







汉语拼音:gēng fàn







  1. 羹汤和饭。

    《乐府诗集·横吹曲辞五·紫骝马歌辞》:“羹饭一时熟,不知飴阿谁?” 唐 韩愈 《山石》诗:“铺床拂席置羹饭,疏糲亦足饱我飢。”

  2. 特指祭奠死者的饭菜。

    《水浒传》第二六回:“ 武松 叫士兵去安排羹饭。 武松 就灵床前,点起灯烛,铺设酒肴。”



  1. 网络
  2. ng

  1. 当这顿饭的主菜鱼翅羹摆在我面前时,我还是把它吃了。

    When the soup the centerpiece of the meal was set down before me, I ate it.

  2. 残羹剩饭喂狗了。

    The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.

  3. 学会如何使用残羹剩饭。

    Learn how to use leftovers in recipes.

  4. 残羹剩饭全都给狗吃。

    The leavingsof meals areall given to the dogs.

  5. 把剩饭残羹拿去喂狗。

    Feed the remains or the meal to the dog.

  6. 盛满残羹剩饭的污水桶

    A slop bucket full of scraps of food

  7. 我们给狗留了些残羹剩饭。

    We saved some scraps for the dog.

  8. 侍者把残羹剩饭倒入泔脚桶里。

    Waiters put their leftovers in the garbage can.

  9. 他不是在挑食,他只是在敷衍残羹剩饭!

    He's not being fussy, he's just stalling for table scraps.

  10. 这乞丐只想要些残羹剩饭而已。

    The beggar wanted nothing but some scraps.

  11. 这乞丐只想要些残羹剩饭而已。

    The beggar wanted nothing but some scraps.

  12. 农民用厨房里的残羹剩饭喂猪。

    Farmers feed kitchen leftovers to the pigs.

  13. 农民们用厨房里的残羹剩饭喂猪。

    Farmers feed kitchen waste to the pigs.

  14. 我说我们只吃残羹剩饭就行了。

    I said we'd just eat up the odds and ends.

  15. 老鼠乱窜,在垃圾中寻找残羹剩饭。

    The rats scurry around, searching for scraps of food in the rubbish.

  16. 你肯定喂了它们剩饭残羹这类东西了 吧?

    You feed them swill and such stuff?

  17. 这只狗偶尔能从饭馆得到些残羹剩饭。

    Occasionally the dog will get scraps of bread and meat from the restaurant.

  18. 这只狗偶尔能从饭馆得到些残羹剩饭。

    Occasionally the dog will get scraps of bread and meat from the restaurant.

  19. 我所得到的唯一食物就是这家人的残羹剩饭。

    The only food I ever got was the family's leftovers.

  20. 也不要喂给宠物任何含洋葱的残羹剩饭。

    Also, do not feed your pet table scraps that contain onions in any shape or form.

  21. 她现在只能靠剩下的那一点残羹冷饭过日子。

    She has nothing but crumbs of that feast to live on.

  22. 远处, 一只豺狗暗中注视, 觊觎狮子的残羹剩饭。

    A jackal watches from a distance, hoping for a few scraps when the lions are done.

  23. 它们就靠从丢弃的残羹剩饭和下水道的污物长肥的。

    garbage , sewage they feed on. fizz and red bank oysters

  24. 他们刚刚吃了早餐,看着那些残羹剩饭,我简直透不过气来。

    They had just finished their breakfast, and the sight of the remains of it almost overpowered me.

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