







汉语拼音:wò bìng






  1. A bad cold kept him in bed for a week.


  2. That was the beginning of a long illness. I had a nervous fever, and had to remain in bed for several months.


  3. As he was lying home sick, a little serving boy came in, and said, "Mister Chu, my master has sent me to invite you to eat with him. "


  4. They return home where Ellen is confined to bed with illness for a few weeks.


  5. His mother has been ill in bed for a week.


  6. Bedpan: A metal, glass, or plastic receptacle for the urinary and fecal discharges of persons confined to bed.


  7. About two months ago, Mrs. Zeng took in a stray cat, Amy, as a companion for her bedridden son.


  8. death or prolonged illness for the sake of his wife and children.


  9. confined to bed , she needed to be waited on in everything.


  1. 她卧病在床。

    She is sick in bed.

  2. 因卧病在床。

    Be in bed with illness.

  3. 不,他卧病在床。

    No, he's sick in bed.

  4. 他妈妈卧病在床。

    His mother sick in bed.

  5. 陈先生卧病了吗?

    Did Mr. Chen keep to his bed?

  6. 他卧病不能管事。

    He laid up and was absent from his affairs.

  7. 他多年卧病在床。

    He stayed in bed for years.

  8. 老人卧病在床,无人照管。

    The old man lies ill and neglected in bed.

  9. 长期的卧病使他骨瘦如柴。

    A long illness made a skeleton out of him.

  10. 她因感冒而卧病在床。

    She was confined to bed with a cold.

  11. 她因患流感卧病在床。

    She was confined to bed with the flu.

  12. 问题是他正卧病在床。

    The trouble is that he is ill in bed.

  13. 这疾病使她卧病在床。

    The sickness has confined her to her bed.

  14. 他们因发烧而卧病在床。

    They are lying down with fever.

  15. 长期卧病使我父亲瘦弱了。

    A long illness had emaciated my father.

  16. 长期卧病使这病人瘦弱了。

    A long illness have emaciated the invalid.

  17. 他有三个星期卧病在床。

    He was on his back for 3 weeks.

  18. 玛丽已经卧病在床多年。

    Mary has lain sick in bed for years.

  19. 她卧病有一个多星期了。

    She's been flat on her back for over a week now.

  20. 麻烦的是家父正卧病在床。

    The trouble is that my father is ill in bed.

  21. 麻烦得是家父正卧病在床。

    The trouble is that my father is ill in bed.

  22. 他因为流感卧病在床一星期

    he spent a week in bed with flu

  23. 他因为流感卧病在床一星期

    he spent a week in bed with flu

  24. 约翰因感冒卧病在床一星期。

    John was confined to bed for a week with his cold.

  25. 上周我重伤风,只好卧病在床。

    I had to take to my bed with a bad cold last week.

  26. 他被叫到卧病的父亲床边。

    He was called to the bedside of his sick father.

  27. 长期卧病后常会出现这种情况。

    That state often follows in the long confinement of illness.

  28. 我染上了急性风湿,卧病在床。

    I was laid up in bed with acute rheumatism.

  29. 我得了流感,一星期都卧病在床。

    I spent a week in bed with flu.

  30. 我卧病在床,倒也可以看电视。

    I was able to watch television from my bed of sickness.


  1. 问:卧病拼音怎么拼?卧病的读音是什么?卧病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卧病的读音是wòbìng,卧病翻译成英文是 be laid up

  2. 问:卧病的拼音怎么拼?卧病的的读音是什么?卧病的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卧病的的读音是,卧病的翻译成英文是 bedrid



wò bìnɡ 因病卧床。 唐 孟浩然 《晚春卧病寄张八子容》诗:“南陌春将晚,北窗犹卧病。” 宋 李清照 《<金石录>后序》:“至行在,病痁。七月末,书报卧病。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷二:“而先生自劾罢都御史 彭茶陵 ,直声震天下。后竟卧病不起,悲夫!” 徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·地质之光四》:“当他( 李四光 )在 重庆 卧病时,一天早晨忽然接到 印度 的 萨尼 教授来信。” [be confined to bed;fall sick;be laid up with illness] 患病不起,躺在床上

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