


1. 感 [gǎn]感 [gǎn]觉出:~触。~觉。~性。~知(客观事物通过感觉器官在人脑中的直接反映)。~官。使在意识、情绪上起反应;因受刺激而引起的心理上的变化:~动。~想。反~。好~。情~。敏~。~染。~召。~慨。~喟。~叹。自豪~。……







汉语拼音:gǎn tàn cí






  1. Used to express surprise or sarcasm, after quoting the word or phrase of another.


  2. Start this chapter on the meaning and voice interjection classification, recrystallization literature to describe their combined corpus.


  3. The first one is to discuss the beginning of Interjection.


  4. Used to declare the checkmate of an opponent's king in chess.


  5. Most of these exclamations have survived from earlier days.


  6. Whoops : An exclamation that translates roughly into "get a sponge . "


  7. Used as an exclamation of approval or encouragement.


  8. Used to express surprise or annoyance.


  9. The expressions range from mild to strong, from exclamations and oaths, to curses and swear words.


  1. 惊讶之感叹词

    Holy moses.

  2. 热心的感叹词

    hubba hubba.

  3. 困惑时使用的感叹词。

    A word used in exclamations of confusion.

  4. 干杯!祝酒时所用的感叹词

    Used as a toast.

  5. 天哪!和哎哟都是感叹词。

    Good Heavens! and Ouch! are interjections.

  6. 对英语感叹词的几点探讨

    A Tentative Study of English Exclamations

  7. 英语中的感叹词该怎么用呢?

    How do I use interjections in English?

  8. 英语中的感叹词该怎么用呢?

    How do I use interjections in English?

  9. 他的话语中从来没有感叹词。

    There are no interjections when he speaks.

  10. 关于俄语成语性感叹词的探讨

    On Russian idiomatic exclamation

  11. 论英语感叹词情感语义的特点

    The emotional semantic meaning of the English interjection

  12. 行, 好表示同意或理解的感叹词

    Used to express agreement or understanding.

  13. 谈英语感叹词的特点及汉译

    On characteristics and Chinese translation of English interjections

  14. 用作表达赞同或鼓励的感叹词

    Used as an exclamation of approval or encouragement.

  15. 其他流行的感叹词结合神圣与其他词。

    Other popular exclamations combine holy with other words.

  16. 喂或再见见面或分手时用的感叹词

    Used in greeting or parting.

  17. 那不过是一个表示惊讶的感叹词。

    That was an exclamation of surprise.

  18. 感叹词既不表示词汇意义, 也不表示语法意义。

    They show neither the lexical meaning nor the grammatical meaning.

  19. 从茶馆的两个译本看感叹词的翻译

    Translation of Interjection in Two English Versions of Teahouse

  20. 俄语感叹词是表达情感和意愿的词。

    Russian exclamations are words that express feeling and willingness.

  21. 感叹词是说话人用来表达情感的词。

    An interjection is a word used to express an emotion or sentiment by a speaker.

  22. 俄语原生感叹词的发音与情感意义

    Articulation and Emotive Colors of the Russian Nonderivative Interjections

  23. 唉呀, 真是用于表示惊讶或强调的感叹词

    Used as an exclamation of surprise or emphasis.

  24. 好哇用作表达赞同或鼓励的感叹词

    Used as an exclamation of approval or encouragement.

  25. 国际象棋中宣告对手的。国王。被将死的感叹词。

    Used to declare the checkmate of an opponents king in chess.

  26. 在这种情况下, 产品的属性是一个感叹词的一个名词。

    In this case, the product's properties are an interjection and a noun.

  27. 感叹号用在表达以下意义的感叹词、短语或句子之后

    This is used after an exclamatory word, phrase, or sentence expressing any of the following

  28. 英语感叹词是英语中的一个小词类, 其重要性往往被忽视。

    Interjection in English is a small part of speech and its importance has been often ignored.

  29. 突然意识到自己干了很愚蠢的事时, 通常用这个感叹词。

    An exclamation that usually follows the sudden realization that you did something stupid.

  30. 突然意识到自己干了很愚蠢得事时,通常用这个感叹词。

    An exclamation that usually follows the sudden realization that you did something stupid.


  1. 问:感叹词拼音怎么拼?感叹词的读音是什么?感叹词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:感叹词的读音是gǎntàncí,感叹词翻译成英文是 a variant of 叹词

  2. 问:感叹词的拼音怎么拼?感叹词的的读音是什么?感叹词的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:感叹词的的读音是,感叹词的翻译成英文是 interjectional

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