







汉语拼音:àn xiào








  1. 暗中讥笑。

    《儿女英雄传》第三七回:“舅太太只从玻璃里指着他暗笑,他也不曾留心,梗着个脖子如飞而去。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三八回:“两旁差役,只是抿着嘴暗笑。” 沙汀 《淘金记》二:“他很明白,那秃头有一半意思是在提醒他的,但他在心里暗笑了。”

  2. 暗中欢笑。

    郭沫若 《瓶》诗之十六:“黄莺儿唱着欢歌,歌声是赞扬你我,我便在花中暗笑,你便在琴上相和。”



  1. I've shown no disrespect, ' was my reply, laughing internally at the dignity with which he announced himself.


  2. A lie of glass, thin acid transparent, he thought. The chauffeur must certainly be laughing to himself.


  3. There was the pitying chuckle that bubbled in my throat when I watched a fat duck waddle across the back yard.


  4. When he looked down again, smiling to himself at the unholy clutter of younglings , the boy had regained his breath.


  5. Raven chuckled to himself. Then swiftly and powerfully he pulled at the line, sure he could jerk it from the old man's hands.


  6. And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?


  7. With one hand now always locked onto the handrail, I bemoaned and laughed about my predicament a little more.


  8. Then, the mobile phone rang E. Lijun is Alzheimer's, heart snigger: what is called back!


  9. ignoring muffled sniggers from the lined - up children , bob and his brothers stood perfectly still.


  1. 她暗笑他的不懂事。

    She sniggers at his childishness.

  2. 听了粗鄙的笑话暗笑

    snigger at a rude joke

  3. 阿多咬住了嘴唇暗笑。

    Ah duo bit his lips to keep from laughing aloud.

  4. 啊!媒人婆暗笑着出去了。

    Aha! The matchmaker grins and leaves the room.

  5. 虽然我们暗笑,指的是一边的她。

    While we snigger, referring to the side of her.

  6. 虽然我们暗笑,指得是一边得她。

    While we snigger, referring to the side of her.

  7. 我经常称他们 绅士,这让他们暗笑

    I often called them gentlemen, which made them giggle.

  8. 虽然他假装同情,但他却在暗笑。

    Although he pretended to sympathize, he was laughing in his sleeve.

  9. 劳拉暗笑, 向前倾, 撬开了箱子。

    Laura smiled to herself and leaned forwards to pry open the packing case.

  10. 劳拉暗笑,向前倾,撬开了箱子。

    Laura smiled to herself and leaned forwards to pry open the packing case.

  11. 我对着太阳微笑,也在心中暗笑。

    I had smiled at the Sun and had smiled to myself.

  12. 有人暗笑着说,玛丽亚会怎么说呢?

    Somebody sniggered. what will Maria say?

  13. 她眼睫毛下全看清了,又气又暗笑。

    She saw it all clearly from underneath her eyelashes and was both angered and secretly amused.

  14. 坐在墙角的阿珍却掩着嘴暗笑。

    Ah Chen, sitting in the corner, was smiling surreptitiously behind her hand.

  15. 他的嘴唇闭着, 带着一个人暗笑的表情

    Kept his lips closed with the expression of a man inwardly laughing

  16. 一个暗笑在你唇上颤动。你问它我失败的缘由。

    A trembles on your lips, ask of it the reason of my failure.

  17. 董事一本正经地听我提意见,但我感到他一直在暗笑。

    The director listened to my complaints with a straight face, but I felt that all the time he was laughing up his sleeve.

  18. 一只手一直抓着栏杆,我边叹气边暗笑自己的推想。

    With one hand now always locked onto the handrail, I bemoaned and laughed about my predicament a little more.

  19. 我心里暗笑他的迂。他们只认得钱,托他们直是白托!

    I sniggered at father for being so impractical, for it was utterly useless to entrust me to those attendants, who cared for nothing but money.

  20. 想到明年要跟大家分享的数百个小帖子,不禁暗笑。

    I couldn't help grinning when I think of the hundreds of posts that I will share with everyone here in the coming year.

  21. 想这是撒一个玻璃质的谎,又脆薄,又明亮,汽车夫定在暗笑。

    A lie o f glass, thin acid transparent, he thought. The chauffeur must certainly be laughing to himself.


  1. 问:暗笑拼音怎么拼?暗笑的读音是什么?暗笑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暗笑的读音是ànxiào,暗笑翻译成英文是 laugh in one's sleeve; snigger; snicker




【读音】àn xiào




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