




1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……



汉语拼音:gōng zhōng






  1. 犹公众,大伙。




  1. Not one of her heroines ever shares everything with a true confidant, and everybody has secrets.


  2. This is online map of the address "Cheng Nei Lu Gong Zhong Jie Long Quan Xiang , Yicheng County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, China" .


  3. Put the melted butter with sugar and egg white in a big bowl.


  1. 建设工程招标投标中三公原则的实践环节

    Practical Links of Three Opens Principle in Inviting Bids and Entering Bids in Construction Projects

  2. 他在这一代人中被公认为最具天赋的人。

    He was reckoned to have the greatest talent of his generation.

  3. 我因公离开, 匆忙中就忘了所承诺的事。

    I was called away on business, and in the rush forgot todo as I had promised.

  4. 将溶化的奶油, 砂糖, 蛋白放入大碗公中。

    Put the melted butter with sugar and egg white in a big bowl.

  5. 公园中兴庆湖即在原兴庆公中龙池原址建成。

    Xingqing lake in the park was built on the relics of dragon pool in the original xingqing palace.

  6. 他把自己设想成一部小说中的主人公。

    He identifies with the hero of a novel.

  7. 摘要盘瓠是图腾形象,是畲族盘瓠传说中的主人公。

    Panhu is a kind of totem image, and is the main character in the legend of Panhu.

  8. 鲁滨逊是笛福的著名小说鲁滨逊漂流记中的主人公。

    Robinson is the protagonist in Defoe's famous novel The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

  9. 读小说时,她经常想入非非,把自己当成书中的主人公。

    When reading novels, she often takes off on a flight of fancy where she becomes the protagonist in the book.

  10. 读小说时,她经常想入非非,把自己当成书中的主人公。

    When reading novels, she often takes off on a flight of fancy where she becomes the protagonist in the book.

  11. 鱼雷翕中公算

    torpedo attacking probability

  12. 他同情小说中的女主人公。

    He identifies with the heroine of the novel.

  13. 鲍勃是那小说中得男主人公。

    Bob is the hero of the novel.

  14. 他扮演小说中放汤的王人公。

    He plays the novel's rakish hero.

  15. 布鲁克斯是该小说中的男主人公。

    Brooks is the hero of the novel.

  16. 杰西开始边走边谈论电影中的男主人公。

    Jess started talking about the male lead in the movie as we walked.

  17. 在高校中开展清洁生产公选课的实践探索

    Fulfillment of Developing of Elective Course Cleaner Production in Institution of Higher Learning

  18. 事实上,三部曲最严重的缺陷在于书中的男主人公。

    The most crippling weakness of the trilogy, however, is its hero.

  19. 玛蒂尔德是莫泊桑代表作项链中的女主人公。

    Mathilde is the heroine of The Necklace, a magnum opus by Maupassant.

  20. 威禄的提名,已将选举变成了一个有关流放中的他信的公投。

    The nomination of MS yingluck has turned the election into a referendum on her exiled brother.

  21. 此公深得棋中之趣。

    The chariot is in danger!

  22. 后者一直包装在公钥证书中。

    The latter are always wrapped in public key certificates.

  23. 正如在现有技术中所公知的

    as is known in the art

  24. 论公外英语教学中的文化输入

    On Introducing Cultural Input into College English Teaching

  25. 山水画艺术风格转捩中的黄公望

    Huang Gongwang in the Change of the Artistic Style in Chinese Landscape

  26. 论公羊学在俞樾经学思想中的地位

    The Status of Gongyang Study in Yuyue's Thought of Confucianism

  27. 船舶吃水公估货量中的注意事项

    Precautions in assessing cargo quantity by means of ship draught

  28. 盐酸中的汞大约有8公吨被收回。

    Approximately8 metric tons of mercury is reclaimed from the hydrochloric acid.

  29. 书中女主人公是作者的真实写照。

    The female dramatis personae in this book is a real portraiture of writer.

  30. 寓言故事中的愚公, 只有妻子, 没有情人。

    Fable of the Foolish Old Man, only his wife, not lover.

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