


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……





汉语拼音:dǎ jǐn






  1. 要紧;重要。

    《元典章·工部二·船只》:“海道里官粮交运将 大都 里来的,最打紧的勾当。”《水浒传》第二回:“ 王四 只管叫苦,寻思道:‘银子不打紧。这封回书却怎生好!正不知被甚人拿了去?’”《红楼梦》第五七回:“一年大,二年小的,叫人看着不尊重。打紧的那起混账行子们背地里説你,你总不留心。” 华山 《山中海路》:“帐篷和被子还不打紧,铁锅可叫蹄子砸碎啦。”

  2. 指紧急时刻。

    明 无名氏 《贫富兴衰》第一折:“这雪一发不住了,打紧路又不通,怎生是好?”《儒林外史》第二回:“每日骑着这箇驴,上县下乡,跑得昏头晕脑,打紧又被这瞎眼的亡人在路上打箇前失,把我跌了下来。”

  3. 实在;真的。

    《水浒传》第三三回:“打紧这婆娘极不贤,只是调拨他丈夫行不仁之事,残害良民,贪图贿赂。”《红楼梦》第七六回:“ 贾母 点头叹道:‘我也太操心!打紧説我偏心,我反这样。’”



  1. My body shone so brightly in the sun that I felt very proud of it and it did not matter now if my axe slipped, for it could not cut me.


  2. It did not even matter if the friend was hundreds of miles away - the influence remained.


  3. You aren't trying to remember every specific connection you make, so it doesn't matter if they aren't perfect.


  4. Argument: I am merely trying to explain the inquisitive mind behind philosophy.


  5. Capital preservation is just as important as capital appreciation.


  6. "Good devils even, " said the Bishop.


  7. And what of it, if she kept her happiness another few months, another year?


  8. "It was no problem, " he lied.


  9. Whether business is transacted in Mexico, Canada, or Nigeria does not matter.


  1. 请先把盖子打紧。

    Please hammer down the lid first.

  2. 骨头的声音不打紧。

    The bones don't matter.

  3. 尽量把这个结打紧。

    Tie the knot as tight as you can.

  4. 弓的两端用皮筋弦打紧。

    At both ends of the bow string with elastic matter.

  5. 这件事不打紧,你不用急。

    There is no hurry. The matter is not urgent.

  6. 这件事不打紧,你不用急。

    There is no hurry. The matter is not urgent.

  7. 采的葡萄,早了晚了,不打紧。

    Picked too early, picked too late, it matters not.

  8. 就做顽皮鬼也不打紧。主教说。

    Good devils even, said the Bishop.

  9. 确定所有救生索的结都打紧了!

    Make sure all lifelines are secured good and tight!

  10. 只能在打得松的台子上打紧。

    Play tight. Play tight in loose games.

  11. 你得打紧问问他,下一步该怎么办?

    You should quickly ask him what we should do next.

  12. 你得打紧问问他,下一步该怎么办?

    You should quickly ask him what we should do next.

  13. 装回方向盘螺丝并用规定力矩打紧。装回气袋。

    Tighten the steering wheel retaining screw to the specified torque and fit the airbag module.

  14. 也许也还不认识我, 不过不打紧, 一见钟情很流行。

    Maybe udo not know me, no matter, one see clock emotion is pop.

  15. 如果我们不系安全带, 那也不打紧, 因为我们有气囊。

    If we don't wear our seat belts it doesn't matter, because we have air bags.

  16. 这不打紧,我对勃拉什维尔还是说我爱他。

    Never mind, I tell Blachevelle that I adore him.

  17. 要想赢, 只能在打得松的台子上打紧。别无他法。

    Play tight. Play tight in loose Playloose games only. www. qqpub. cn.

  18. 要想赢,只能在打患上松的台子上打紧。别无他法。

    Play Play tight in loose games. Play loose games only.

  19. 辩君这都不打紧,我提起哲学,只为解释这个精神而已。

    Argument I am merely trying to explain the inquisitive mind behind philosophy.

  20. 如果气囊打不开, 那也不打紧, 因为我们的车肉头一样地耐撞。

    If the air bags don't deploy it doesn't matter, because our cars are so beefy.

  21. 剩下的时间不多了, 我们必须打全球紧逼。

    As there is little time left, we must play full court press.

  22. 剩下的时间不多了, 我们必须打全场紧逼。

    There is little time left, we must play full court press.

  23. 将绳子从这端到那端末尾绕成圈, 再打个结系紧。

    Loop that end of the rope through this and make a knot with it.

  24. 虽然你在盲注位置打得很紧,但并不意味着你是胆小鬼。

    But just because you are playing tight in the blinds doesnt mean you are a big sissy either.

  25. 但这老妇把结打得太紧了, 以致于白雪公主无法呼吸。

    But the old woman laced her up so tightly that Snow White could not breathe.

  26. 绕圈圈再拉紧, 打一个很紧实的蝴蝶结。

    Loop and pull to make a neat bow.

  27. 然后, 用双手小心的把打好的结收紧, 推到领口。

    And using both hands tighten the knot carefully and draw it up to the collar.

  28. 这个盒子太紧,我打不开。

    The box is so tight that I can't open it.

  29. 赛克斯打了个一勒就紧得套结,又叫他一声。

    Sikes made a running noose, and called him again.

  30. 赛克斯打了个一勒就紧的套结,又叫他一声。

    Sikes made a running noose, and called him again.


  1. 问:打紧拼音怎么拼?打紧的读音是什么?打紧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打紧的读音是dǎjǐn,打紧翻译成英文是 Important.; Quickly.



打紧词义:1.实在;真的。 2.要紧。

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