







汉语拼音:sǐ qiú






  1. 已判处死刑,尚未执行的囚犯。

    明 汤显祖 《牡丹亭·硬拷》:“写完,发与那死囚,於斩字下押箇花字。” 郑振铎 《桂公塘》:“船上的人们如待决的死囚似的,默不出声,紧紧的挤在一处。”



  1. When he was on death row, he said to me he couldn't live with his children knowing he had committed such a crime.


  2. The source for all the kidneys and livers? "Executed prisoners, " said the Bek-Medical employee.


  3. Susan won the best actress Oscar for her brilliant performance in the film "Dead Man walking" .


  4. Of course I hope that the Malaysian government can help the other death row inmates, because some of them do not deserve to die.


  5. He had seen the ragged man's eyes, and he was thinking of them now.


  6. If you were on death row, what would you request for your 'last meal'?


  7. So if I get busted for attempted escape, I'll throw in a homicide, no problem.


  8. For this last letter, I would like to talk about how I feel about facing death.


  9. Condemned prisoners are 'definitely not a proper source for organ transplants, ' the China Daily newspaper quoted Mr Huang as saying.


  1. 画家与死囚

    A Painter and A Criminal Condemned to Death.

  2. 临刑前死囚的看守人

    One who guards a condemned person before execution.

  3. 囚犯被关押在死囚牢里。

    The prisoner was put in a condemned cell.

  4. 死囚临刑前住的监房。

    the part of a prison where those condemned to death await execution.

  5. 辘辘驶过街道的死囚车。

    tumbrels rolling through the streets

  6. 辘辘驶过街道得死囚车。

    tumbrels rolling through the streets.

  7. 我一定会让你进死囚牢房的。

    I'll make sure you end up on death row.

  8. 他们会把我送进死囚空。

    I'll be transferred back to death row.

  9. 我把死囚从牢房押送至行刑室。

    I take the prisoner from his cell to the execution chamber.

  10. 死囚在上断头台前被允许喝酒。

    a convict awaiting execution is allowed to drink before going to the block

  11. 核磁共振的家伙被那死囚吓死了

    The dude from m. r. i. was all freaked out about death row guy.

  12. 死囚刑前所住的房屋或监狱

    death house

  13. 周一我们把他移到死囚牢房了。

    We moved Boone to death watch on monday.

  14. 那个死囚在最后一刻获准延期行刑。

    That man on death row was granted a stay of execution at the eleventh hour.

  15. 他说,死囚牢房内的犯人是不工作的。

    He recalls that death row prisoners do not work.

  16. 六辆死囚车沿着大街隆隆走过。

    Six tumbrils roll along the streets.

  17. 死囚,不敢相信我们竟浪费时间争论此事

    Death row, I can't believe we're wasting time debating this.

  18. 死囚名单上的犯人将在近期被处死。

    Inmates on death row will be put to death in the near future.

  19. 死囚名单上的犯人将在近期被处死。

    Inmates on death row will be put to death in the near future.

  20. 刽子手砍掉死囚头颅的公开行刑者

    A public executioner who beheads condemned prisoners.

  21. 他说,他在加拿大被拘禁期间患有死囚牢房症。

    He argues that he suffered from the death row phenomenon, during his detention in Canada.

  22. 他方才见到了死囚的眼睛, 现在则陷入沉思。

    He had seen the ragged mans eyes, and he was thinking of them now.

  23. 不会变化,也没有希望,死囚车隆隆地前进。

    Changeless and hopeless, the tumbrils roll along.

  24. 我大多数时候都 在管教所,在监狱里,在死囚室中

    I spend most of my time in jails, in prisons, on death row.

  25. 在死囚去的那些年他只有一个探望者,他的律师。

    All those years on death row he only had one visitor, his lawyer.

  26. 监狱法还规定了有关死囚牢房的囚犯的待遇的条例。

    The Prisons Act also provides Regulations concerning the treatment of prisoners on death row.

  27. 加利福尼亚有多少犯人是被关在死囚监牢里?

    How many prisoners are on death row in california?

  28. 缔约国还应考虑为目前关在死囚牢房的人减刑。

    The State party should also consider the commutation of the death sentences of all those currently on death row.

  29. 奇怪的是,死囚牢房是 让斯托曼变好的第一个学校。

    Strangely, death row was, the first institution that left Stroman better.

  30. 这位被判决死刑的杀人犯住在死囚牢房已5年了。

    This convicted killer has been on death row for5 years.


  1. 问:死囚拼音怎么拼?死囚的读音是什么?死囚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:死囚的读音是sǐqiú,死囚翻译成英文是 condemned prisoner; convict sentenced to deat...

  2. 问:死囚区拼音怎么拼?死囚区的读音是什么?死囚区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:死囚区的读音是sǐqiúqū,死囚区翻译成英文是 death row

  3. 问:死囚室拼音怎么拼?死囚室的读音是什么?死囚室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:死囚室的读音是,死囚室翻译成英文是 condemned cell

  4. 问:死囚乐园拼音怎么拼?死囚乐园的读音是什么?死囚乐园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:死囚乐园的读音是,死囚乐园翻译成英文是 Deadman Wonderland



“死囚”是个多义词,它可以指死囚(2008年丁一鹤著纪实文学), 死囚(1976年姜大卫导演香港电影)。

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