


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……





汉语拼音:cóng jiǔ






  1. 纵酒,恣意饮酒。

    《晏子春秋·杂下十三》:“ 田桓子 曰:‘何谓从酒?’ 晏子 曰:‘无客而饮,谓之从酒。今若子者,昼夜守尊,谓之从酒也。’”



  1. And he said, If the LORD do not help thee, whence shall I help thee? out of the barn floor, or out of the winepress?


  2. a woman from the wine began to see men, men love a woman from the vinegar started.


  3. He suggests that the alkyl-methoxypyrazine molecules may be sticking to the aluminium and thus being segregated from the wine.


  4. Customers usually take delivery around two years after the purchase is made, when bottles are collected by distributors from the chateaux.


  5. The customer makes a choice from a wine list, a menu of wines offered by the restaurant, listing the types and vintages.


  6. Especially from the wine flavor, often passing the origin of the endemic land features.


  7. From the threshing floor? From the winepress?


  8. And the winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood flowed from the winepress, as high as a horse's bridle, for 1, 600 stadia.


  9. People who say 'I don't need to drink to have fun' shouldn't get invited places.


  1. 女人看男人是从酒开始的,男人爱女人是从醋开始的。

    a woman from the wine began to see men, men love a woman from the vinegar started.

  2. 听着,我跟地检谈过了,罪名从酒驾

    So, listen, I spoke to the D. A. and got the charges reduced.

  3. 特别是从酒的风味中,常传递着原产土地的风土特色。

    Especially from the wine flavor, often passing the origin of the endemic land features.

  4. 王说, 耶和华不帮助你, 我从何处帮助你?是从禾场, 或是从酒呢?

    And he said, if Jehovah does not help you, from where shall I help you? From the threshing floor or the winepress?

  5. 酒从木桶的一个孔冒了出来。

    Wine started from a hole in the cask.

  6. 酒从木桶得一个孔冒了出来。

    Wine started from a hole in the cask.

  7. 威士忌酒从他杯子的边缘溅了出来。

    Whisky splashed over the rim of his glass.

  8. 红酒从浓郁复杂到淡雅细致的风味都有。

    La complejidad de la elegante vino completo de rojo cuerpo de un delicado sabor a todos.

  9. 软木塞扑地一声跳出来,香槟酒从瓶里涌了出来。

    The cork popped out and the champagne gushed from the bottle.

  10. 调酒师正在从酒桶中放啤酒给顾客。

    The bartender was tapping beer for the patrons.

  11. 调酒师正在从酒桶中放啤酒给顾客。

    The bartender was tapping beer for the patrons.

  12. 加纳国开始从可可酒和可可肥皂中获取利润。

    Ghana looks to profit from cocoa wine and soap.

  13. 至少需酿熟12年, 酒桶才能从酒厂所在地达夫镇出货。

    Not one single cask will leave Dufftown, the home of our distillery, until it has been matured for at least twelve years.

  14. 台湾从海外输入酒的数量很大。

    The import of wine from abroad is very large in Taiwan.

  15. 我从不尝烈性酒, 偶尔喝点软饮料。

    I never taste any strong drink but sometimes have a bit of soft drink.

  16. 让我们从左手一杯酒、右手一道菜开始。

    Simply getting start with your wine and food.

  17. 机密成分是从巴哈马椰子酒和从牙买加的深色酒。

    The secret ingredients are coconut rum from Bahamas and dark rum from Jamaica.

  18. 像酒之类从酒糟中排除。

    Draw off from the lees, as of wine.

  19. 一批从美国走私酒和威士忌入境的意大利走私贩子。

    A group of Italian bootleggers who smuggied alcohol and whiskey in from the states.

  20. 从这款酒你或多或少可以探得澳洲雪当利成功的奥妙。

    The Element Chardonnay demonstrates why Australia has been so successful in making this style of wine.

  21. 酒一从酒壶流出来就会大言不惭得。

    Liquor talks mighty loud when it gets loose from the jug.

  22. 酒一从酒壶流出来就会大言不惭的。

    Liquor talks mighty loud when it gets loose from the jug.

  23. 一些烈酒和珍奇的红酒是从欧洲进口的。

    Some spirits and rare wines are imported from Europe.

  24. 香槟酒被从金高脚杯色的里一饮而尽。

    The champagne was quaffed from huge golden goblets.

  25. 酒是从我们的食物中萃取出的精灵,它的性格叫醉。

    The liquor is a wizard extracted from the food we eat with the character of intoxication.

  26. 从你得脸上酒可以分辨出来。

    That can be seen from yourface.

  27. 他从酒瓶里喝了一大口酒。

    He had a pull at the bottle.

  28. 我从不相信借酒消愁的说法。

    I never believe in the saying of drinking down sorrow.

  29. 从奥来的杰尼烈酒中榨出汁来。

    Take the juice from one bottle of that Ol'Janx Spirit, It'says.

  30. 我从酒桶里抽出三品脱啤酒。

    I drew off three pints of beer from the barrel.

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