






1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:jiē miàn shàng







  1. 市面。

    老舍 《茶馆》第一幕:“在街面上混饭吃,人缘儿顶要紧。”

  2. 附近街巷。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》十一:“咱们总算有一面之交,在兵营里你伺候过我;再说咱们又都是街面上的人,所以我担着好大的处分来给你送个信!”



  1. The streets of those people were trampled Guangliu a smooth stone, as seems to be able to see the old downtown.


  2. Slowly, it drifted down on the coldly wet ground in the street, like a butterfly at night.


  3. Fog clung to the wet surface of the streets as an ambient drizzle gathered out of the cool night air.


  4. Down at street level, the city center feels like a construction site: dusty, obstructed, and deafeningly loud.


  5. The earthquake caused collapse of buildings and telecommunication congestion, and people in the streets were still frightened.


  6. JieMianShang for many of the bus station, sunny places are empty, etc. Car all around looking for a shadow hide.


  7. It was quiet on the streets, no one was yelling or arguing.


  8. The Health Center will be located just up the street at 129 Main Street , in easy walking distance .


  9. What's more, we both knock about the streets, so at the risk of heavy punishment I've come to tip you off.


  1. 游行过后街面上的垃圾

    The litter in the streets after a parade.

  2. 货物被起重机提到街面上。

    Goods were raised to street level by a hoist.

  3. 货物被起重机提到街面上。

    Goods were raised to street level by a hoist.

  4. 街面上贴满了求租住房的广告。

    The street is dotted with advertisements for renting a house.

  5. 街面上贴满了求租住房的广告。

    The street is dotted with advertisements for renting a house.

  6. 街面上贴满了求租住房得广告。

    The street is dotted with advertisements for renting a house.

  7. 车站位于国际到达大厅外的街面上。

    The bus stop is located at street level outside the International Arrivals building.

  8. 这三个男人总在街面上, 不至于难找。

    The three of them must be somewhere on the streets and shouldn't be hard to find.

  9. 从街面上打一个窄洞,然后从下面挖宽。

    A narrow hole was dug in the street, then widened out below.

  10. 缓缓地, 飘落在湿冷的街面上, 好像一只夜晚的蝴蝶。

    Slowly, it drifted down on the coldly wet ground in the street, like butterfly night.

  11. 前天,我站在冷清的街面上,乞求上帝帮助他的孩子,是啊!

    I stood on and cheerless the day before yesterday, begging for God helped his child, was!

  12. 雾气笼罩在潮湿得街面上,就像寒夜里下起了毛毛雨一样。

    Fog clung to the wet surface of the streets as an ambient drizzle gathered out of the cool night air.

  13. 雾气笼罩在潮湿的街面上,就像寒夜里下起了毛毛雨一样。

    Fog clung to the wet surface of the streets as an ambient drizzle gathered out of the cool night air.

  14. 该保健中心将建在梅茵大街129号得街面上, 步行去很近。

    The Health Center will be located just up the street at 129 Main Street, in easy walking distance.

  15. 该保健中心将建在梅茵大街129号的街面上,步行去很近。

    The Health Center will be located just up the street at 129 Main Street, in easy walking distance.

  16. 街面儿上都知道他会修收音机。

    Everybody in the neighbourhood knows he can repair radios.

  17. 镇子不大,街面儿上倒挺热闹。

    Small as the town is, it has a busy street. or Though small, the town boasts a busy street.

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