bought the mu dan ting.

  22. 少女思春是很正常的事情,杜丽娘要是不怀春就没有《牡丹亭》这部盖世绝剧。

    It is normal for a girl to yearn for love. There wouldn't have been the unrivalled play The Peony Pavilion but for Du Liniang's desire for love.


  1. 问:牡丹亭拼音怎么拼?牡丹亭的读音是什么?牡丹亭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牡丹亭的读音是Mǔdān Tíng,牡丹亭翻译成英文是 The Peony Pavilion, a play written by Tang Xianzu...

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