







汉语拼音:shǒu jǐn







  1. 谓不随便花钱或给人财物。对手松而言。参见“ 手鬆 ”。

  2. 谓手头拮据。如:近来手紧,这东西买不起。

  3. 谓捆扎东西用力认真。

    林海音 《城南旧事·我们看海去》:“你妈梳头是有名的手紧,瞧!还能让你玩散了呢!”



  1. The abb Rose from his chair, made two turns round the chamber, and pressed his trembling hand against his parched throat.


  2. My hands brush against the wires that crisscross the insulation. I worry that I will be electrocuted. I try not to think about rats.


  3. These connections are sometimes referred to as "hand-tights" because they are designed to be connected and sealed without the use of tools.


  4. Grasp the handle over your right shoulder with arms extended and a slight bend at the elbow.


  5. The public school has limited means to purchase often-expensive software, so teachers often look to free open source programs.


  6. Slide the union nuts over the end connectors and screw onto the valve cartridge threads, no more than hand-tight .


  7. a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing.


  8. Dooku gripped the edge of the table. It was clear that a great surge of rage had overtaken him.


  9. If the hand is tight, at under here pour to still have several 12 silvers, the everybody tube takes to spend!


  1. 她轻诺而手紧。

    She's very liberal with promises but much less so with money.

  2. 在财政上一点手紧。

    Being a little tight on finances.

  3. 孩子把这手紧抱在怀里,感到心宽了。

    The child pressed the hand close to him, and felt reassured.

  4. 第二, 如果电梯内有手把, 请一只手紧握手把。

    Secondly, do grasp the handgrip of the elevator.

  5. 从堵头连接件上拆卸排泄塞,并安装阀门总成。用手紧固。

    Remove drain plug from bulkhead fitting and install valve assembly. Hand tighten.

  6. 从右肩膀绕过用手紧抓着扶手并系一个轻的绑带在手肘部。

    Grasp the handle over your right shoulder with arms extended and a slight bend at the elbow.

  7. 真心的朋友会紧握着你的手并且紧挨着你的心。

    A true friend is one who holds your hand and thus touches your heart.

  8. 他每到月底,手下就紧了。

    He usually runs out of money by the end of the month.

  9. 就像我伸出手让你紧握住一样。

    As I have given you my hand to hold.

  10. 他向她挥动一只攥紧的手。

    He waved a closed hand at her.

  11. 最初的信心是通用手紧紧地。

    The first sign of confidence is sharking hands firmly.

  12. 最初得信心是通用手紧紧地。

    The first sign of confidence is sharking hands firmly.

  13. 他用温暖的手紧紧地握住她的手。

    He took her hands in his firm warm clasp.

  14. 这把我的手紧紧拉着的小小歌手。

    In this small singer holding onto my hand.

  15. 他粗黑的大手紧紧地握着车把。

    His rough and dark hands are grasping the handlebar firmly.

  16. 他的一只大手紧紧握住了我的手。

    And he took my hand in his large firm grasp.

  17. 我把他的手紧紧攥在我的两只手里。

    I clasped his hand tight in both of mine.

  18. 接着,她的小手把我的手抓得越来越紧。

    Then it happened. Her little hand wrapped around mine tighter and tighter.

  19. 我用一只手紧紧地抓住他的肩膀。

    I clamped a hand on his shoulder.

  20. 但一双又一双的手紧紧拉住我的脚。

    But the pair has a pair of hands to keep close ties my feet.

  21. 枕上荒凉, 手握得再紧, 都不过是, 空气。

    Pillow desolate, hand them even more tightly, are nothing but air.

  22. 她的手握得越来越紧,指节都变白了。

    Her knuckles whiten as she clenches her hands harder.

  23. 于是东施时常效仿西施, 手捂胸口, 紧皱眉头。

    Striving to emulate Xishi, she imitated her stoop , knitting her brows at the same time.

  24. 斯蒂芬诺的手抓得更紧了,语气也更冷了。

    Stefano's grip tightened and his tone became colder.

  25. 她用手紧紧地握着一根黑色的棒子点着。

    She is pointing with a black stick held firmly in her hand.

  26. 手牵手紧紧在一起去到任何地方。北大校园内。

    Hand in hand so we can stick together and go anywhere. In campus of PKU.

  27. 凡事不要想的太复杂,手握的太紧,东西会碎,手会疼。

    Dont overcomplicate things. If you hold them too tightly, they would shatter and your hands would hurt.

  28. 他仰卧着,牙关紧闭,右手紧握着拳头放在胸口上。

    He lay on his back, his teeth set, his right hand clenched on his breast.

  29. 她的手紧紧环住姐姐的腰,两人一起走下了楼梯。

    She clasped her sisters waist, and together they descended the stairs.

  30. 他低低地垂着头,右手紧紧抓住了凳子的边缘。

    He was bending his head down, his right hand tightly clenched upon the edge of the bench.


  1. 问:手紧拼音怎么拼?手紧的读音是什么?手紧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手紧的读音是shǒujǐn,手紧翻译成英文是 stingy; hard-up




拼音:shǒu jǐn 基本解释 1. [closefisted]∶指不随便花钱或给人财物 此人手紧,但并不缺钱 2. [lack of money]∶指缺钱用 花钱无计划,到月底就手紧了 3. [hand-tight]∶单独用手所能达到的紧度的 用手紧的螺母 详细解释 1. 谓不随便花钱或给人财物。对手松而言。参见“ 手松 ”。 2. 谓手头拮据。如:近来手紧,这东西买不起。 3. 谓捆扎东西用力认真。 林海音 《城南旧事·我们看海去》:“你妈梳头是有名的手紧,瞧!还能让你玩散了呢!”

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