




1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……



汉语拼音:sān guò








  1. 三次路过。

    《孟子·离娄下》:“ 禹 稷 当平世,三过其门而不入。”

  2. 三种过失。

    《淮南子·齐俗训》:“子之宾独有三过:望我而笑,是攓也;谈语而不称师,是返也;交浅而言深,是乱也。” 宋 黄庭坚 《山谷题跋·士大夫食时五观》:“治心养性,先防三过:美食则贪;恶食则嗔;终日食不知食之所从来则痴。”

  3. 书法之三折势。

    唐 张彦远 《法书要录·王右军题卫夫人笔阵图后》:“每作一波常三过折笔,每作一点常隐锋而为之。”



  1. An somewhat ordinary Wednesday turned out to be somewhat unusual, again. First of all, it was unusually boring at work.


  2. Dayu flood control, showing people the benefit of a great hero, he had three home without experience, we can see that his impartiality.


  3. A few thousand citizens were settled in third countries during the year.


  4. Heavy fog, but three, had triple-negative rainy day.


  5. "No oneknows, " says Megan. "They've never gotten to three. "


  6. Yu flood at 13 years, very busy, had three home without.


  7. thirdly , the fir decimating filter under over - sampling is designed and realized


  1. 三过氧铬酸

    triperchromic acid.

  2. 禹在治水13年中,非常繁忙,竟至三过家门而不入。

    Yu flood at13 years, very busy, had three home without.

  3. 如果按此标准,大禹三过家门而不入,有悖常理。

    If this standard, Dayu three without a home and perverse.

  4. 过三氧化钛

    titanium peroxide.

  5. 酒过三巡。

    The wine has gone round three times.

  6. 过三个地铁站。

    Take the subway for three stops.

  7. 梦想过三人行么?

    Do you dream of a threesome

  8. 他坐过三年牢。

    He was in prison for three years.

  9. 他将错过三场比赛

    He’s going to miss 3 games.

  10. 时钟刚刚敲过三点。

    The clock has just struck three.

  11. 再过三年她满三十岁。

    She is three years off thirty.

  12. 整个赛季只丢过三个球

    three times the whole season.

  13. 现在她已谢过三次幕了。

    Now she's got three curtain calls.

  14. 我们一周内到过三个国家。

    We covered three countries in a week.

  15. 因故意伤害罪做过三年牢。

    Did three years for aggravated assault.

  16. 她写过三本书和许多文章。

    She is the author of three books and numerous articles.

  17. 发出去之前我至少查过三遍。

    At least three times before we sent it through.

  18. 按照宗教惯例洗过三遍的尸体。

    Bodies washed ritually three times.

  19. 我没有洗过三条裤子,只洗过一条裤子。

    I didn't wash three pairs of pants, I washed only one.

  20. 进过三个月的白介素2疗法

    After three months of the I. L. 0.

  21. 她生过三个孩子, 养大了两个。

    She bore three children and reared or reaised.

  22. 我去过三封信,但一直没有回音。

    I've written him three times but have had no reply.

  23. 再过三年, 房贷就能还清了。

    In three years, will be able to pay off the mortgage.

  24. 要想开辟人生新道路,试试过三个'M'。

    To get yourself started in a new direction, try the Three M 's.

  25. 那几天他打过三个不同的号码。

    Three different numbers were called on those dates.

  26. 那几天他打过三个不同的号码。

    Three different numbers were called on those dates.

  27. 那几天他打过三个不同的号码。

    Three different numbers were called on those dates.

  28. 是得,我吃过三个冰淇淋球得蛋筒。

    Yes, I have had a tripescoop ice cream cone.

  29. 是的,我吃过三个冰淇淋球的蛋筒。

    Yes, I have had a tripescoop ice cream cone.

  30. 再过三年, 我就整整认识你十年了。

    In three years time, I will have known you for a whole decade.

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