


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng cái









  1. 亦作“ 上材 ”。上等的才能。

    《后汉书·列女传·皇甫规妻》:“ 皇甫氏 文武上才,为 汉 忠臣。” 三国 魏 刘劭 《人物志·七谬》:“上材之人,能行人所不能行。”

  2. 指具有上等才能的人。

    唐 方干 《越中逢孙百篇》诗:“上才乘酒到 山阴 ,日日成篇字字金。” 元 范梈 《休日出郊》诗:“迁臣逐客皆前辈,幕长郎官尽上才。”

  3. 上等的材料。

    南朝 齐 谢朓 《高松赋》:“若乃体同器制,质兼上才。”



  1. The doctor had to press all three fingers on his wrist to feel the pulse beat, and this was a sign the volume of blood was decreasing.

  2. His sufferings did not begin on the cross, but it was his suffering that led him to the cross.

  3. But a woman does not need to be in the firing line to feel as good as a man. That is an equality too far.

  4. But when you think about it a little, it starts to sound more like . . . a bumper sticker.

  5. Fortunately she knew at once what to do. "It must be sewn on, " she said, just a little patronisingly.

  6. Last night it crashed through a fence, and today it halts after just a few laps around the test path.

  7. When I stood on the bridge, three (up to five) vehicles started to move back and forth in front of me before long.

  8. Mr Park seems to have fallen foul of both the two main causes of official paranoia: the internet and the financial crisis.

  9. This building looks like an old castle, but in fact it has just been built completely new.


  1. 通常葬礼上才送偶数数目得花儿。

    Even numbers usually are for funerals.

  2. 金钱好比粪肥,撒在大地上才有用。

    Money is like muck,not good except it be spread.

  3. 什么时候世界上才能有持久的和平?

    When will there be lasting peace in the world?

  4. 不用, 只有在主干道上才必须这样。

    No, you only need to find such stands at the main thoroughfares.

  5. 只有在客户机端上才需要这样做。

    This will only be required on the client side.

  6. 多逛多问, 比较核实, 货源上才有保证。

    More shopping to ask, compared to verify the source of goods can only be guaranteed.

  7. 我也从书上才知道再冥府守门狗。

    All I know of Cerberus is what I've read in books.

  8. 只有在露天看台上才得坐在阳光下。

    It's only in the bleachers where you have to sit in the sun.

  9. 在订货量比较大的基础上才有折扣。

    Discounts are available based on high volume orders.

  10. 在订货量比较大的基础上才有折扣。

    Discounts are available based on high volume orders.

  11. 卡车只有奔驰在运输线上才是赚钱的工具

    Only Benz truck is the money machine in transportation vehicle

  12. 而且饭桌礼节仅仅在正式得宴会上才重要。

    Besides, table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.

  13. 而且饭桌礼节仅仅在正式的宴会上才重要。

    Besides, table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.

  14. 经过数不清得年代以后,地球上才有人类。

    Eons passed before life existed on the earth.

  15. 经过数不清的年代以后,地球上才有人类。

    Eons passed before life existed on the earth.

  16. 而且我们不只是在课堂上才需要用到它们。

    And we won't just use them in this class.

  17. 并且只有在写完名字后40秒内写上才有效。

    And the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name.

  18. 这些值只是在相对比较上才有中肯的意义。

    These values are relevant in a relative sense.

  19. 这些值只是在相对比较上才有中肯得意义。

    These values are relevant in a relative sense.

  20. 只有他们俩认识的那个网站上才有她的名字

    her name only pops up on the website where he met her?

  21. 基本上,用了十亿年 地球上才开始出现生命。

    Basically, it took a billion years to have life on Earth.

  22. 幸亏有个好老师,她学业上才有巨大的进步。

    Thanks to a good teacher, she made great improvement in her study.

  23. 社会主义革命只有在世界历史的意义上才能存在。

    Only in world history can socialist revolution exist.

  24. 他很明显是看在钱的份上才来帮你的。

    He is obviously helping you for the sake of money.

  25. 这些事可能你平常只在书上才会读到。

    It might put something you had only ever read about into the personal context of your parent.

  26. 他一直跑到一条繁华的商业街上才停下来。

    He kept running until he reached a busy shopping street.

  27. 因为他们的投资,这个项目在经济上才得以通过。

    It is only their investment that makes the programme economically viable.

  28. 我必须被选上才行,还是每个人都可以加入?

    Do I have to be chosen or can anyone join?

  29. 这些奇迹的一部分, 您可能在圣经上才能读到。

    Some of these miracles will involve things that youre liable to read in the Bible.

  30. 只有三点在一条线上才能使书帖顺利传送。

    Only three points in a line for the book a manner worthy a smooth transfer.


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