




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:liǎn shàng







  1. 面颊之上。

    唐 温庭筠 《南歌子》词:“脸上金霞细,眉间翠鈿深。” 老舍 《老张的哲学》第四二:“ 孙八 看看叔父,看看 李静 ,脸上红了两阵,羞眉愧眼的坐下。”

  2. 犹言面子上。




  1. The boy had a big smile on his face as if he had just been set free from some sort of prison.


  2. Yan was more sorrowful because she must say something against her own willings with a prideful smile presented on her face.


  3. Miss Emily met them at the door, dressed as usual and with no trace of grief on her face.


  4. I almost fall over right there. A wide smile takes his face. And mine. As I said, it was a perfect night. But somehow, it just got better.


  5. A flicker of disapproval crossed the old man's face, but it was not his way to question his queen. "As you command. "


  6. Maxim had not moved. He looked up at me, his glass in his hand. All the colour left his face.


  7. My face felt as if it had been splashed with hot pink paint.


  8. But the laugh does not reach his eyes. When he looks at you, the eyes of an old man stare out of a young face.


  9. Sir Alec was a thin, pale man in his late forties, with a sensitive, aristocratic face and an engaging smile.


  1. 脸上的疮疤

    a scar on the face.

  2. 脸上的伤疤

    a scar on his cheek.

  3. 她脸上含怒。

    Her expression suggested anger.

  4. 脸上保持欢愉

    and put on a happy face.

  5. 脸上表情呆滞

    lifeless in facial expression.

  6. 他脸上泛红。

    He blushed.

  7. 他脸上容光焕发。

    His face was glowing.

  8. 朝脸上猛击

    to dot someone on the face

  9. 他脸上有疤。

    He had a scar on his face.

  10. 他脸上有疤。

    He had a scar on his face.

  11. 他脸上喜气洋洋。

    He wore a face alight with happiness.

  12. 他脸上的愁容

    a scowl on his face

  13. 他脸上的笑容

    a smile on his face

  14. 正被击中脸上

    to be hit full in the face

  15. 她脸上的表情。

    The look on her face.

  16. 你脸上有颜料。

    You got a little paint.

  17. 血液涌到脸上

    The blood drains from her face.

  18. 脸上长了粉刺。

    My face is breaking out in pimples.

  19. 感觉脸上有雨点

    to feel rain on the face

  20. 他脸上表情冷漠。

    His face is impassive.

  21. 她脸上没有表情。

    She has a vacant look.

  22. 在脸上搽雪花膏

    To apply the cream to the face

  23. 脸上可笑的神色

    a guizzical expression on the face

  24. 脸上忧伤的神情

    A mournful expression on ones face

  25. 雨点滴落在脸上。

    The raindrop fell on my face.

  26. 她脸上汗水淋淋。

    Her face was dripping with sweat.

  27. 他脸上神色严肃。

    He had a severe look on his face.

  28. 他脸上汗水直流。

    Sweat was streaming down his face.

  29. 他脸上没有表情。

    There was a blank look on his face.

  30. 他脸上毫无表情。

    There was a blank look on his face.


  1. 问:脸上有白斑的拼音怎么拼?脸上有白斑的的读音是什么?脸上有白斑的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脸上有白斑的的读音是,脸上有白斑的翻译成英文是 bald-faced

  2. 问:脸上现出愁容拼音怎么拼?脸上现出愁容的读音是什么?脸上现出愁容翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脸上现出愁容的读音是,脸上现出愁容翻译成英文是 gloom

  3. 问:脸上的白斑点拼音怎么拼?脸上的白斑点的读音是什么?脸上的白斑点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脸上的白斑点的读音是liǎnshàngdebáibāndiǎn,脸上的白斑点翻译成英文是 blaze

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