


1. 没 [méi]2. 没 [mò]没 [méi]无:~有。~用。~关系。~词儿。~精打采。~心~肺。不曾,未:~有来过。不够,不如:汽车~飞机快。没 [mò]隐在水中:沉~。~顶之灾。隐藏,消失:埋~。~落。漫过,高过:水~了头顶。淹~……


1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……





汉语拼音:méi jiǎo xiè







  1. 没有脚的螃蟹。比喻无活动能力者。

    《水浒传》第二六回:“那妇人道:‘亏杀了这箇乾娘!我又是箇没脚蟹,不是这箇乾娘,隣舍家谁肯来帮我!’”《廿载繁华梦》第三二回:“况小弟赤贫,像没脚蟹,逃又逃不去,怕还把知情不举的罪名牵累小弟呢!” 茅盾 《林家铺子》三:“ 上海 这路一断,敝庄就成了没脚蟹,汇划不通,比尊处再好的户头也只好不做了。” 贾平凹 《夏家老太》:“老人摘了星星般的喜欢,心想:这世道真好,像咱这没脚蟹的人家,能和书记做起亲家来,这后半世也有了依靠了。”《廿载繁华梦》第二二回:“我两个妇人,没爪蟹,若有山高水低,怎样纔好?”

  2. 比喻不见踪迹,行踪不定的人。

    李劼人 《暴风雨前》第一部分八:“ 苏 家不在这里,他又走得远远的,简直是个没脚蟹,就不说路上出事,设或他不回来呢?” 李劼人 《大波》第二部第八章:“独有 王文炳 却成一个没脚螃蟹,从七月十五日以后,就没有人知道他的踪迹了。”



  1. na.
  2. a crab without legs;be in a flurry -- a supportless person

  1. 我们必须进入没脚的泥塘。

    We had to step in mud over our ankles.

  2. 光脚总比没脚好, 有总比没有好。

    Better a bare foot than no foot at all.

  3. 有无头鬼,有的没手或没脚。

    There are headless ghosts, and some missing hands or legs.

  4. 他的脚没什么毛病。

    There is nothing the matter with his foot.

  5. 你的鞋穿对脚没。

    Whether your shoes are on the right feet.

  6. 你的鞋穿对脚没。

    Whether your shoes are on the right feet.

  7. 也有人觉得蟹脚上的肉是最鲜美的。

    Someone feel leg meat is delicious.

  8. 谎言没长脚,丑闻却长了翅膀。

    A lie has no legs, but a scandal has wings.

  9. 我们跨过了小溪, 没把脚弄湿。

    We stepped across the stream and kept our feet dry.

  10. 它们没让我脚受罪。

    They haven't ruined my feet.

  11. 脚有没有犯节奏。

    Guilty feet have got no rhythm.

  12. 不过反正我的脚一向没知觉。

    But then again, I can never feel my feet.

  13. 这个医生打针笨手笨脚, 没能使病人产生信心。

    The doctors clumsy handling of the syringe did not inspire confidence in his nervous patientdid not inspire his nervous patient with confidence.

  14. 虽然现在我的脚已经没这麽疼了,但还是觉得有点怪怪的。

    My foot still feels odd although I dont any pain.

  15. 水越来越浅了, 仅仅没至他的脚的位置。

    He rose higher, climbing out of the pond.

  16. 水越来越浅了,仅仅没至他得脚得位置。

    He rose higher, climbing out of the pond.

  17. 我的脚都要没知觉了。

    You're gonna make my feet fall off.

  18. 我的脚都要没知觉了。

    You're gonna make my feet fall off.

  19. 稀泥没过我得双脚, 绵软舒适。

    The mud around my feet feels soft and comfortable.

  20. 脚板,似乎已经没长在他的脚上了。

    He could not feel the soles of his feet.

  21. 脚板,似乎已经没长在他得脚上了。

    He could not feel the soles of his feet.

  22. 自行车前后挡板都没了,车架弯了,两个脚踏板也没了。

    The fenders were gone, the frame was bent and both pedals were missing.

  23. 贝蒂连脚踏板都没碰就跳上了她的自行车。

    Bettty jumped on her bike without touching the pedals.

  24. 贝蒂连脚踏板都没碰就跳上了她的自行车。

    Bettty jumped on her bike without touching the pedals.

  25. 贝蒂连脚踏板都没碰就跳上了她得自行车。

    Bettty jumped on her bike without touching the pedals.

  26. 没关系,我的脚的臭味会让他们吃快一点的。

    Never mind, the odour of my feet will quicken their eating speed.

  27. 没等有机会起脚射门, 他就被对方阻截了。

    He was tacked before he had a chance to shoot.

  28. 那个球员抬起脚, 但没踢到球, 脸朝下跌倒了。

    The footballer kicked at the ball but missed and fell flat on his face.

  29. 有点旧, 一脚启动, 没电瓶。在家闲置好久没骑了, 当废铁卖。

    Little beat, kick start, no battery. Idle for a long time not riding at home, when scrap metal to sell.

  30. 当得知我依旧笨手笨脚时,她没准儿觉得好笑。

    She may be amused to know that I still have two left feet!

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