






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:hào tiān bù diào






  1. na.
  2. Heaven does not give [

  3. lend] a hand.;Heaven does not do a favour.;Heaven does not help.

  1. 这个好理解, 不斩头也不吊起来。

    Messagers should neither be headed nor be hanged.

  2. 房子傍在了奶牛身上,不吊人胃口才怪。

    A house near a dairy cow in the body, not strange if Diaorenweikou.

  3. 要是减产,全家四张嘴巴,还不吊了起来?

    If production dropped this year, what should her family of four do except go hungry?

  4. 不,克令吊不能工作。

    No, cranes not operational.

  5. 按理论, 那重物太重, 普通的起重机吊不起来。

    In theory the weight was too heavy for an ordinary crane to lift.

  6. 钥匙不会吊在空中, 也不会浮在水上。

    Keys no more lie in the air, or float on the water.

  7. 我不想吊在一棵枝形吊灯上。

    I don't want to dangle from a chandelier.

  8. 我怀疑, 我们不是吊人树的最佳伴侣!

    I wonder we hant better company upon Tyburn tree !

  9. 据估计,该货物起重机爪形钩吊不起那些沉重的木材。

    Its estimated that the claw hook of the cargo crane cant heave the heavy lumber up.

  10. 它是传统沙袋更新换代产品,不需吊挂具有缓冲性。

    It is a traditional sandbag replacement product, without hanging, with a buffer.

  11. 黑色羔裘,黑色冠冕,不穿去吊丧。

    He does not wear black lambskin or black headdress when attending a funeral.

  12. 请注意不能用于起吊货物用。

    Attention Forbid from using to lifting goods.

  13. 昊天上帝、则我不虞。

    God, from Thy great heaven.

  14. 不,不能提供浮吊。

    No, floating cranes not available.

  15. 我不会把你父亲吊死。

    I will not hang your father.

  16. 吊袜带变得不时髦了。

    Garters have become out of fashion.

  17. 停下,没有牵引绳不许起吊。

    Stop, don't lift without guideline.

  18. 别再吊我胃口了!我受不了啦!

    Stop keeping me in suspense! I can't bear it!

  19. 不要在起重机的吊臂下!

    Don't stay under the arm of a derrick!

  20. 你不会把我父亲吊死吧

    You will not hang my father?

  21. 这座吊钟的时间很不准。

    This hanging clock doesn't keep good time.

  22. 这座吊钟得时间很不准。

    This hanging clock doesn't keep good time.

  23. 这座吊钟的时间很不准。

    This hanging clock doesn't keep good time.

  24. 不要使用这些主要尺寸吊索。

    Do not use these dimensions for the Main Sling template.

  25. 不要将起重机吊着重物行走。

    Do not move the truck when the crane is with load.

  26. 不郑重其事地对待某事, 兜圈子, 吊胃口

    Play games not to treat a situation seriously

  27. 谁不知道他俩经常背地里吊膀子呀

    Who doesn't know that those two often secretly flirt with each other!

  28. 谁不知道他俩经常背地里吊膀子呀?!

    Who doesn't know that those two often secretly flirt with each other!

  29. 不 从盒子里拿个吊腕带 跟着我

    No, grabgrab a sling from the box and come with me.

  30. 孔子在这天为吊丧哀哭过,就不唱歌。

    On that day, Confucius would weep and do not sing.

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