


1. 更 [gēng]2. 更 [gèng]更 [gēng]改变,改换:~正。~生(重新获得生命,喻复兴)。~衣(a.换衣服;b.婉辞,上厕所)。~定(改订)。~迭(轮流更换)。~递。~番。~新(旧的除去,新的建起)。~张(调节琴弦,喻变更……





汉语拼音:gēng shēn






  1. 夜深。

    唐 杜甫 《火》诗:“流汗卧江亭,更深气如缕。” 清 吴骞 《扶风传信录》:“是岁二月十八之夕, 素娥 復至,时已更深,生与妇俱已寝。” 夏衍 《长途》:“在旅店里谈到更深。”



  1. So far Germany is trying to have it both ways, and succeeding only in getting everyone deeper into the mire.

  2. He said the report should be read as calling "for deeper, broader, more high-level contacts with the Chinese. "

  3. (In this respect Western societies are not that different, just a bit further along the same path).

  4. While analysts have noted what appeared to be a change in tone from Mr. Kim, some suggest caution in reading too much into it just yet.

  5. Maybe I can't have more with you. I just a boy who no money and much education with.

  6. Tony was a little older and Sandy had worked for him in the Carter State Department, but I had known Sandy longer and better.

  7. That means investigators trying to prove investors were misled have to dig deeper into how lenders were doing business.

  8. The academic atmosphere there also excited me so much that I decided to get further systematic training in famous university.

  9. To get out of the former, your military advisors argued, you first had to get in deeper. And you chose to do so.


  1. 会伤你更深

    was gonna hurt you even more.

  2. 大街上,暮色更深。

    The evening deepened in the avenue.

  3. 蛋黄颜色也更深。

    The egg yolk is of a much brighter colour.

  4. 我陷得更深了。

    I'm sinking in deeper.

  5. 冬日的夜色更深一些。

    During winter nights, it is darker.

  6. 冬日的夜色更深一些。

    During winter nights, it is darker.

  7. 这个游泳池比那个更深。

    This swimming pool is deeper than that.

  8. 并沉入更深的虚无。

    And sink deeper into nothingness.

  9. 我们将提供更深得更改。

    We will provide further updates.

  10. 我们将提供更深的更改。

    We will provide further updates.

  11. 并习得更深层次的知识。

    You learn the next level of knowledge.

  12. 每走一步水就更深。

    The water was deeper at every step.

  13. 那些针就会刺得更深。

    The pins stick farther in.

  14. 也有了更深的了解呢?

    A deeper understanding of Ningbo?

  15. 她额上的皱纹更深了。

    The lines on her forehead had deepened.

  16. 底部超级通常比别人更深。

    Bottom supers are usually deeper than the others.

  17. 比他,被更深的旋涡吞没。

    And whelmed in deeper gulfs than he.

  18. 比他,被更深得旋涡吞没。

    And whelmed in deeper gulfs than he.

  19. 这些是来自大西洋。而且更深。

    This is from the Atlantic. Even greater depth.

  20. 相聚爱益切,离别情更深

    ABsence sharpens love, presence strengthens it

  21. 这说明你们的关系更深了。

    This heralds a period of deeper intimacy.

  22. 真皮折痕远远比皱纹更深。

    Dermo creases are much deeper than wrinkles.

  23. 哦, 天空!它们比你们更空, 更深。

    Emptier and deeper than you are, O Heavens!

  24. 真实不仅更深,它是在别处。

    The truth is not only deeper, it is elsewhere.

  25. 在你的钱包里挖更深的洞

    Dig deeper in your wallet

  26. 在你的口袋里挖更深的洞

    Dig deeper in your pocket

  27. 在中学里, 学生更深的知识。

    In secondary school, students get advanced knowledge.

  28. 在我死后,我必将爱你更深,更深!

    I shall but love thee better after death.

  29. 促进对法律程序的更深理解

    Promote better understanding of the legal process

  30. 第三,它们让你潜得更深

    Three, they allow you to go deeper.


  1. 问:更深拼音怎么拼?更深的读音是什么?更深翻译成英文是什么?

    答:更深的读音是gēngshēn,更深翻译成英文是 Deep throughout the night.

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