




1. 兀 [wù]兀 [wù]高而上平,形容秃山,泛指秃:~鹫。“蜀山~,阿房出。”高高地突起:~然(a.高高突起的样子;b.突然;c.昏沉无知的样子)。突~。中国元曲中用作发语词:~那。~的(dì)(a.这,这个;b.怎么,怎的;c.突然……



汉语拼音:tū wù









  1. 亦作“ 突杌 ”、“ 突屼 ”。高耸貌。

    《文选·木华<海赋>》:“鱼则横海之鲸,突杌孤游。” 李善 注:“突杌,高貌。” 唐 卢照邻 《<南阳公集>序》:“逶迤绰约,如玉女之千娇;突兀峥嶸,似灵龟之孤朴。” 唐 黄滔 《祭先外舅文》:“东寻玉籙,则 龙虎 嵳峩;南访 金沙 ,则 罗浮 突屼。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十九:“突兀高颧,浓眉毛,压一双赤眼。” 叶圣陶 《记金华的两个岩洞》:“山相当高,突兀森郁,很有气势。”

  2. 特出;奇特。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·品藻》:“ 刘尹 目 庾中郎 ,虽言不愔愔似道,突兀差可以拟道。” 唐 施肩吾 《壮士行》:“有时误入千人丛,自觉一身横突兀。” 宋 司马光 《瘿盆》诗:“癭盆生以丑自鬻,突兀当轩耸羣目。” 元 麻革 《杨将军坰马图》诗:“淡淡生绢一片云,眼中羣龙何突兀。”

  3. 端坐貌。

    唐 杜甫 《八哀诗·故著作郎贬台州司户荥阳郑公虔》:“未曾寄官曹,突兀倚书幌。” 仇兆鳌 注:“突兀,端坐之貌。”

  4. 猝然。

    唐 韩愈 《送僧澄观》诗:“火烧水转扫地空,突兀便高三百尺。” 宋 司马光 《苦雨》诗:“喧豗流潦怒,突兀坏垣秃。” 冯德英 《苦菜花》第一章:“ 王柬芝 的突然回来,莫说他的妻子、女儿很惊异,就是他本人也不能不感到生活变化得实在突兀,环境变换得实在急速。”

  5. 奇怪;别扭。

    宋 王銍 《默记》卷下:“﹝ 子厚 ﹞曰:‘一置兹山,一投 汉水 ’亦可,然终是突兀。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“ 俊卿 看见,心里有些突兀起来。” 明 车任远 《蕉鹿梦》第五折:“我昨日砍柴,似梦非梦,打得一个鹿。打时节,恰像是真,寻不着又道是梦。心中突兀,放他不下,夜来当真做一梦。”



  1. Thus, when u see a sudden green area near the city, you'll know there likely used to be a burial ground who had accomplished its mission.


  2. Startled looked haggard unexpected windows of the branches, are facing the effort to call early spring festival of light rain.


  3. But at least the novelty is wearing off: nearly a year on, multiparty rule no longer feels quite so alien.


  4. By such figments of the brain, in the face of unsettled and disturbing conditions, he was becoming used to the idea of a new alliance.


  5. Lonesome voice in cold winter rings out to seem to be so suddenly, desolate.


  6. A block down the street, a chunk of graffiti-sprayed concrete has been stuck beside the door of a very modest museum.


  7. Quite suddenly, after the long search for a quantum mechanics, there existed two competing and seemingly antithetical versions.


  8. adj. In the present instance he took no notice of my abrupt vocal response.


  9. The candle was almost gone. Less than an inch remained jutting from a pool of warm melted wax to cast its light over the queen's bed.


  1. 突兀的山石

    towering crags.

  2. 怪峰突兀。

    A grotesque peak thrusts itself towards the sky.

  3. 岩石突兀的悬崖绝壁

    rugged cliffs

  4. 维克多突兀发问。

    Victor popped the question.

  5. 维克多突兀发问。

    Victor popped the question.

  6. 具有突兀, 几乎垂直的侧面。

    having a prominent and almost vertical front.

  7. 在平地上看,群山突兀。

    The mountains frown down on the plain.

  8. 我们的讨论突兀地被缩短了。

    Our discussion was abruptly curtailed.

  9. 我们调了次序才不致太突兀。

    We changed the order so it wouldn't be so obvious.

  10. 面对这样突兀的问题,她笑了。

    She smiled at the incongruity of the question.

  11. 这里得山峰以山石突兀而出名。

    The peaks here are famous for their towering crags.

  12. 这里的山峰以山石突兀而出名。

    The peaks here are famous for their towering crags.

  13. 百泉山上奇峰突兀,景色壮观。

    The Baiquan mountain has towering peaks, it's a magnificent scene.

  14. 乔治的情况改变得太过突兀。

    The change in george's circumstances was abrupt.

  15. 就这么突兀地想你,不需要理由。

    So abrupt miss you, no reason.

  16. 光秃秃的树突兀地立在雪中。

    The bare trees stood out starkly in the snow.

  17. 这部电影的结尾有些突兀和含混不清。

    The ending of the movie is somewhat abrupt, and unclear.

  18. 这部电影的结尾有些突兀和含混不清。

    The ending of the movie is somewhat abrupt, and unclear.

  19. 事情来得这么突兀,使他简直不知所措。

    It all happened so suddenly that he didn't know what to do.

  20. 从这个角度来说,山脉会显得鲁莽突兀。

    Mountains would seem impertinence from that point of view.

  21. 使用迷人的字体样式和减轻,直至使突兀。

    Using attractive and reduce the font style, until the unexpected.

  22. 他是一个战斗型的海军军官,突兀,果断。

    He was a naval officer of the fighting type, abrupt, decisive.

  23. 这人,冷静而突兀,让人见了又害怕,又心安。

    This calm, abrupt man was both terrifying and reassuring at one and the same time.

  24. 清冷的声音在寒冬响起显得那么的突兀, 寂寥。

    Lonesome voice in cold winter rings out to seem to be so suddenly, desolate.

  25. 突兀响亮, 像士兵放下步枪枪托墩在地上。

    Sudden and loud as the sound of a soldier grounding his musket.

  26. 长笛在这儿显得突兀,犹如优雅的小姐在老烟枪身边

    The flute would Be intruding here like a delicate lady at a cluB smoker

  27. 长笛在这儿显得突兀, 犹如优雅得小姐在老烟枪身边?

    The flute would be intruding here like a delicate lady at a club smoker?

  28. 对大部分人来说,他们的天生缺陷看起来很突兀。

    To most of the world, their handicap looks debilitating.

  29. 这种器械一点都不突兀,易于在飞机,火车等上使用。

    It unobtrusive and can easily be used in an aeroplane, train, etc.

  30. 鲜花摆上之后,突兀的混凝土墙便显得柔和起来。

    Stark concrete walls have been softened by a show of fresh flowers.


  1. 问:突兀拼音怎么拼?突兀的读音是什么?突兀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:突兀的读音是tūwù,突兀翻译成英文是 abrupt; towering



突兀(tū wù)

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