


1. 爽 [shuǎng]爽 [shuǎng]明朗,清亮:~目。轻松,利落:清~。凉~。~口。痛快,率(shuài )直:~朗。~快。~利。豪~。直~。差失,违背:~信。~约(失约)。毫厘不~。屡试不~。干脆,索性:~性。舒服:~心。~意。……





汉语拼音:shuǎng lǎng









  1. 开朗;直爽。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·勖学》:“天然爽朗而不可谓之君子者,不识大伦之臧否也。” 唐 高适 《奉和鹘赋》:“豁尔胸臆,伊何凌厉以爽朗。”《明史·卢迥传》:“爽朗不拘细行。” 柳青 《创业史》第二部第七章:“她带着肃然不可侵犯的神情,爽朗地笑着。”

  2. 形容天气明朗或空气流通,令人舒畅。

    唐 黄滔 《福州雪峰山故真觉大师碑铭》:“翌日,巖谷爽朗,烟霞飞动,云菴既立,月构旋隆。” 清 赵翼 《海珠寺》诗:“我来一登临,爽朗豁心意。” 郁达夫 《迟桂花》:“窗内窗外已饱浸着晴天爽朗的清晨光线。” 邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》一○三:“风景的美丽,阳光的和煦,清风的爽朗,我们竟好象到了 瑞士 !”



  1. He generally affected a brusque manner, but he had a great smile, a good sense of humor, and a keen understanding of human nature.


  2. When looking at the blue sky will be issued a hearty laughter, passers-by from staring at us dinner seems to be our greatest happiness.


  3. Marx's daughter, said memories of his father, even in the most difficult moments of life, and are often at home to hear him laugh hearty.


  4. The gentleman who said these words in a clear , bright , hospitable voice, had one of his arms round Ada's waist, and the other round mine .


  5. "You brought it up, I didn't, " she said, brightly, suppressing meaningless thinking laughter.


  6. After gazing on such a landscape the brown, harsh, scanty vegetation of the Hill-top seemed all the more grateful.


  7. Just as predicted, Eddie Murphy will be bringing his distinctive laugh and bright smile to The Kodak Theater this year.


  8. On television, there is a cute little girl, with jaw-length short hair, small eyes and hearty laughter.


  9. In normal times, Mr Brown often seems indecisive, gloomy and robotic. In normal times, Mr Bush seems chipper, decisive and a regular guy.


  1. 天气爽朗。

    It is serene.

  2. 她很爽朗。

    She is frank and outgoing.

  3. 她爽朗地微笑了。

    She smiled brightly.

  4. 深秋的天空异常爽朗。

    In late autumn the sky is crystal clear.

  5. 心情爽朗37分钟前发布。

    Vendo boleta platino para The killers.

  6. 她爽朗地笑了起来。

    She gave a hearty laugh.

  7. 想你的身影,想你爽朗的笑声。

    Your figure and your cheerful laughters.

  8. 大厅里响起爽朗的笑声。

    The hall resounded with laughter.

  9. 快乐的成长伴随着爽朗的心情。

    Growing up happily with chipper mood.

  10. 敕勒歌豪放爽朗,流传至今。

    Passed from generation to generation; Chile folk songs are bold and unconstrained.

  11. 他觉得精神爽朗,也并不太累。

    He felt refreshed and agreeably tired.

  12. 她是个满面笑容, 爽朗的女孩子。

    She is a smiling, cheerful girl.

  13. 结果和这江边的风一样, 爽朗。

    And the ending is soft and cool, like the wind from river.

  14. 结果和这江边得风一样,爽朗。

    And the ending is soft and cool, like the wind from river.

  15. 她露出爽朗的笑容来哄骗她的朋友。

    She turned on a bright smile to fool her friends.

  16. 在我们背后传来一阵轻松爽朗的笑声。

    Behind us a light silvery laugh rang out.

  17. 难得的清新爽朗的空气吹进了她的胸膛。

    Rare clean sweet air rushes into her grateful lungs.

  18. 难得得清新爽朗得空气吹进了她得胸膛。

    Rare clean sweet air rushes into her grateful lungs.

  19. 埃蒂尔不光是性情温柔, 而且爽朗随和。

    Ethel is cheerful and adaptable, as well as gentle.

  20. 去寻找一位使你的心情变得爽朗的人。

    Find the one that makes your heart smile.

  21. 隔着三幢楼都能听见他爽朗的笑声。

    He had a laugh you could hear three houses away.

  22. 在今晚的派对上,他是那么爽朗而愉悦。

    He was so gay and carefree at the party tonight.

  23. 在我们后面响起了她那爽朗的咯咯笑声。

    Her carefree laughter bubbled behind us.

  24. 愉快爽朗让心情轻松, 幢幢鬼影消失无踪。

    Cheerfulness gives elasticity to the spirit. Spectres fly before it.

  25. 这位小伙子得正直与爽朗得性格博得大家得喜欢。

    Every one liked the young man for his frankness and good humour.

  26. 这位小伙子的正直与爽朗的性格博得大家的喜欢。

    Every one liked the young man for his frankness and good humour.

  27. 他带着十分爽朗的笑容向我们环顾了一下。

    He looked round upon us with a most agreeable smile.

  28. 她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班。

    Her cheerful spirits and bubbling laughter infected the whole class.

  29. 他那张脸长得漂亮,爽朗,机敏和富于表情。

    It was a handsome, lively, quick face, full of change and motion.

  30. 想起他昨晚爽朗的笑声,不禁也独自笑起来。

    I chuckled to myself, thinking of his carefree laughter last night.


  1. 问:爽朗拼音怎么拼?爽朗的读音是什么?爽朗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爽朗的读音是shuǎnglǎng,爽朗翻译成英文是 clear; open; cheerful

  2. 问:爽朗的拼音怎么拼?爽朗的的读音是什么?爽朗的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爽朗的的读音是,爽朗的翻译成英文是 chipper

  3. 问:爽朗的人拼音怎么拼?爽朗的人的读音是什么?爽朗的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爽朗的人的读音是,爽朗的人翻译成英文是 grig



爽朗 shuǎng lǎng

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