




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:chū shàng






  1. 犹拼上。

    《醒世姻缘传》第三五回:“我实对你説:你若把这个秀才,或是临时开了你自己的那个名字上去,或是与我弄不停当,你也休想要去会试,我合你到京中 棋盘街 上,礼部门前,我出上我这个老秀才,你出上你的小举人,我们大家了当!”



  1. Carlo Ancelotti has called on his side to go all out to win at Messina in a game the coach knows will not be easy.


  2. Millions of roses get handed out on Valentine's Day. But growing roses has an environmental impact worse than many other crops.


  3. Supreme Court of the United Kingdom was established and hundreds of hereditary peers kicked out of the Lords.


  4. I cannot remember a game last season like this.


  5. I also need you to calculate our total expenses for that month.


  6. When large volcanoes erupt, they disperse tons of particles enter(into) the (upper) atmosphere, where the particles then reflect light.


  7. You could think of a thousand possible uses, I'm sure.


  8. Simply let the palm of the hand go towards the target and up using the shoulder as the hinge, this will impart topspin .


  9. Supporters say the law change would free up millions of dollars and help protect women by making them more likely to report abuse.


  1. 他们端出上好的法国菜。

    They served excellent French cuisine.

  2. 它总能煮出上好的咖啡。

    It brews a perfect blend of coffee every time.

  3. 机器每日冲压出上百个零部件。

    Hundreds of units can be punched out in a day by the machine.

  4. 当他觉出上了当时, 已为时晚矣。

    It was too late for him when he suspected he had fallen into the trap.

  5. 鱼蠕虫每天能排出上百万的卵。

    Fish tapeworms can produce over one million eggs per day.

  6. 古巴人拿出上好的哈瓦那地雪茄,

    the Cuban passed around fine Havana cigars.

  7. 有谁能辨别出上图中哪个是假笑 哪个是真笑?

    And can anyone tell which one is the fake and the real smile on top here?

  8. 新烘焙得咖啡豆会释放出上百种化学物质。

    Freshly roasted beans will release hundreds of chemical substances in the form of vapors.

  9. 新烘焙的咖啡豆会释放出上百种化学物质。

    Freshly roasted beans will release hundreds of chemical substances in the form of vapors.

  10. 尽管她贫穷,但她总想装出上流社会阶层的样子。

    Although she was poor, she was living in genteel poverty.

  11. 有了这个新面包机, 烤出上好得面包真是小菜一碟。

    Baking great bread is as easy as pie with this new bread maker.

  12. 有了这个新面包机,烤出上好的面包真是小菜一碟。

    Baking great bread is as easy as pie with this new bread maker.

  13. 深吸一口气, 缓慢呼出。把注意力集中在气息的一进一出上。

    Take a deep breath, and focus on that breath coming in, and going out.

  14. 过了一会,古巴人拿出上好得雪茄烟分给每人一支。

    A little later,the Cuban passed around fine Havana cigars.

  15. 过了一会,古巴人拿出上好的雪茄烟分给每人一支。

    A little later, the Cuban passed around fine Havana cigars.

  16. 这周五,我要你们拿出上好的葡萄酒 向两个伟人敬酒

    And this Friday, I want you to pull out a really good bottle of wine, and I want you to toast these two people.

  17. 工程上出了点问题。

    There was a little problem.

  18. 工程上出了点问题。

    There was a little problem.

  19. 背上出了一身冷汗。

    The sweat broke out on his backbone.

  20. 帐单上出了一点错。

    There is a mistake on the bill.

  21. 在玩牌上出较小的牌

    To make a finesse in cards.

  22. 在摩托车上出什么事了?

    What happened with Hector, on the bike Hector

  23. 比尔在聚会上出了洋相。

    Bill made a show of himself at the party.

  24. 他在宴会上出了点洋相。

    He made a bit of an ass of himself at the party.

  25. 时间安排上出了点小问题。

    There was a slight hiccup in the timetable.

  26. 教师在考卷上出怪题吗?

    Does the teacher ever include catch questions in the test papers

  27. 我认为我的电费账单上出错了。

    I believe there's a mistake on my electric bill.

  28. 谢博特,你负责抽空膜上出血

    Shepherd, you'll evacuate the epidural.

  29. 她在这件事上出了不少力。

    She had already had a large hand in the matter.

  30. 我们公司内部在价目表上出了问题。

    We had some internal problems with the price list.

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