




1. 蜡 [là]蜡 [là]动物、植物或矿物所产生的油质,具有可塑性,易熔化,不溶于水,可溶于二硫化碳和苯:石~。蜂~。~版。~笔。~疗。~染。~人。~纸。~烛。~黄(形容颜色黄得像蜡)。~丸。……





汉语拼音:chā là zhú






  1. 方言。比喻停着不动。

    茅盾 《故乡杂记》第二:“触霉头格轮船!半路上插蜡烛!今朝到埠勿过七点钟,算我的东道!”



  1. Most Western countries are in the birthday cake candles on interpolation, and then those with a birthday cake with food.


  1. 插蜡烛的尖的金属钉。

    A sharp metal spike to hold a candle.

  2. 他们正在蛋糕上插蜡烛。

    They're putting the finishing touches on it now.

  3. 蛋糕用脆皮装饰, 上面插蜡烛。

    The cake is decorated with icing and has candles on its top.

  4. 观看着壮观的焰火表演, 跳舞, 在沙滩上插蜡烛。

    Revelers arrive to watch the spectacular fireworks display, dance, and plant candles in the sand.

  5. 安开始把蜡烛插到她的生日蛋糕上。插完, 她数了数。

    He said they carried with them a Bible signed by the President and a cake.

  6. 然后,把这根蜡烛插在一个金属烛台上,堂而皇之地放在桌上。

    The candle was then placed in a metal candlestick which stood openly on the table.

  7. 我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。

    I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.

  8. 一个插着蜡烛的纸杯蛋糕就很浪漫。

    A cupcake with a candle on it is romantic.

  9. 浑身插满蜡烛得蛋糕活脱就是一只刺猬。

    The birthday cake all around with candles looks like an urchin!

  10. 吃饭前,我们会在蛋糕上插上蜡烛,我再把蜡烛吹灭。

    Before dinner, we put candles on the cake and I blow the candles.

  11. 一年只有一次, 你会收到很多礼物和插着蜡烛的蛋糕。

    It comes a year. You get lots of presents and a cake with candles.

  12. 祭坛东边放一小捆谷物,它里面也要插上一枝蜡烛。

    On the eastern side of the altar should be placed a small sheaf of grain with a candle inserted inside it.

  13. 我在火炉上把一块冰冻的蛋糕融解, 在顶上插了一根蜡烛。

    I thawed a frozen cake over my fire, placed a candle on the top.

  14. 生日, 如果有蛋糕, 我想只插一条蜡烛, 来迎接我的新生活。

    Birthday, if there is cake, I want to just insert a candle, to meet my new life.

  15. 你可以在祭坛上插一支蜡烛或放些其他对你有意义的物件。

    You might like to place a candle on your altar and objects that have meaning to you.

  16. 生日聚会上还一定要有插着点燃着得蜡烛得生日蛋糕。

    A birthday cake with burning candles is also at one's birthday party.

  17. 生日聚会上还一定要有插着点燃着的蜡烛的生日蛋糕。

    A birthday cake with burning candles is also at one's birthday party.

  18. 在生日聚会上, 插着燃着的蜡烛的生日蛋糕是必不可少的。

    A birthday cake with burning candles is also indispensable at one's birthday party.

  19. 这一回, 他又把点着得蜡烛往嘴里一插, 给他们开心解闷。

    He entertained them on this occasion by trusting the lighted candle into his mouth.

  20. 这一回, 他又把点着的蜡烛往嘴里一插, 给他们开心解闷。

    He entertained them on this occasion by trusting the lighted candle into his mouth.

  21. 她在蛋糕上插上了一支点燃的蜡烛。

    She put a lighted candle on the top of the cake.

  22. 卧室的门被牢牢的插上, 一只小细蜡烛在里面闪动。

    A single taper flickered in Ambreenes bedchamber as she shot the door bolt into place with steady hands.

  23. 母亲在厅堂里插了一株圣诞树,树的周围点缀了蜡烛和银铃。

    My mother had set up a Christmas tree in the parlor decorated with candles and bells.

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