




1. 鸟 [niǎo]鸟 [niǎo]脊椎动物的一纲,温血卵生,全身有羽毛,后肢能行走,前肢变为翅,一般能飞:~类。候~。益~。~语花香。……



汉语拼音:tuó niǎo



  1. 即鸵鸟。

    《后汉书·和帝纪》“大爵” 李贤 注引 晋 郭义恭 《广志》:“大爵,颈及身、膺、蹄都以橐驼,举头高八九尺,张翅丈餘,食大麦,其卵如瓮,即今之驼鸟也。”《新唐书·西域传下·吐火罗》:“ 永徽 元年,献大鸟,高七尺,色黑,足类橐驼,翅而行,日三百里,能噉铁,俗谓驼鸟。” 徐珂 《清稗类钞·动物·食火鸡》:“食火鸡,与驼鸟同类异属。”参见“ 鸵鸟 ”。



  1. If you put beef, mutton, kangaroo, emu or any meat, then camel meat will be the lesser fat than all of them, " he said. "


  2. Food Suggestions: Smoked sausages, grilled ostrich fillet, duck with cherries, venison and pheasant casseroles, and meaty pasta dishes.


  3. Finally, the newly born ostrich just gives in and flops down to rest after the hatching ordeal.


  4. Raymond: Let's see? There're hippos, tigers, lions, ostriches, peacocks, camels, donkeys, wolves, foxes, deer. . .


  5. I came out still more exotic and fantastic always than any ants, ostriches, mountains.


  6. girded with sapphire amulets, ostrich feathers, ivory.


  7. I want to hide myself in a unknown place just as the ostrich in desert.


  8. To bury your head in the sand is to fool yourself.


  9. I saw an ostrich on Uncle Yang's farm.


  1. 驼鸟长成八尺高。

    The ostrich grows to a height of eight feet.

  2. 大驼鸟通常站起来能超过六英尺。

    A large ostrich will stand more than 6 feet.

  3. 像是驼鸟相信时间是唯一解药

    Just like an ostrich, I believe time is the only solution

  4. 驼鸟羽饰没有再真正流行起来。

    Ostrich feathers never really came back.

  5. 最后决定不用驼鸟睫毛画画了吗

    Decided not to paint with the bird lashes after all?

  6. 驼鸟是双腿跑得最快得动物。

    Ostrich is the fastest animal on two legs.

  7. 暂停输入南非共和国禽肉及驼鸟肉

    Republic of south africa poultry and ostrich meat imports suspended

  8. 用驼鸟毛镶边的一套粉红色服装。

    A pink dress trimmed with ostrich feathers.

  9. 那你呢?我的同他一样,驼鸟回答。

    I'll have the same, the ostrich replies.

  10. 用蓝宝石的护符, 驼鸟毛, 象牙系紧。

    girded with sapphire amulets, ostrich feathers, ivory.

  11. 其中以非洲驼鸟体型最大, 产蛋最多。

    Among them with African ostrich bodily form the biggest, produce an egg most.

  12. 听说养驼鸟可以致富, 我们也试养了一些。

    I heard that one can become rich by raising ostriches, so I tried raising some.

  13. 听说养驼鸟可以致富,我们也试养了一些。

    I heard that one can become rich by raising ostriches, so I tried raising some.

  14. 驼是新西兰得国鸟, 它就是这些不能飞行得鸟类之一。

    The kiwi which is New Zealand's national bird, is one of these flightless birds.

  15. 那教我一只驼鸟有多少腿而且我说三。

    The teach asked me how many legs an ostrich has and I said three.

  16. 她可以用同样巧妙的言辞,描写驼鸟和大象。

    She can describe an ostrich or elephant with equal felicity.

  17. 我在杨叔叔的农场里看到了一只驼鸟。

    I saw an ostrich on Uncle Yang's farm.

  18. 小驼鸟试着站起来,摇摇恍恍地从这头走到那头。

    The tiny bird tries to stand only to stumble here and there.

  19. 我想要掩藏自己在一个未知的地方正驼鸟在沙漠。

    I want to hide myself in a unknown place just as the ostrich in desert.

  20. 你不能像驼鸟一样把头埋在沙子里,那是自欺欺人。

    To bury your head in the sand is to fool yourself.

  21. 最后, 这只刚接受黑暗考验的小驼鸟, 摔个四脚朝天。

    Finally, the newly born ostrich just gives in and flops down to rest after the hatching ordeal.

  22. 在他的宴会上有时吃驼鸟,说是犹太人曾被命令吃它们。

    And sometimes at his banquets he served ostriches, saying that the Jews had been commanded to eat them.

  23. 湖畔绿茵重重, 盛产驼鹿, 黑熊, 飞鼠和潜鸟。

    Hell. I dont know why anyone would to be a Navy diver.

  24. 驼是新西兰的国鸟,它就是这些不能飞行的鸟类之一。

    The kiwi which is New Zealand's national bird, is one of these flightless birds.


  1. 问:驼鸟拼音怎么拼?驼鸟的读音是什么?驼鸟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼鸟的读音是,驼鸟翻译成英文是 ostrich



驼鸟是非洲一种体形巨大、不会飞但奔跑得很快的鸟 ,特征为脖子长而无毛、头小、脚有二趾。是世界上存活着的最大的鸟。现代鸟类中最大的鸟,高可达3米,颈长,头小,脖子长裸,嘴扁平,翼短小,不能飞,腿长,脚有力,善于行走和奔跑。雌鸟灰褐色,雄鸟的翼和尾部有白色羽毛。生活在非洲的草原和沙漠地带。

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