







汉语拼音:guān jǐn







  1. 犹要紧。

    曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“他们认得我不认得我不关紧,他们不认识这门口,真叫人生气。” 李準 《李双双小传》七:“外边 孙有 说着:‘我, 喜旺 ,跟你说个关紧事。’” 冯金堂 《挖塘》:“搓了一阵绳就更冷了,冻得手指不灵活。不搓吧,听 义民 说这个任务很关紧。”



  1. He must study the product, the research and the precedents. Then he must shut the door of his office and write the advertisements.


  2. We after washing the hand must fasten the water cock not to be able to waste the water resources.


  3. I approached the door to be pushed, why Blue Sky and White Sun closed doors?


  4. The entranceway to the bell tower. I slam the door behind me, climb up, go past this place where I see a pendulum ticking.


  5. The attacker ran at them, Mr Caton said, and they ran out of the bus, holding the door shut to prevent him getting out.


  6. to close a box securely , do not use masking tape , cellophane tape , duct tape , string or paper over - wrap.


  7. He would say to some of the young soldiers that if they left their door open he was going to come in and rape them.


  8. The door shuddered, wedged shut by many thousand weight of scorched oak and stone.


  9. "Hold on tight and off we go" said the crocodile.


  1. 关紧水龙头。

    Tur off the tap tight.

  2. 窗子关紧了吗

    Is the window fast.

  3. 所有出口已关紧。

    All exits closed and secured.

  4. 前后跳已经关紧。

    Bow and stern ramps closed and secured.

  5. 所有的门已经关紧。

    All doors and secured.

  6. 所有得门已经关紧。

    All doors and secured.

  7. 用后将水龙头关紧。

    Don't leave the tap running after use.

  8. 门户不关紧,圣贤起贼心。

    An open door may tempt a saint.

  9. 指示灯亮显示门未关紧

    The light indicates the door is not secured.

  10. 你应该注意将水龙头关紧。

    You should see about getting the faucet fixed.

  11. 门户不关紧。圣贤起盗心

    A open door may tempt a saint

  12. 风暴来了,他们把窗户关紧。

    They secured the windows as the storm began.

  13. 门没有关好, 请你把它关紧。

    Will you please push the door to? It's not quite shut.

  14. 只好请你先把舱门关紧。

    May I suggest that you first make fast the door.

  15. 他走之前关紧了所有的窗户。

    He secured all the windows before he left.

  16. 管理员要求我们必须把车窗关紧。

    The park keeper asked us to keep our car windows closed tight.

  17. 当我们洗完手,别忘记关紧开关。

    When we are washing hands, dont forget to shrug the tag.

  18. 暴风雨来临时, 他们把窗户关紧了。

    They secured the window when the storm began.

  19. 看看是不是所有的门窗都关紧了。

    Check that all windows and doors have been made as secure as possible.

  20. 睡觉时不要将所有的窗户都关紧。

    Do not fasten all the windows up while you sleep.

  21. 你走的时候别忘了把门窗都关紧。

    Don't forget to lock up all the doors and windows when you leave.

  22. 把盒子关紧,游戏结束了。他把盖子关得紧紧的。

    Shut up the box, the game is over. He clamped down the lid firmly.

  23. 她向默里夫人道了晚安便关紧房门。

    She bade Mrs Murray goodnight and shut her door.

  24. 她向默里夫人道了晚安便关紧房门。

    She bade Mrs. Murray goodnight and shut her door.

  25. 她把门的底部刨去一层,使门能关紧。

    She shaved the bottom of the door to make it close properly.

  26. 我在晚上总是要做到把窗搭扣都关紧了。

    I always make sure all the window catches are tightly closed at night.

  27. 使用后,请关紧瓶盖并收藏在阴凉干爽的地方。

    Keep bottles tightly closed when not in used and store in a cool dry place.

  28. 牢牢抓住救赎的希望,我关紧门窗,重新呼吸新鲜空气

    Clutching my cure, I tightly lock the door, I try to catch my breath again

  29. 牢牢抓住救赎得希望,我关紧门窗,重新呼吸新鲜空气

    Clutching my cure, I tightly lock the door, I try to catch my breath again.

  30. 阿里阿德涅会关紧它的门,躲进被云层围绕的堤岸。

    Ariadne will shut its door and be hidden within its enclosing cloud banks.



基本解释 [essential;important] 〈方〉∶要紧;关键之处 详细解释 犹要紧。 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“他们认得我不认得我不关紧,他们不认识这门口,真叫人生气。” 李准 《李双双小传》七:“外边 孙有 说着:‘我, 喜旺 ,跟你说个关紧事。’” 冯金堂 《挖塘》:“搓了一阵绳就更冷了,冻得手指不灵活。不搓吧,听 义民 说这个任务很关紧。”

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