


船。行船或飞行:~海。~空。~天。~行(xíng )。~班。民~。……





汉语拼音:háng mǔ






  1. Aircraft carriers and their accompanying ships are unable to defend themselves against such a threat.


  2. Training in aviation management may qualify you to supervise an air traffic control operation, an airport, or an aircraft carrier.


  3. The trial is expected to last a few days and Xinhua said tests and refurbishment would continue when the ship returned.


  4. Its building of a first aircraft carrier was part of that and would have a profound effect on the balance of forces in the region, he said.


  5. The States is currently way way way way ahead of China in terms of aircraft carrier technology. However, China is trying to close the gap.


  6. Even once testing is completed, the carrier will have to be in maintenance for several months out of the year.


  7. The last time the aircraft carrier once known as the Varyag generated this much concern, it was for fear it might sink.


  8. Salehi did not name the aircraft carrier or give details of the action Iran might take if it returned.


  9. But he said the ship's radars still needed work, and the fighter planes that will train on the carrier are still being tested.


  1. 及航母预警机武器学校

    Carrier Airborne Early Warning Weapons School

  2. 航母的船舱不再会过载。

    Carrier cargo holds can no longer be overloaded.

  3. 潍坊海王创建医药物流航母

    Weifang Haiwang, an Aircraft Carrier in the Pharmaceutical Logistics Industry

  4. 那个击毁奥林匹克航母的任务。

    Of the mission that destroyed the Olympic carrier.

  5. 航母上的战斗机已经准备好起飞了。

    Fighters on the aircraft carrier are ready to take off.

  6. 他们把那艘航母命名为林肯号。

    It is Lincoln that they named the aircraft carrier.

  7. 我从前面的航母截获一个能量波。

    I'm picking up a power surge from the carrier up ahead.

  8. 我们在波斯湾的航母已经进入待命。

    We have carriers on standby in the Persian gulf.

  9. 打击航母水线上下之间关键水密封仓。

    Attack the carrier waterline key water seal between the upper and lower positions.

  10. 航母, 母舰, 泰坦公司双倍船舱阵列。

    Carriers, Motherships and Titans have had their corporation hangar array doubled in size.

  11. 护卫机除开。航母才是我们要对付的。

    Yuke Squadron Eliminate the escort fighters. The carrier can wait.

  12. 这一点也适用于花旗等金融业航母。

    The same goes for financial supertankers such as Citigroup.

  13. 航母激光武器对抗来袭导弹的技术研究

    Research on Technology of Aircraft Carrier Laser Weapon Countering Raid Missile

  14. 这是在大连翻新这艘航母的最大意义。

    This is the biggest significance of the vessel now being refurbished in Dalian.

  15. 这是在大连翻新这艘航母得最大意义。

    This is the biggest significance of the vessel now being refurbished in Dalian.

  16. 航母编队具有攻防兼备的多种作战能力。

    Aircraft carrier fleet has diversiform campaign abilities for attack and defense.

  17. 估计该航母的总成本高达100多亿美元。

    The carrier estimates the total cost of up to 100 billion U.S. dollars.

  18. 航母舰坦将不能用于盗窃母星的物品。

    It is no longer possible to steal from a Starbase using a Carrier Mothership Titan.

  19. 戴维斯号航母和攻击机小队就位了么?

    Is the crateon Davies in position and the strike team ready?

  20. 参观这艘航母就相当于上了一堂历史课。

    Visiting the ship provides a history lesson.

  21. 好的。航母着落是机警的,但你操纵做到了。

    Good. Carrier landing is tricky, but you managed to do it.

  22. 由于航母改造尚未完工, 我国尚未对其正式命名。

    The carrier has not been officially named as its refitting is unfinished.

  23. 航母母舰泰坦将不能用于盗窃母星的物品。

    It is no longer possible to steal from a Starbase using a Carrier Mothership Titan.

  24. 反辐射导弹对航母雷达群作战效能分析建模

    Combat Efficiency Analysis and Modeling of ARM against Radars on Aircraft Carrier

  25. 航母编队航渡过程中预警机阵位确定方法研究

    Research on the Position of Early Warning Aircraft Carrier Formations in Navigation

  26. 航母和随行船只无法在这样的威胁下保护自己。

    Aircraft carriers and their accompanying ships are unable to defend themselves against such a threat.

  27. 然而与今天的航母相比,列克星敦号还是算小的。

    Yet the Lexington is small compared to today's aircraft carriers.

  28. 航母似乎并没有通常组成航母战斗群的其他军舰伴随。

    It also does not appear to be accompanied by the other military ships that would usually make up a carrier group.

  29. 现在依然预计两艘航母将分别于2012年和2015年入役。

    Current assumptions remain that the two ships should enter service in 2012 and 2015 respectively.

  30. 从电视上我们常看到几艘航母在各大洋游弋。

    From TV, we often see a few aircraft carriers cruising the oceans.


  1. 问:航母拼音怎么拼?航母的读音是什么?航母翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母的读音是hángmǔ,航母翻译成英文是 An abbreviation for aircraft carrier.; New...

  2. 问:航母大队拼音怎么拼?航母大队的读音是什么?航母大队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母大队的读音是háng mǔ dà duì,航母大队翻译成英文是 Carrier Croup

  3. 问:航母杀手拼音怎么拼?航母杀手的读音是什么?航母杀手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母杀手的读音是,航母杀手翻译成英文是 Carrier killer missile

  4. 问:航母训练拼音怎么拼?航母训练的读音是什么?航母训练翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母训练的读音是háng mǔ xùn liàn,航母训练翻译成英文是 Aircraft Carrier, Training

  5. 问:航母性能等级拼音怎么拼?航母性能等级的读音是什么?航母性能等级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母性能等级的读音是háng mǔ xìng néng děng jí,航母性能等级翻译成英文是 Carrier Performance Rating

  6. 问:航母战斗大队拼音怎么拼?航母战斗大队的读音是什么?航母战斗大队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母战斗大队的读音是háng mǔ zhàn dòu dà duì,航母战斗大队翻译成英文是 Carrier Battle Group

  7. 问:航母攻击部队拼音怎么拼?航母攻击部队的读音是什么?航母攻击部队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母攻击部队的读音是háng mǔ gōng jī bù duì,航母攻击部队翻译成英文是 Attack Carrier Striking Force

  8. 问:航母测试转换拼音怎么拼?航母测试转换的读音是什么?航母测试转换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母测试转换的读音是háng mǔ cè shì zhuǎn huàn,航母测试转换翻译成英文是 Carrier Test Switch

  9. 问:航母特混舰队拼音怎么拼?航母特混舰队的读音是什么?航母特混舰队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母特混舰队的读音是háng mǔ tè hùn jiàn duì,航母特混舰队翻译成英文是 Carrier Task Force

  10. 问:航母特遣部队拼音怎么拼?航母特遣部队的读音是什么?航母特遣部队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母特遣部队的读音是háng mǔ tè qiǎn bù duì,航母特遣部队翻译成英文是 Carrier Task Force

  11. 问:航母空防演习拼音怎么拼?航母空防演习的读音是什么?航母空防演习翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母空防演习的读音是háng mǔ kōng fáng yǎn xí,航母空防演习翻译成英文是 Carrier Air Defense Exercise

  12. 问:航母辅助跟踪拼音怎么拼?航母辅助跟踪的读音是什么?航母辅助跟踪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母辅助跟踪的读音是háng mǔ fǔ zhù gēn zōng,航母辅助跟踪翻译成英文是 Carrier-Aided Tracking

  13. 问:航母飞行资格拼音怎么拼?航母飞行资格的读音是什么?航母飞行资格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母飞行资格的读音是háng mǔ fēi xíng zī gé,航母飞行资格翻译成英文是 Flight Carver Qualifications

  14. 问:航母舰载机大队拼音怎么拼?航母舰载机大队的读音是什么?航母舰载机大队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母舰载机大队的读音是háng mǔ jiàn zài jī dà duì,航母舰载机大队翻译成英文是 Carrier Air Group

  15. 问:航母运输机中队拼音怎么拼?航母运输机中队的读音是什么?航母运输机中队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母运输机中队的读音是háng mǔ yùn shū jī zhōng duì,航母运输机中队翻译成英文是 Carrier Transport Squadron

  16. 问:航母预警机中队拼音怎么拼?航母预警机中队的读音是什么?航母预警机中队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母预警机中队的读音是háng mǔ yù jǐng jī zhōng duì,航母预警机中队翻译成英文是 Air Early Warning Squadron

  17. 问:航母战斗决定中心拼音怎么拼?航母战斗决定中心的读音是什么?航母战斗决定中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母战斗决定中心的读音是háng mǔ zhàn dòu jué dìng zhōng xīn,航母战斗决定中心翻译成英文是 Carrier's Combat Decision Center

  18. 问:航母控制着舰系统拼音怎么拼?航母控制着舰系统的读音是什么?航母控制着舰系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母控制着舰系统的读音是háng mǔ kòng zhì zhuó jiàn xì tǒng,航母控制着舰系统翻译成英文是 Carrier Controlled Approach

  19. 问:航母控制进场雷达拼音怎么拼?航母控制进场雷达的读音是什么?航母控制进场雷达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母控制进场雷达的读音是háng mǔ kòng zhì jìn chǎng léi dá,航母控制进场雷达翻译成英文是 Carrier-Controlled Approach Radar

  20. 问:航母攻击大队司令拼音怎么拼?航母攻击大队司令的读音是什么?航母攻击大队司令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:航母攻击大队司令的读音是háng mǔ gōng jī dà duì sī lìng,航母攻击大队司令翻译成英文是 Commander, Carrier Striking Group



“航空母舰”是个多义词,它可以指航空母舰(红色警戒3中的海军单位), 航空母舰(航空母舰的简称), 航空母舰(红警2/YR中的单位), 航空母舰(海军航空兵的母舰), 航空母舰(声优简称), 航空母舰(简历简称), 航空母舰(星际争霸中的一个兵种), 航空母舰(星际争霸2中的兵器), 航空母舰(热带淡水鱼)。

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