


1. 甚 [shèn]2. 甚 [shén]甚 [shèn]很,极:~好。~快。超过:日~一日。方言,什么:~事?表示进一层的意思:~至。~或。甚 [shén]同“什2”。……


1. 感 [gǎn]感 [gǎn]觉出:~触。~觉。~性。~知(客观事物通过感觉器官在人脑中的直接反映)。~官。使在意识、情绪上起反应;因受刺激而引起的心理上的变化:~动。~想。反~。好~。情~。敏~。~染。~召。~慨。~喟。~叹。自豪~。……







汉语拼音:shèn gǎn chà yì






  1. 网络
  2. wonder;deeply troubled

  1. 它甚感诧异多少人反应过度收到电子邮件垃圾邮件。

    It absolutely amazes me how many people overreact to receiving email SPAM.

  2. 这美女甚感安慰。

    The young woman was solaced somewhat.

  3. 前景令人甚感忧虑。

    The outlook is pretty grim.

  4. 见到他我颇感诧异。

    I was somewhat surprised to see him.

  5. 他的到来令我感诧异。

    His coming surprised me.

  6. 得悉病重,甚感难过。

    I am sorry to hear of your serious illness.

  7. 我对概念思考不甚感兴趣。

    I'm not very interested in conceptual thinking.

  8. 我的病使母亲甚感烦恼。

    Mother was much perturbed by my illness.

  9. 听了这个消息,我甚感宽慰。

    I was greatly relieved at the news.

  10. 我没在家找到他甚感失望。

    I was disappointed at not finding him at home

  11. 人口的增长让政府甚感棘手。

    The population increase makes the government feel hard.

  12. 我方未能按承诺供货, 甚感抱歉。

    We are very sorry that we were unable to supply your order as promised.

  13. 新得测试标准令学生甚感不悦。

    New testing standards ruffled the students'feathers.

  14. 新的测试标准令学生甚感不悦。

    New testing standards ruffled the students' feathers.

  15. 他对此事的处理方式我甚感佩服。

    I was impressed by his handling of the affair.

  16. 她甚感内疚, 让两天时间白白过去了。

    She felt guilty that two days had been lost.

  17. 王子因为猜错而甚感失望便离开了。

    The prince was greatly disappointed at guessing wrong and went away.

  18. 她很怀念他,并对他的离去甚感遗憾。

    She was subsequently to miss him greatly, and was desperately sorry to see him go.

  19. 他搞定漂亮女人的能力令我们甚感惊讶。

    His ability to pick up beautiful women amazed us.

  20. 他搞定漂亮女人的能力令我们甚感惊讶。

    His ability to pick up beautiful women amazed us.

  21. 目前, 英国的加工工业甚感熟练劳动力不足。

    Current, treatment industry of England feels very skilled labor is insufficient.

  22. 目前,英国得加工工业甚感熟练劳动力不足。

    Current, treatment industry of England feels very skilled labor is insufficient.

  23. 对出售啤酒太迟一事, 我们甚感失望。

    It is a matter of great disappointment to me that so much delay has taken place in the sale of beer.

  24. 并对她在法庭上数次昏厥甚感不快。

    Nor are they happy with her repeated fainting spells in court.

  25. 琳达的父亲走进她的教室时, 她甚感惊讶。

    Linda's eyes popped out when her father entered her classroom.

  26. 琳达得父亲走进她得教室时,她甚感惊讶。

    Linda's eyes popped out when her father entered her classroom.

  27. 人们都说老师是辛勤的园丁,为此我甚感自豪。

    It is the gardener of the hot line that people all say the rabbi, for this I very feel proud of.

  28. 我们对后一种方式甚感兴趣, 并将予以优先考虑。

    We are very much interested in the latter, which will be given top consideration.

  29. 最后我们点了两个菜, 对价钱得便宜甚感惊讶。

    We eventually pick two meals, marvelling at the cheapness.

  30. 最后我们点了两个菜,对价钱的便宜甚感惊讶。

    We eventually pick two meals, marvelling at the cheapness.


  1. 问:甚感诧异拼音怎么拼?甚感诧异的读音是什么?甚感诧异翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甚感诧异的读音是,甚感诧异翻译成英文是 amazed




拼音:chà yì诧(诧)组词:诧异诧

拼音: chà, 笔划: 8部首: 讠五笔输入法: ypta笔顺编号:45445315英文:1·to be surprised at2.surprise; amazement

近义词:惊诧 惊讶 诧异


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