


1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……





汉语拼音:jīng yuàn







  1. 佛寺中庋藏、讲论佛经之处。

    宋 陆游 《晨过天庆》诗:“孤灯经院晓,残雪醮坛寒。” 叶圣陶 《登雁塔》:“佛殿只是整个园林的一个组成部分,不像 杭州 的 灵隐寺 那样,一进门只见回廊、大殿、经院、僧房,虽然并不逼仄,总叫人感觉不太舒畅。”

  2. 指基督教教会学院。



  1. Since the Scholastics had made Aristotle their intellectual god, the majority of the early humanists decided to go back to Plato.


  2. This praise is of a piece with Erasmus's dislike of scholastic philosophy and of learned doctors whose Latin was un classical.


  3. With this in mind, he decided to revive scholasticism as an academic lark to challenge the Sputnik-panicked classrooms of America.


  4. Unfortunately, by Peel's day, some ideas originally hit upon by the Scholastics of the Spanish Golden Century had been entirely forgotten.


  5. He felt that philosophy should move away from the beliefs of the medieval scholastics and found itself on firm foundations.


  6. Leonardo made quite a point of distrusting the knowledge that scholars professed so dogmatically .


  7. After William of Occam there are no more great scholastics. The next period for great philosophers began in the late Renaissance.


  8. Early medieval scholastics attached her name to the western end of the Eurasian land mass.


  9. a scholar in one of the universities of the Middle Ages; versed in scholasticism .


  1. 经院心理学

    academic psychology.

  2. 经院哲学对天主教的影响

    Scholastic Influences on Catholicism

  3. 安瑟伦与中世纪经院哲学

    Anselm and Scholastic Philosophy in the Middle Ages

  4. 对经院哲学和僧侣主义的否定。

    Scholasticism and the monks of the negative.

  5. 藏传佛教格鲁派的经院教育

    Scholastic Education of Tibetan Buddhist Gelu Sect

  6. 中世纪大学的学者, 精通经院哲学的教授。

    A scholar in one of the universities of the Middle Ages, versed in scholasticism.

  7. 他批判经院哲学,建立其唯物主义理论大厦。

    He criticized the scholasticism, built up his materialism mansion.

  8. 创建显乘经院及密乘道场, 奠定西藏密乘之基。

    The ornate katvanga staff of a Vajrayana mendicant decorated with white streamers rests against the left shoulder.

  9. 中世纪经院哲学对近代西方科学的形上学贡献

    Metaphysical Attributions to Modern Science by Scholasticism in Middle Ages.

  10. 接着从经院哲学的诞生到托马斯主义的确立。

    Then, it is from the birth of scholasticism to the establishment of Thomism.

  11. 经院哲学家所采用的烦琐而且传统的抽象推理方法。

    orthodoxy of a scholastic variety.

  12. 所以如此,是因为当时在希腊没有宏大的僧侣经院。

    This was so because there were no great priestly schools in Greece.

  13. 所以如此,是因为当时在希腊没有宏大得僧侣经院。

    This was so because there were no great priestly schools in Greece.

  14. 他们在处理典型问题时和经院派学究相差甚微。

    They deviated little from the scholastics in tackling the standard problems.

  15. 后来由于经院哲学的影响,大学存在的合法性受到挑战。

    However, affected by the scholasticism, the legal status of universities'existence met with challenges.

  16. 教会主宰了知识生活,产生了托马斯?阿奎那得经院哲学。

    The church dominated intellectual life, producing the Scholasticism of St. Thomas Aquinas.

  17. 教会主宰了知识生活,产生了托马斯?阿奎那的经院哲学。

    The church dominated intellectual life, producing the Scholasticism of St. Thomas Aquinas.

  18. 奥卡姆, 威廉1285?1349?英国经院派哲学家, 反对宇宙概念的真实性

    English scholastic philosopher who rejected the reality of universal concepts.

  19. 经院哲学唯名论思想中,有对技术的渴望和谨慎的肯定。

    However, Medieval scholasticism had a thirsty will for and a cautious affirmation about technology.

  20. 这一矛盾之敏感, 所有经院式的微妙都无法增减半分。

    All the scholastic subtleties have neither added anything to nor subtracted the acuteness of this paradox.

  21. 这一矛盾之敏感, 所有经院式得微妙都无法增减半分。

    All the scholastic subtleties have neither added anything to nor subtracted the acuteness of this paradox.

  22. 雷钠德郑重宣布他不相信经院派学者奉为金科玉律的知识。

    Leonardo made quite a point of distrusting the knowledge that scholars professed so dogmatically.


  1. 问:经院拼音怎么拼?经院的读音是什么?经院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经院的读音是jīng yuàn,经院翻译成英文是 school

  2. 问:经院哲学拼音怎么拼?经院哲学的读音是什么?经院哲学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经院哲学的读音是,经院哲学翻译成英文是 Scholasticism

  3. 问:经院学派拼音怎么拼?经院学派的读音是什么?经院学派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经院学派的读音是jīngyuànxuépài,经院学派翻译成英文是 Schoolman

  4. 问:经院法学拼音怎么拼?经院法学的读音是什么?经院法学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经院法学的读音是jīng yuàn fǎ xué,经院法学翻译成英文是 scholastic theories of law

  5. 问:经院语法拼音怎么拼?经院语法的读音是什么?经院语法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经院语法的读音是jīngyuàn yǔfǎ,经院语法翻译成英文是 school grammar

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