


1. 逮 [dài]逮 [dài]到,及:力有未~。捉拿:~捕。~系。……







汉语拼音:dài bǔ zhèng








  1. A judicial writ authorizing an officer to make a search, a seizure, or an arrest or to execute a judgment.


  2. You can certainly prep for the first face-to-face with a quick search for basic info (and outstanding arrest warrants).


  3. On several occasions, they have obtained a warrant for his arrest and have gone to his house.


  4. Prosecutors issued arrest warrants for six members of the republican guard.


  5. When making an arrest, a public security organ must produce an arrest warrant.


  6. Oh, you want a warrant? That's cool.


  7. An arrest without a warrant


  8. Be arrested on a warrant


  9. The Electronic Arrest Warrant of Colorado in America


  1. 没有逮捕证

    An arrest without a warrant.

  2. 他们备有逮捕证。

    They were armed with warrants.

  3. 根据逮捕证进行逮捕

    execute a warrant of arrest

  4. 拘票一张逮捕证

    A warrant for arrest.

  5. 警察持逮捕证将他逮捕。

    He was arrested by the police on a warrant.

  6. 没有向他出示逮捕证。

    No arrest warrant was shown to him.

  7. 它并不是国际逮捕证。

    It is not an international arrest warrant.

  8. 拘留他时也没有逮捕证。

    There was no warrant for his detention.

  9. 法庭对嫌疑人发出了逮捕证。

    The court issued an arrest warrant on the suspect.

  10. 如果拒绝,就拘留并签署逮捕证。

    If they refuse, detain them and get warrants.

  11. 法庭对这个嫌疑人发出了逮捕证。

    The court issued an arrest warrant on the suspect.

  12. 美国科罗拉多州的电子逮捕证

    The Electronic Arrest Warrant of Colorado in America

  13. 截至报告提交时,该逮捕证尚未执行。

    As of the submission of this report, the warrant had not been executed.

  14. 学生父母被捕,并向另外5人发出逮捕证。

    The parents were arrested and warrants were issued for five other people.

  15. 当时并没有出示逮捕证或其他正式文件。

    No arrest warrant or other official document was produced at the time.

  16. 有关当局对第四名犯罪嫌疑人发出逮捕证。

    Authorities have issued a warrant for a fourth suspect.

  17. 他们没有向他出示逮捕证,也没有对他提出指控。

    No arrest warrant was shown to him nor have charges been brought against him.

  18. 班吉法院还发出一份对他的国际逮捕证。

    The Court in Bangui also issued an international arrest warrant for him.

  19. 我已说过,法院发出的五份逮捕证尚未执行。

    I have already said that five arrest warrants delivered by the Court are still to be executed.

  20. 该被告1995年在一份密封的逮捕证中曾遭到起诉。

    The accused had been indicted on a sealed arrest warrant in1995.

  21. 该被告1995年在一份密封得逮捕证中曾遭到起诉。

    The accused had been indicted on a sealed arrest warrant in1995.

  22. 警察通过宣誓控告从而领取了对这个嫌疑犯的逮捕证。

    The policeman swore out a warrant for the suspect's arrest.

  23. 拘捕并非依据逮捕证,他被非正式拘留在未知地点。

    The? detention was not based on an arrest warrant and he was detained informally at an undisclosed location.

  24. 在逮捕过程中使用了武力,执法官员没有出示逮捕证。

    Force was used in the arrest, and the law enforcement officers did not produce an arrest warrant.

  25. 实施逮捕的保安部队并未说明身份,也未出示逮捕证。

    The security forces who conducted the arrest did not identify themselves, nor did they present an arrest warrant.

  26. 第七十一条公安机关逮捕人得时候, 必须出示逮捕证。

    Article 71 When making an arrest, a public security organ must produce an arrest warrant.

  27. 第七十一条公安机关逮捕人的时候,必须出示逮捕证。

    Article 71 When making an arrest,a public security organ must produce an arrest warrant.

  28. 她宣誓所控属实, 因此领到了偷她车那个人的逮捕证。

    She swore out a warrant for the arrest of the man who stole her car.

  29. 逮捕他时没有出示任何逮捕证或政府当局的其他决定。

    No arrest warrant or other decision by a public authority was shown at the time of his arrest.

  30. 警官在执行逮捕之前, 凡是可能的, 都应事先取得逮捕证。

    Whenever possible, a police officer should obtain a warrant prior to making an apprehension.


  1. 问:逮捕证人令拼音怎么拼?逮捕证人令的读音是什么?逮捕证人令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕证人令的读音是dàibǔzhèngrénlìng,逮捕证人令翻译成英文是 witness warrant




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