







汉语拼音:yú bō







  1. 江河的末流。

    《书·禹贡》:“导 弱水 至于 合黎 ,餘波入于 流沙 。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·汳水》:“又东至 梁郡 蒙县 ,为 濉水 ,餘波南入 淮阳 城中。”

  2. 引申指少量的水。

    宋 苏轼 《乞子珪师号状》:“又於六井中控引餘波,至 仁和门 外,及 威杲 、 雄节 等指挥五营之间,创为二井。”

  3. 指馀势未尽的波浪。

    《文选·木华<海赋>》:“若乃霾曀潜销,莫振莫竦,轻尘不飞,纤萝不动,犹尚呀呷,餘波独涌。” 李善 注:“言风虽静而餘波犹壮。”《文选·郭璞<江赋>》:“鼓洪涛於赤岸,纶餘波乎紫桑。” 李善 注:“餘波,涛之餘波也。”

  4. 比喻存留下来的影响。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·夸饰》:“自 宋玉 、 景差 ,夸饰始盛……及 扬雄 《甘泉》,酌其餘波。” 明 刘基 《杭州富阳县重修文庙学宫记》:“吾闻 富春 之山, 严子 所耕。其高风劲节,播为元气, 东都 节义之士,莫非其餘波也。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·马上日记·六月二十五日》:“生病。--今天还写这个,仿佛有点多事似的。因为这是十天以前的事,现在倒已经可以算得好起来了。不过余波还没有完。”

  5. 犹馀泽。比喻前人的流风遗泽。

    唐 杜甫 《上韦左相二十韵》:“独步才超古,餘波德照邻。” 宋 张淏 《云谷杂记·袁客师》:“世谓当为宰相者,左右自有神物护持,忧虞不可妄干,固不待言,然餘波所及,又可使他人转祸为福也。”



  1. But it's been pointed out that this uptick is probably only an echo of a small baby boom in the 1980s, and may not sustain itself.


  2. Crisis jeopardizes national politics and economy in the matter of its outburst, graveness, influence and aftereffect .


  3. Mr Tao argues those problems are mild compared with the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution, when he began his studies.


  4. The global financial crisis and its aftermath continued to preoccupy policymakers.


  5. In the aftermath of the bank run, many borrowers will find it harder to get loans and will have to pay more for them.


  6. What a contrast to the aftermath of the massacres themselves, which saw many decades pass before the truth began to emerge.


  7. The consequences of American households' shift to higher rates of saving are continuing to ripple through the U. S. -China relationship.


  8. Instantly, die, but current pentium debunked still pouring in volume and surface waves roar, on the wind.


  9. Statoil would not speculate on whether it would be hurt by fallout from the prize.


  1. 通货膨胀的余波

    inflation left ever from old China

  2. 这场纠纷余波未平。

    The trouble hasn't ended; there are still repercussions.

  3. 结尾。尾声。结局。续集。余波。

    sequel, postlude, epilog, epilogue, afterplay

  4. 历史也证明余波仍将持续。

    History, too, suggests the hangover will last.

  5. 那些余波是对痛苦的逃避。

    The reverberations are an escape from the pain.

  6. 这宗丑闻引发的余波已经消失。

    The feathers from that scandal have settled.

  7. 最后在爱情的余波中走向墓地。

    Finally, in the aftermath of love toward cemetery.

  8. 他们陷于该事件的政治余波中。

    They were caught in the political backwash of the incident.

  9. 并看到战争的另一面及余波。

    and see a different side of war and its aftermath.

  10. 北京正在努力对抗毒奶粉余波。

    Beijing is struggling with fallout from adulteration of milk with the industrial chemical melamine.

  11. 大批企业在经济衰退的余波中破产。

    Large numbers of businesses went bankrupt in the aftermath of the recession.

  12. 我们的小船在大船经过的余波中摇摆。

    Our boat rocked in the wash of a large ship.

  13. 虽然经济危机已过,但是萧条余波仍在。

    Though the recession is officially over, its fallout is still spreading.

  14. 因此, 我们对战争留下的余波感到大吃一惊。

    We were thus much surprised by the wars aftermath.

  15. 警察受贿案公开之後, 引起极大的余波

    There be a lot of fallout after the police bribe be make public

  16. 警察受贿案公开之後,引起极大得余波

    There be a lot of fallout after the police bribe be make public

  17. 亚洲金融危机的余波仍然影响着商业活动。

    The fallout from the Asian financial crisis has continued to affect business.

  18. 警察受贿案公开之后, 引起极大的余波。

    There was a lot of fallout after the police bribes were made public.

  19. 警察受贿案公开之后,引起极大得余波。

    There was a lot of fallout after the police bribes were made public.

  20. 密电门的余波让首次让公众一窥信息战的真面目。

    The aftermath of Cablegate led to the first publicly viewable infowar.

  21. 警方说这场冲突是昨天全国大罢工的余波。

    The police said the clash was a sequel to yesterday's nationwide strike.

  22. 委内瑞拉有争议的总统选举余波仍然继续。

    The fallout from Venezuelas disputed presidential election continues apace.

  23. 这一仗留下了不少余波, 一连几天都没有止息。

    Tag ends of the battle spouted for a few days.

  24. 这部电影的余波就是让我仍不敢自己上床睡觉。

    The aftereffect of this movie made me not want to go to bed alone.

  25. 伊朗六月的总统选举以及血腥的余波拖延了其回应。

    The Iranian response was delayed by the presidential elections in June and their bloody aftermath.

  26. 我读到了最近智利的地震 海啸的余波动荡了 整个太平洋

    I read about the recent earthquake in Chile and the tsunami that rippled across the entire Pacific Ocean.

  27. 美国家庭储蓄率上升,对中美关系的影响余波未泯。

    The consequences of American households shift to higher rates of saving are continuing to ripple through the U. S. China relationship.

  28. 这在第一次世界大战的劫后余波中就已经昭然若揭了。

    This was already clear in the aftermath of World War I.

  29. 在这场灾难余波之后,任务的规模和范围已经难以控制。

    In the aftermath of the catastrophe, the scale and scope of the mandate have become almost unmanageable.

  30. 在战争和压迫的余波下,人们经常被告知要忘掉一些事情。

    In the aftermath of fighting or repression, people are often told to forget things.


  1. 问:余波拼音怎么拼?余波的读音是什么?余波翻译成英文是什么?

    答:余波的读音是yúbō,余波翻译成英文是 aftereffects

  2. 问:余波迹拼音怎么拼?余波迹的读音是什么?余波迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:余波迹的读音是yú bō jì,余波迹翻译成英文是 trail of swell



“余波”是个多义词,它可以指余波(魔兽争霸3游戏地图), 余波(内江市老龄委办公室主任), 余波(2008年电影), 余波(词语释义), 余波(艺术家), 余波(芭蕾舞员)。

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