


1. 磨 [mó]2. 磨 [mò]磨 [mó]摩擦:~刀。~墨。~练。~砺(摩擦使锐利,喻经受磨练)。~合。研~。~漆画。阻碍,困难:~难(nàn)。好事多~。消耗,消灭:~损。~耗。~灭。拖延,耗时间:~缠。~功夫。磨 [mò]粉碎粮食……





汉语拼音:mó miè








  1. 消失;湮灭。

    《文选·司马迁<报任安书>》:“古者富贵而名磨灭,不可胜记,唯倜儻非常之人称焉。”《汉书》本传作“摩灭”。 南朝 宋 谢灵运 《入华子冈是麻源第三谷》诗:“图牒復磨灭,碑版谁闻传。”《太平广记》卷三○九引 唐 薛用弱 《集异记·蒋琛》:“是知贪名徇禄而随世磨灭者,虽正寝而死兮,无得与吾儔。” 清 戴名世 《<天籁集>序》:“而今裔孙某惧其磨灭,乃介其乡人 杨 君 希洛 请序於余,而属为刊而行之於世。” 周恩来 《彭杨颜邢四同志被敌人捕杀经过》:“尤其是革命领袖的牺牲,更有他不可磨灭的战绩。”

  2. 销磨。

    唐 杜甫 《秋日寄题郑监湖上亭》诗之一:“磨灭餘篇翰,平生一钓舟。” 仇兆鳌 注:“此诗‘磨灭’,犹云岁月销磨。” 宋 梅尧臣 《观杨之美盘车图》诗:“ 子虔 与贤皆妙笔,观玩磨灭穷岁年。” 金 张本 《九日月中对菊同禧伯郎中赋》:“磨灭英雄岂胜数,千年依旧一花香。” 明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·奇谑一·魂不赴体》:“至於善终者,无復言鬼,盖生时病已磨灭精灵,死即魂散。”

  3. 折磨;欺压。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷八:“从来呵,惯受磨灭。” 元 无名氏 《陈州粜米》第一折:“这米则有一石六斗,内中又有泥土糠皮,舂将来则勾一石多米。罢罢罢,也是俺这百姓的命该受这般磨灭。”《醒世恒言·李玉英狱中讼冤》:“自己生儿似寳珍,他人子女遭磨灭。”《天雨花》第七回:“因此我便只爱 秀贞 ,见那两个,便如眼钉肉刺,常时将他打駡磨灭。”

  4. 磨练;锻炼。

    元 马致远 《任风子》第二折:“ 任屠 ,不是我故意的磨灭经年,也只为脩仙事全要精专;待他时有一日功成行满,纔许你离尘世证果朝元。”



  1. When you work around cowards all day long, don't you think it's going to rub off on you?


  2. But I told him I loved him and never meant it more. He said nothing in return.


  3. And although it has never been a common destination for foreign tourists, it made a lasting impression on those who discovered it.


  4. Don't kill their spontaneity or their innocence by trying to have them grow up so quick.


  5. but the impulse to dream had been slowly beaten out of me by experience.


  6. Such raised emotions are likely to leave long-term scars, and may continue to destabilise countries like Egypt.


  7. If their presence caused you distress or harm, they will not hesitate to leave you, even with the brutal way forgotten your attachment.


  8. But now, before the victors win, there is a chance to scream out with a text message that will not vanish.


  9. Our contacts during the year I wrote my thesis were very few, but enough to give me a long lasting complex of inferiority .


  1. 聚合体形成的磨灭。

    The abrasion of a polymer formulation.

  2. 齿轮磨灭和齿轮啮合不当。

    Worn gear wheel and deep meshing of gears.

  3. 留下不可磨灭的印象

    burn in

  4. 留下不可磨灭得印象

    burn in.

  5. 建立不可磨灭的功勋

    perform meritorious deeds never to be obliterated

  6. 这神圣的纽带永不磨灭

    Sacred ties would never fray

  7. 在情人节的时候就磨灭了。

    are broken by Valentine's Day.

  8. 他的伟大功绩不可磨灭。

    His huge achievements cannot be obliterated.

  9. 这不能磨灭青年人思想活力。

    It can not impair the intellectual vigor of the young.

  10. 别让生活磨灭了我们的个性。

    Don't let the life obliterate our characters.

  11. 年深月久,碑文已经磨灭了。

    The inscription of the monument has worn away over a long period of time.

  12. 给某人以不可磨灭的印象

    The girl is afraid of mouse. Make a lasting impression on sb

  13. 所有这些不可磨灭的童年回忆。

    All the indelible memories of childhood.

  14. 她给他留下了难以磨灭的印象。

    She left a lasting impression on him.

  15. 轮回它磨灭不了我对你得爱。

    Transmigration it erase my love for you.

  16. 轮回它磨灭不了我对你的爱。

    Transmigration it erase my love for you.

  17. 我的记忆刻在我的脑海里,永不磨灭。

    My memories are within me, imperishable.

  18. 机遇不能改变我得爱,时间不能磨灭我得情。

    Chance can not change my love, nor time impair.

  19. 机遇不能改变我的爱,时间不能磨灭我的情。

    Chance can not change my love, nor time impair.

  20. 在基督教中,孔雀是永不磨灭的标志。

    In christianity the peacock is a symbol of immortality.

  21. 战争给世人留下了不可磨灭的印记。

    The war has made an indelible mark on the world.

  22. 她不幸的童年留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。

    Her unhappy childhood left an indelible mark.

  23. 但他的音容笑貌留下了不可磨灭的印象。

    But his image never entirely lost its incendiary appeal.

  24. 战争给该国留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。

    War has left its mark on the country.

  25. 这会营造一种不可磨灭的神秘气息。

    This creates an indelible aura of mystery.

  26. 他的英雄行为给人们留下永不磨灭的印象。

    His heroic deed created a lasting impression on people.

  27. 今晚我们将有一个永不磨灭的回忆。

    Tonight we will make a memory that will never be tarnished.

  28. 那一天给我留下了不可磨灭的印象。

    The day is burned into my memory.

  29. 但人生的经历慢慢地磨灭了这些的冲动的梦想。

    but the impulse to dream had been slowly beaten out of me by experience.

  30. 在芒芒人海里,留下一道道不可磨灭的痕迹。

    People at Mount Mount sea, leaving an indelible mark Road.


  1. 问:磨灭拼音怎么拼?磨灭的读音是什么?磨灭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:磨灭的读音是mómiè,磨灭翻译成英文是 obliterate




拼音:mó miè


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