


向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:jìn shàng









  1. 谓人心因推进而高举向上。

    《庄子·在宥》:“人心排下而进上,上下囚杀。” 郭象 注:“排之则下,进之则上,言其易摇荡也。” 陈鼓应 今注:“人心,压抑它就消沉,推进它就高举。”

  2. 犹上进。

    康有为 《大同书》丙部:“夫人必有希望之心,乃有进上之志。”

  3. 提高;发展。

    《汉书·食货志上》“三考黜陟,餘三年食,进业曰登” 颜师古 注引 汉 郑玄 曰:“进上百工之业也。或曰进上农工诸事业,名曰登。”

  4. 进献。

    《敦煌变文集·叶净能诗》:“便过其江,取得仙药,进上皇帝。” 宋 范镇 《东斋记事》卷一:“ 天圣 三年, 汉州 德阳县 均渠乡 民 张胜 家,析木有‘天下太平’字,因进上之。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·促织》:“抚军大悦,以金笼进上,细疏其能。”



  1. I started building one. But then I decided to take it to the next step.


  2. The motivation for pursuing that goal, and hence these projects, is summarised in the previous section.


  3. While looking for Huizhu, Xuangui finds her being shoved into a car by kidnapper.


  1. 他比她先脱掉衣服,爬进上铺,躺下来看点书催自己入睡。

    He was undressed before she was, and climbing into the upper bunk he settled down to read himself to sleep.

  2. 是的,这儿必须上进一点。

    Yes, it will give to be nipping in here.

  3. 自求上进。赚更多的钱

    Phrases and idioms Phrases and idioms Phrases and idioms better oneself

  4. 你是我见过最上进的人,但。

    You're one of the most driven men I know, but.

  5. 他虽然出身柴门,却知道读书上进。

    Born into a poor family, he is a aspiring scholar.

  6. 美, 是智慧, 是静谧。祝你聪明!愿你上进!

    Beauty is wisdom and calmness. Hope you will get wise and push forward.

  7. 打开地板上进水阀门及墙上的排水阀门。

    Open hand valves for waste and flush water.

  8. 打开地板上进水阀门及墙上得排水阀门。

    Open hand valves for waste and flush water.

  9. 我是个在校大学生, 性格开朗, 礼貌上进。

    I was in college students, character, cheerful, courteous progress.

  10. 本人性格开朗活泼,做事严谨踏实,勤奋上进。

    Myself disposition open and bright lively, works rigorously steadfast, progresses diligently.

  11. 他的话语如同晨钟暮鼓, 鞭策我上进。

    His words are like the morning bell and evening drum, drive me to make progress.

  12. 他的话语如同晨钟暮鼓,鞭策我上进。

    His words are like the morning bell and evening drum, drive me to make progress.

  13. 史朗达的分数非常糟糕,因为没人去激励她上进。

    Shrondas grades were lousy because no one pushed her to do better.

  14. 今天本店进了上好的鲤鱼。

    We have very nice carps today.

  15. 并进一步在受剪损伤的基础上进了单轴受压损伤的建模。

    Furthermore the axial compressive damage is described by the modified shear damage model.

  16. 虽然只能当个办公室勤务员和书记,但他却力求上进。

    Although he could only work as an office boy and a clerk, he worked hard to improve himself.

  17. 把电缆夹进阀盖上的电缆导槽。

    Clip cable to cable guide at valve cover.

  18. 把电缆夹进阀盖上得电缆导槽。

    Clip cable to cable guide at valve cover.

  19. 吉博力小便冲洗阀可与上进水或后进水的小便器相连。

    The Urinal flush valve is able to be connected with top or rear water inlet urinal ceramics.

  20. 将新进气接头连接到新进气管上。

    Join the new intake connection to the new intake pipe.

  21. 按进化学上说, 这个方法有明显好处。

    In evolutionary terms, this method has obvious advantages.

  22. 他们熟练地把它们扔进背上的篮子。

    They tossed them dexterously into the baskets on their backs.

  23. 所述风机的进风口上设有空气过滤器。

    and an air filter is arranged on an air inlet of the fan.

  24. 飞机没有被塞进车厢上的开销十多越野飞行。

    Not being stuffed into airplane overhead compartments on a dozen cross country flights.

  25. 飞机没有被塞进车厢上得开销十多越野飞行。

    Not being stuffed into airplane overhead compartments on a dozen cross country flights.

  26. 在冷水进水管上安装一个反虹吸的真空安全法。

    Install a vacuum relief antisiphon device in the cold water inlet line.

  27. 他们把她送出门,看着她的背影进了上房,然后回转来。

    They walked with her to the door and watched until she disappeared into the main building.

  28. 在舱底漏进水船只上。

    take in water at the bilge of vessels.

  29. 将棒针穿进右手拇指上的线圈。

    Insert the needle into the loop on your thumb from front to back.

  30. 他走进电梯,上到第十二层楼。

    He gets into the lift and goes up to the twelfth floor.

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