


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà xiàn






  1. 寿数,死期。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·极言》:“不得大药,但服草木,可以差於常人,不能延其大限也。” 唐 权德舆 《古兴》诗:“人生大限虽百岁,就中三十称一世。”《水浒传》第八五回:“ 罗真人 笑道:‘大限到来,岂容汝等留恋乎?’” 郭沫若 《十批判书·吕不韦与秦王政的批判》:“盖世的大英雄终也敌不过大限的来临,只好遗诏给他的长子 扶苏 ‘与丧会 咸阳 而葬’。”

  2. 朝廷规定的期限。

    《晋书·愍帝纪》:“分遣前锋,为 幽 并 后驻。赴同大限,克成元勋。”《南史·齐纪上》:“初, 晋 宋 旧制,受官二十日,輒送修城钱二千……二十年中,大限不可胜计,文符督切,扰乱在所,至是除荡。”

  3. 大的分界。

    明 胡应麟 《诗薮外编·六朝》:“ 晋 宋 之交,古今诗道升降之大限乎?”



  1. The sense of an imminent conclusion is emphasized by his closing the book after reading only the last page.


  2. Even his closest associates believed that was the end of him.


  3. It would be great if we all lived everyday as if it were our last, but we know it's probably not, so we don't.


  4. On the day of my judgement, when I stand before God, and He asks me why did I kill one of his true miracles, what am I gonna say?


  5. Dracula will once more walk the night! And as of you, it is time for you to die!


  6. When my time comes, will I be ready to face all the neglected relationships that I have failed to repay in this lifetime?


  7. In short, time is running out for the Cavendish. We may not be able to go bananas for much longer.


  8. DEATH OF A FRIEND: When chimpanzees die of untimely, accidental deaths, their companions have been known to go into a frenzy.


  9. We grab a quick salad, or buy a sandwich and eat at our computers. Sometimes, if there is a deadline around the corner, we just skip lunch.


  1. 她大限已到。

    It was her time to die.

  2. 大限来临,人人平等。

    The end make all equal.

  3. 那老人大限已到。

    The old man was nearing his end.

  4. 那是他大限已到。

    It was the end of his time.

  5. 觉大限吞生金自逝

    And one who has ceased to hope swallows gold and dies

  6. 当我的大限到, 我想海葬。

    When my time comes, I wanna be buried at sea.

  7. 是超越一切有限性的大限

    A limit beyond all limits

  8. 如果你大限难逃, 那么就是难逃!

    When your number is up, well it's up!

  9. 但是我的大限就快到了。

    But my hour draws near.

  10. 我知道。我们快到浪漫大限了。

    I know. We're getting close to the romance deadline.

  11. 病入膏肓的他, 自知大限将至。

    Being terminally ill, he knew his hour of death was coming.

  12. 病入膏肓的他,自知大限将至。

    Being terminally ill, he knew his hour of death was coming.

  13. 甚至他的心腹都认为他大限来临。

    Even his closest associates believed that was the end of him.

  14. 甚至他得心腹都认为他大限来临。

    Even his closest associates believed that was the end of him.

  15. 这个人遇到了不测 大限将至那种。

    Something happened with this guy something bad and permanent.

  16. 我也已经到了知道自己大限的时候了。

    I am old enough to know my time am aware of it.

  17. 悲观主义者相信, 非洲的大限是不可避免的。

    Pessimists believe that an African apocalypse is inevitable.

  18. 我锯倒树的时候你的大限就到了。

    I'm sawing down your tree as your time is up.

  19. 所以大限到了后, 我将会去见神。

    So when my time comes, my body can be sent to the gods.

  20. 夫妻本是同林鸟, 大限到来各自飞

    like birds in one grove are a husband and wife, but they each fly away at the end of their life

  21. 夫妻本是同林鸟大限来时各自飞

    Like Birds in one grove are a husband and wife, But each fly away at the end of their life

  22. 像是这样 你的大限已到,但你可以尽情享乐。

    It was like, Yeah, you're doomed, but your parking's free.

  23. 细胞计时器甚至还可能决定什麽时候你的大限已到。

    Cellular chronometers may even decide when your time is up.

  24. 我想要在大限到来之前变得聪明并且愚蠢傲慢勇敢。

    I would like to be wise before my time and yet be foolish and brash and bold.

  25. 简单来说,板烟香蕉大限已到。以后可能就没机会抓狂了。

    In short running the Cavendish. We may not be able to go bananas for much longer.

  26. 对很多人,巨无霸宰制了天空,但早期出厂的七四七大限已至。

    For many people, the jumbo ruled the skies, but time is now up for the early745 s.


  1. 问:大限拼音怎么拼?大限的读音是什么?大限翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大限的读音是dàxiàn,大限翻译成英文是 One's life expectancy; the day when one is goin...



大限----即寿数。过去人们迷信,认为人的寿命都是有定数的,“大限已到”就是数已到,快到死的意思。 1.寿数,死期。 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·极言》:“不得大药,但服草木,可以差于常人,不能延其大限也。” 唐 权德舆 《古兴》诗:“人生大限虽百岁,就中三十称一世。”《水浒传》第八五回:“ 罗真人 笑道:‘大限到来,岂容汝等留恋乎?’” 郭沫若 《十批判书·吕不韦与秦王政的批判》:“盖世的大英雄终也敌不过大限的来临,只好遗诏给他的长子 扶苏 ‘与丧会 咸阳 而葬’。” 2.朝廷规定的期限。《晋书·愍帝纪》:“分遣前锋,为 幽 并 后驻。赴同大限,克成元勋。”《南史·齐纪上》:“初, 晋 宋 旧制,受官二十日,辄送修城钱二千……二十年中,大限不可胜计,文符督切,扰乱在所,至是除荡。” 3.大的分界。 明 胡应麟 《诗薮外编·六朝》:“ 晋 宋 之交,古今诗道升降之大限乎?” 4、十年行运。在紫微斗数中,大限指的是紫微命盘中以10年为计算单位的一个时间段,以及这十年中的情绪转变。代表着这十年内的能量模式,也可以说是内在的运势,可作为长期生涯规划的重要参考。重点是要告诉人们:机会在哪,要避免哪些障碍……让人们掌握先机,在未来的十年中更好地把握机会,避开陷阱。 词义:最大的能力

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