


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng xié






  1. 将鞋帮、鞋底缝在一起。



  1. This angel had to shake Peter awake and even told him to get dressed. Then they walked out of the prison together.


  2. he put on his shoes in the cold and stood up , shaking himself in his stiffness.


  3. The auxiliary shoe-fixing apparatus consists of auxiliary mounting base, shaft, locking pin, locking sleeve and shoe-fixing spring.


  4. I immediately put on shoes, flew into the yard, found in chicken coop where the old hen's body under a large, round eggs.


  5. It also prevents exposure of the feet to harmful creatures lying around us, be it plants, animals or parasites.


  6. When you turn on the television, put on your shoes or drive to a store, you're using energy.


  7. The shoes are then put on as normal, then the gaiters zipped up and the top drawstring cinched up and tied off.


  8. Hearing the news, he put on his stocking and shoes, and went out.


  9. Then I put on my shoes and continued on my way to town. I would hurry this time. I would buy some new socks, immediately.


  1. 一二扣上鞋

    One two buckle my shoes.

  2. 通用上鞋底机

    universal sole attaching machine

  3. 上鞋跟的人

    One who heels shoes.

  4. 液压上鞋尖机

    hydraulic forepart lasting machine.

  5. 束上腰带, 穿上鞋。

    Do up your belt and put your sandals on.

  6. 束上腰带,穿上鞋。

    Do up your belt and put your sandals on.

  7. 他登上鞋就出去了。

    He put his shoes on and went out.

  8. 他登上鞋就出去了。

    He put his shoes on and went out.

  9. 快穿上鞋,我们走吧。

    Pop your shoes on and let's go.

  10. 你的皮鞋需要上鞋油了。

    Your shoes need polishing.

  11. 我跟着奶奶学会了上鞋。

    I have learned to sole shoes from Grandma.

  12. 我跟着奶奶学会了上鞋。

    I have learned to sole shoes from Grandma.

  13. 他穿上鞋了说他准备好了。

    He stepped into his shoes and said he was ready.

  14. 他穿上鞋, 说他已准备好了。

    He stepped into his shoes and said he was ready.

  15. 南茜替她年幼的妹妹系上鞋带。

    Nancy knotted the shoelaces for her little sister.

  16. 让我系上鞋带走走, 看感觉如何。

    Let me fasten up the shoelace and walk a few steps to see how it feels.

  17. 到了秋天却是最后一个穿上鞋。

    And the last to resume leather in the fall.

  18. 他们穿上鞋,留意听着公交车的到来。

    They put on their shoes and listened out for the bus.

  19. 他们穿上鞋,留意听着公交车的到来。

    They put on their shoes and listened out for the bus.

  20. 我进语音室前必须穿上鞋套吗?

    Must I put on my overshoes before coming into the language lab?

  21. 很合脚, 让我系上鞋带走几步看看。

    It fits me. But let me fasten up the shoelaces and walk a few steps to see how it feels.

  22. 我们每天早上醒来 着装打扮,穿上鞋

    You know, we wake up in the morning, you get dressed, put on your shoes, you head out into the world.

  23. 滨崎步套上鞋,快步走到电脑显示器前。

    Hamasaki slides into them and shuffles quickly to the computer monitor.

  24. 老人把香烟头扔在地下, 踏上鞋底, 把它踩灭。

    He threw his cigarette butt down and stamped it out.

  25. 在进门前请挽起袖子和裤腿,穿上鞋套!

    Be sure to roll up your sleeves and trousers and put on the overshoes before you step in!

  26. 我将立刻准备好离歼,我只要穿上鞋就行了。

    I'll be ready to leave momentarily, I just have to put my shoes on.

  27. 他在寒冷中穿上鞋了,站起身来,抖了抖自己僵硬的身子。

    He put on his shoes in the cold and stood up, shaking himself in his stiffness.

  28. 她鞋上沾着泥。

    Mud adhered to her shoes.

  29. 鞋上到处是洞眼。

    They were full of holes.

  30. 泥浆黏在她鞋上。

    The mud clung to her shoes.


  1. 问:上鞋拼音怎么拼?上鞋的读音是什么?上鞋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上鞋的读音是shàngxié,上鞋翻译成英文是 To sew the upper and the sole together; to...



shàng xié ㄕㄤˋ ㄒㄧㄝ ˊ上鞋 

◎ [sole a shoe;stitch the sole to the upper] 把制成的鞋帮和鞋底缝合起来,使其成鞋

◎ 将鞋帮鞋底缝在一起

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