




向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……



汉语拼音:fèn jìn








  1. 振奋向前;奋勇前进。

    三国 魏 曹植 《蝉赋》:“翳轻躯而奋进兮,跪侧足以自闲。”如:向前奋进。



  1. Sixty years of the Endeavor, was like a sleeping dragon, dream wake up, stand in the east of Britain. Let the world in awe.


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  4. The faster that you can get out of the hole, the sooner you'll start feeling relief and start saving aggressively towards your big goals.


  5. The U. S. space shuttle Endeavour arrives at the International Space Station and is ready to dock with it on Sunday.


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  7. Poor people by the point, especially when there's nothing wrong constraints of life, childhood bitterness Endeavor Energizer life.


  8. From day one, we have been a very hard working company with long hours and tough goals.


  9. The Colbert treadmill will wind up in Tranquility, along with some extraordinary rocks mounted on a plaque aboard Endeavour.


  1. 部队向前奋进。

    The troops advanced bravely.

  2. 团结奋进, 锐意创新

    work together in an innovative spirit

  3. 鼓励年轻人会使他们奋进。

    Praise youth and it will prosper.

  4. 澳大利亚长江研究奋进奖学金

    Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowships

  5. 时间在催促他不断地奋进,

    The time has come for him to rise

  6. 老人的挚爱是催人奋进的。

    The devotion of the aged couple is inspiring

  7. 奋进中的青海铝型材厂

    Qinghai Aluminium Product Works is Progressing Vigorously

  8. 团结奋进, 坚定不移地推进改革开放

    Lead the people forward in solidarity and press ahead

  9. 历史关头的壮举与持续奋进

    Great Achievement and Sustainable Development on the Historical Juncture.

  10. 澳大利亚国际研究生研究奋进奖学金

    Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships

  11. 它代表着纯洁, 为完美而奋进,

    it represents purity, effort for perfection

  12. 高举传统文化的大旗奋进

    It Is High to Raise the Banner of Traditional Culture and to Advance

  13. 澳大利亚职业与技术教育奋进奖学金

    Endeavour Vocational and Technical Education Awards

  14. 亚泰人永结同心, 团结奋进。

    Yatai person draw together to struggle.

  15. 他一直在朝着心中的理想奋进。

    He works hard for his dream.

  16. 理想是人生的太阳,是催人奋进的动力。

    Sun is the ideal life is the driving force for us.

  17. 奋进号航天飞机上个月返回了地球。

    The Space Shuttle Endeavour returned to Earth last month.

  18. 文艺是民族精神的火炬,是人民奋进的号角。

    Literature and art is the torch of national spirit and the bugle call for people's advancing.

  19. 诚信,奉献,开拓,奋进是公司矢志不渝的追求。

    Honesty, devotion, striving, and development is the eternal pursuing of the Co.

  20. 认真、正直、道德上奋进的维多利亚人。

    An earnest, upright, morally striving victorian.

  21. 本届党政领导班子年富力强, 团结奋进, 富有战斗力。

    The current party leadership the prime of life, forging ahead in unity and full of fighting.

  22. 催人奋进的励志故事,扬起你理想的风帆。

    Inspiring stories of raceup your ideal sail.

  23. 它因积极乐观、催人奋进而被广为传诵。

    It is widely read for its positive and courageous tone.

  24. 教学楼里名言警句启人哲思,催人奋进。

    Teaching Lou famous aphorism Kai people philosophizing and inspiring.

  25. 奋进拼搏鼓起勇气,望着国旗举起金杯。

    Encourage your heart to fight, raise golden cup watching national flag.

  26. 奋进号航天飞机于2001年12月5日飞入太空。

    The space shuttle Endeavor was launched into space December 5 th, 2001.

  27. 今天是我朝着梦想努力奋进的唯一的日子。

    Today is the only day I have to work on my dreams.

  28. 但是,许多催人奋进的成功光辉例证比比皆是。

    But there are many bright and motivating examples of success everywhere.

  29. 管理是一种感召人、鼓舞人、鞭策人奋进的文化。

    Administration is a kind of stimulating, inspiring and furthering culture.

  30. 对于属猴的人来说, 这将是奋进的一年。

    This an advancement year for you Monkey.


  1. 问:奋进拼音怎么拼?奋进的读音是什么?奋进翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奋进的读音是fènjìn,奋进翻译成英文是 To go forward bravely.

  2. 问:奋进棘蝇拼音怎么拼?奋进棘蝇的读音是什么?奋进棘蝇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奋进棘蝇的读音是fènjìnjíyíng,奋进棘蝇翻译成英文是 Phaonia fortis

  3. 问:奋进号海峡拼音怎么拼?奋进号海峡的读音是什么?奋进号海峡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奋进号海峡的读音是,奋进号海峡翻译成英文是 Endeavour Strait

  4. 问:奋进号太空梭拼音怎么拼?奋进号太空梭的读音是什么?奋进号太空梭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奋进号太空梭的读音是,奋进号太空梭翻译成英文是 Space Shuttle Endeavour

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