







汉语拼音:cā shì







  1. 擦抹;揩拭。

    刘白羽 《火光照红海洋》:“报告炮长,火炮擦拭完毕。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第二十章:“ 郑瑾 替左边的 道静 擦拭着眼泪,又替右边的 小俞 拉拉被角。”



  1. If the silver sky, it began to rain, it must wipe my tears, let me have been waiting for you.


  2. Usage : drop the product on the surface needs to be cleaned. Wipe the surface for several times and can keep the copper clean .


  3. If the surface is slightly evenlessness or mild abrasions, teasing, wipe gently fine carbon can be used to make it smooth.


  4. Although scratches cannot be removed, any other marks can be cleaned using a damp cloth and then polished dry to remove any excess moisture.


  5. If I just keep them lightly polished and conditioned once a year, an hour a year, it's more than enough to bring them back to life.


  6. With a sigh, he lifted one of the tentacle fingers on his right hand to his eye and discovered a tear forming.


  7. He pulled latex gloves and a handkerchief out of his pocket, donned the gloves, and carefully wiped down the Glock with the handkerchief.


  8. Chu sun flurried find tissue for me until I unrecoverable wiped, deep down, he with a sigh, looking at me, Mimi.


  9. A warm breath and a rub on her pants later, a small black pebble, oval like a river rock, charred and smooth, was freed of ice.


  1. 擦拭什么?

    Cleaning what up?

  2. 擦拭用麂皮

    Skins of chamois for cleaning

  3. 皮鞋擦拭机

    leather shoes polisher.

  4. 擦拭通条头

    cleaning jag

  5. 非擦拭用麂皮

    Skins of chamois, other than for cleaning purposes.

  6. 带材擦拭器

    strip wiper.

  7. 用湿布擦拭表面

    Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

  8. 她用面巾擦拭嘴唇。

    She dabbed at her mouth with a tissue.

  9. 用干净海绵擦拭表面。

    Wipe the surface with a clean sponge.

  10. 刮水器的间歇擦拭

    intermittent wiping

  11. 她每天都擦拭灰尘。

    She dusts every day.

  12. 擦拭掉墙上的油污

    to scour the oil sludge on the wall

  13. 请用中性皂液擦拭。

    Wipe clean with a mild soapy solution.

  14. 用毛巾擦拭她的前额

    Mopped her forehead with a towel.

  15. 用乾净海绵擦拭表面。

    Wipe the surface with a clean sponge.

  16. 那老人用拖把擦拭地板。

    The old man wiped the floor with a mop.

  17. 他用一块棉布擦拭柜台。

    He used a wad of cotton to wipe the counter.

  18. 他用一块棉布擦拭柜台。

    He used a wad of cotton to wipe the counter.

  19. 他正忙着擦拭锅盘。

    He was busy polishing the pots and pans.

  20. 他用手帕擦拭了一下眼镜。

    He polished his spectacles with a handkerchief.

  21. 用柔软的干布擦拭金属。

    Clean the metal with a soft dry cloth.

  22. 她擦拭着望远镜的凸透镜

    She polished the convex lens of her telescope.

  23. 抹布用于擦拭的东西,如毛巾

    Something, such as a towel, used for wiping.

  24. 请勿用于直接擦拭人体和食品。

    Do not wipe the body and food for direct.

  25. 护士擦拭了他发烫的前额。

    The nurse mopped his fevered brow.

  26. 男孩用砂纸使劲擦拭着小刀。

    The boy scoured the knife with sand.

  27. 男孩用砂纸使劲擦拭着小刀。

    The boy scoured the knife with sand.

  28. 我用成熟的配方来擦拭管道。

    I use the ripe recipe to wipe the pipeline.

  29. 马格洛大娘把一切都擦拭干净。

    Madam Magloire has cleaned it all off.

  30. 然后将血液擦拭在试纸仪器上

    You put it on a little device.


  1. 问:擦拭拼音怎么拼?擦拭的读音是什么?擦拭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擦拭的读音是cāshì,擦拭翻译成英文是 wipe … clean

  2. 问:擦拭窗户拼音怎么拼?擦拭窗户的读音是什么?擦拭窗户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擦拭窗户的读音是cāshì chuānghù,擦拭窗户翻译成英文是 wipe a window clean

  3. 问:擦拭银器拼音怎么拼?擦拭银器的读音是什么?擦拭银器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擦拭银器的读音是cāshì yínqì,擦拭银器翻译成英文是 polish silverware

  4. 问:擦拭带拼音怎么拼?擦拭带的读音是什么?擦拭带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擦拭带的读音是cā shì dài,擦拭带翻译成英文是 wiper cord

  5. 问:擦拭法拼音怎么拼?擦拭法的读音是什么?擦拭法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擦拭法的读音是cāshìfǎ,擦拭法翻译成英文是 ragging

  6. 问:擦拭球拼音怎么拼?擦拭球的读音是什么?擦拭球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擦拭球的读音是cā shì qiú,擦拭球翻译成英文是 clean ball

  7. 问:擦拭器轴拼音怎么拼?擦拭器轴的读音是什么?擦拭器轴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擦拭器轴的读音是cā shì qì zhóu,擦拭器轴翻译成英文是 wiper shaft

  8. 问:擦拭武器拼音怎么拼?擦拭武器的读音是什么?擦拭武器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擦拭武器的读音是cā shì wǔ qì,擦拭武器翻译成英文是 Clean Weapons

  9. 问:擦拭螺塞拼音怎么拼?擦拭螺塞的读音是什么?擦拭螺塞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擦拭螺塞的读音是cā shì luó sāi,擦拭螺塞翻译成英文是 clean out plug

  10. 问:擦拭通条头拼音怎么拼?擦拭通条头的读音是什么?擦拭通条头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擦拭通条头的读音是cā shì tōng tiáo tóu,擦拭通条头翻译成英文是 cleaning jag

  11. 问:擦拭器控制继电器拼音怎么拼?擦拭器控制继电器的读音是什么?擦拭器控制继电器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擦拭器控制继电器的读音是cā shì qì kòng zhì jì diàn qì,擦拭器控制继电器翻译成英文是 wiper control relay



擦拭 cāshì [clean;cleanse] 来回揩擦。擦拭本义上是两种动作:擦是磨、抹;拭是扫、拂。 例:擦拭茶几、擦拭枪械等。

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