


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……





汉语拼音:fēn liǎng






  1. 一分一两。谓分量,轻重。

    宋 叶梦得 《避暑录话》卷上:“但云此病若何,当服何药,是在《千金》某部第几卷,即取纸书授之,分两不少差。”《红楼梦》第八四回:“太太説了,叫二奶奶亲自把分两对準了呢。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第一一一章:“ 萧长春 听了,在心里掂了掂分两。”



  1. Some of tablets appear to be Lexical Lists, written in two or three columns.


  2. It consists of two steps with a combination of a global search method and a nonlinear local search method.


  3. "There is going to be a two-stage process. It is not physically possible to do all of this in one step, " he told Fox News.


  4. What about taking the prints in two shipments Two thousand rolls in seven weeks, and the remainder a week later.


  5. A schema name can be up to 30 bytes long and is used as the high order part of a two-part object name.


  6. So far as means of expressions is concerned, Chinese painting can be divided into two schools: the xieyi school and the gongbi school.


  7. They also can apply for a combined construction and operating license known as COL, which before required two separate steps.


  8. The point of Newton is, two things in the Law of Inertia, which one may think is trivial.


  9. Tomato was initially introduced into China by two routes through seaway, and Guangdong should be one of the earliest landings.


  1. 分两班工作

    work in two shift.

  2. 花园分两层。

    The garden is arranged on two levels.

  3. 分两批吃晚饭。

    Dinner was in two sittings.

  4. 分两拨儿干活

    work in two groups.

  5. 我的朋友分两种。

    My friends come in two varieties.

  6. 我的朋友分两种。

    My friends come in two varieties.

  7. 样品拆分两类标准

    Two Sorts Standard of sample disassembly

  8. 初学者,可以分两步。

    Abecedarian, can divide a pace.

  9. 他们分两班轮流划船。

    It was a sheer gamble.

  10. 这个问题分两个部分。

    The problem was twofold.

  11. 负面的后果分两方面。

    As for the negative result, there are two aspects.

  12. 这个问题分两个部份。

    The problem was twofold.

  13. 这项工作分两阶段进行。

    This exercise is divided into two stages.

  14. 我建议你们分两批装运。

    I suggest that you make shipment in two lots.

  15. 这一理念要分两步走

    And the idea has two core stages.

  16. 其经济地位又分两部分。

    They may again be divided into two categories according to their economic status.

  17. 我们都知道碱液分两种。

    See because there are two kinds of lye.

  18. 一共五次面谈, 分两天进行。

    A series of five interviews will be spread over two days.

  19. 分色和上网分两个工序进行。

    Colour separation and screening are being done in two separate steps.

  20. 组织分两个阶段实施记录管理。

    An organization implements records management in two stages.

  21. 有些学生多的学校分两批上课。

    Some crowded schools have double sessions.

  22. 饭厅很小,所以午饭分两批吃。

    The dining hall is small, so there are two sittings for lunch.

  23. 甜菜夜蛾卵的周质分两层。

    The periplasm of eggs included two layers.

  24. 开机调试的过程分两个阶段进行。

    The plant will be commissioned in two stages.

  25. 澳大利亚的鲍鱼养殖也分两种类型。

    Abalone farms in Australia at the two types.

  26. 近视可以分两种,即高度近视和普通近视。

    Myopia can be divided kind, namely high myopia and common myopia.

  27. 一个原子分两部分, 一部分叫原子核, 一部分叫电子。

    An atom has two parts, the nucleus and the electrons.

  28. 男人只分两种一种是好色,另一种是十分好色!

    Man cent 2 kind 1 kind is lewd , another is very lewd !

  29. 其他选手将在9月2日前分两批到达。

    Other members will arrive in two groups before september2nd.

  30. 用作柴油机得燃料可以分两大类。

    Fuels for diesel engines may be considered under two broad headings.


  1. 问:分两次缴入拼音怎么拼?分两次缴入的读音是什么?分两次缴入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分两次缴入的读音是fēn liǎng cì jiǎo rù,分两次缴入翻译成英文是 double application

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