







汉语拼音:jìn huǒ







  1. 近处的火灾。


  2. 靠近火;烤火。

    晋 陆机 《君子行》:“近火固宜热,履冰岂恶寒。” 唐 曹松 《送僧入蜀过夏》诗:“五月 峨眉 须近火,木皮领重只如冬。”



  1. Distant water can't put out a nearby fire, and a distant relative is not as helpful as a close neighbor.

  2. China's economic growth is still hope, but far from immediate help for the current metal markets did not boost the role.

  3. is too far away to save you. You should have moved her to the center of the battle.

  4. While he was asleep his feet began to burn and soon turned to ashes.

  5. Protective clothing . Protection against heat and flames . Test method: determination of the heat transmission on exposure to flame.

  6. Distant water won't put out a fire close at hand, a relative far off gives less help than a neighbour close by.

  7. Do not stand cans of petrol near the fire .

  8. This bottle must not be stood close to the fire.

  9. The butter will run if you put it near the fire.


  1. 切勿近火!

    Keep away from fire!

  2. 远水不济近火。

    Water after does not quench a fire at home.

  3. 远水难求近火。

    Water after quench not fire.

  4. 远水救不了近火。

    Far water does not put out near fire.

  5. 远水救不了近火。

    A slow remedy cannot meet an emergency.

  6. 在取暖时太近火的人被灼。

    He warms too near that burns.

  7. 如果象这样说,所有的紧收货币政策都是远水救不了近火。

    For the discussion, any tightening of policy is a long way off.

  8. 他的腿离火太近,火一点点地把木腿都快烧没了,

    While he was asleep his feet began to burn and soon turned to ashes.

  9. 敌人的油罐被击中爆炸起火。不要把汽油罐放在近火处。

    The enemy's gas tank was hit and went up in smoke Don't stand cans of petrol near the fire.

  10. 俄军大炮近距离开火炮轰, 房屋一一倒塌, 化为烈焰。

    Buildings crashed in flames as the Russians fired their artillery at pointblank range.

  11. 远火取暖,近火灼人。

    The fire which warms at a distance will burn us when near.

  12. 远火能照亮,近火要烧人。

    The fire which lights us at a distance will burn us when near.

  13. 远火可照明,近火却烧身。

    The fire which lights us at a distance will burn us when near.

  14. 这只瓶不得放在近火处。

    This bottle must not be stood close to the fire.

  15. 远水难救近火,远亲不如近邻。

    Remote water cannot put out a near fire, not as helpful as neighbours are relatives living apart.

  16. 不要把汽油罐放在近火处。

    Don't stand cans of petrol near the fire.

  17. 远水不救近火, 远亲不如近邻

    Distant water cant put out a nearby fire, and a distant relative is not as helpful as a close neighbor.

  18. 那只猫离火太近, 尾巴让火给烧焦了。

    The cat had her tail singed through sitting too near the fire.

  19. 我得长得远看有点像萝卜,近看像一堆火。

    I look a bit like a carrot which looks nearly like a fire watch.

  20. 我的长得远看有点像萝卜, 近看像一堆火。

    I look a bit like a carrot which looks nearly like a fire watch.

  21. 近火灭火战斗

    proximity fire fighting.

  22. 远水难救近火。

    Water afar quenches not fire.

  23. 远水不救近火。

    Distant water cannot quench a fire nearby.

  24. 取暖太近火, 会被火灼伤

    He warms too near that Burns

  25. 远水不能救近火。

    You cannot fight a fire with water from far away. Urgent local problems cannot be solved by distant. Resources.

  26. 你要多久才能教会一个婴儿不走近火?

    How soon can you teach a baby not to go near the fire?

  27. 她觉得他很抱歉, 她叫他出去, 让下摆近火席位。

    She felt so sorry for him that she told him to come in and gave hem a seat near the fire.

  28. 矿工们休息近火, 他们持有长期使用撬棍撬, 从火山口硫。

    Miners rest near a fire, holding long crowbars they use to pry the sulfur from the crater.

  29. 近地点喷火

    perigee kick.

  30. 不要离火太近。

    Don't get too close to the fire.


  1. 问:近火点拼音怎么拼?近火点的读音是什么?近火点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近火点的读音是,近火点翻译成英文是 periareon

  2. 问:近火作业拼音怎么拼?近火作业的读音是什么?近火作业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近火作业的读音是jìn huǒ zuò yè,近火作业翻译成英文是 Construction under Fire

  3. 问:近火灭火战斗拼音怎么拼?近火灭火战斗的读音是什么?近火灭火战斗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近火灭火战斗的读音是jìn huǒ miè huǒ zhàn dòu,近火灭火战斗翻译成英文是 proximity fire fighting

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